
Relationship Between The Spinal Cord, Medical Logo (Caduceus), and
The Story Of King Arthur
In the middle of the spinal cord
there are three
energy currents. One of
them is a straight
energy current which
connects the base of the spine directly to the pituitary gland. The
other two currents intertwine around this central
energy current.
The two intertwining
energy currents continue
until they end in the two sides of the nostrils. It is through these
currents that prana (life-force)
is mostly absorbed through breathing, and it is these two
energy currents that are strengthened and opened through
breathing exercises (Pranayama).
There is a very delicate channel
(passageway) in the center of the central nerve. This passageway is
where the central current flows. It is through this channel that the
spiritual force latent at the base of the spinal cord (kundalini) is
raised to its goal or seventh spiritual center (pituitary gland).
Wherever the two intertwining
energy currents meet
with each other and make a point together with the central
current, a great power center (chakra)
will form. The first point where these three
currents meet is at the very base of the spinal cord. This point
then is the first
chakra or psychic
center. There are four more points where these currents cross each
other. With this, the second, third, fourth, and fifth
chakras are formed.
The first
is at the anal area, the second at the sexual organ, the third at
the navel, the fourth at the middle of the chest, and the fifth at
the throat area. Then the two intertwining
energy currents are
separated and they end up at the sinus area in the two sides of the
nostrils. The central
energy current continues
to the middle of the brain, passing through the pineal gland (third
eye) into the pituitary.
The first five
chakras are related to
the five elements in the manifested world: the first
chakra to the solid
factor (earth); the second, liquid factor (water); the third,
luminous factor (fire); the fourth, aerial factor (air); and the
fifth, ethereal factor (ether). Therefore, the two intertwining
energy currents and
their functions are related to the manifested world. That is why
they form the first five
The central
current, however, continues to the pineal gland (the
third eye), which is
the sixth
chakra. This current
continues to the pituitary gland or Master Gland, which is the
chakra. These last two
chakras merely work with the spiritual aspects of the human.
Therefore we can say that the central current and its channel
connect man to the spiritual aspects of the universe.
Not only is the central
energy current a
passageway for the kundalini to rise and open higher
chakras (understandings), but also through this passageway and
the seventh
chakra, a direct
connection to the spiritual world is established. Although this
connection is always there, the awareness of this connection will
not be realized until the kundalini is raised.
Because these three
energy currents are
deeply connected together at the very bottom of the spinal cord, and
as explained, the two intertwining currents are responsible for the
functions of the human related to the manifested world, then the
central energy current
and its passage by being connected to the two other currents, create
a bridge between the physical body and spiritual world (Universal
Mind, the world beyond the manifested one, etc.).
By understanding this, a person
realizes the connection between the physical body (manifested
portion of the human) with its spiritual part (spirit and
Soul). He also sees where this connection is established in the
body. It is the spinal cord and its functions which bridge this
connection. That is the reason it is said: If a person wants to gain
complete health and happiness, he or she should keep the spinal cord
in the best shape possible. This truth was known to the ancient
physicians. This can be realized by understanding the relationship
between the medical logo (Caduceus) with the materials described
The Caduceus, which is used
universally all throughout the earth, consists of a sword with two
serpents which
intertwine on the two sides of this sword. The sword is the symbol
for the central current or spiritual passage (the sword of spirit)
in the spinal cord, and the two
serpents are the two
energy currents around
the central one. They make five points of connection with each other
and the central current, symbolizing the five
The two
serpents are also the
symbol of duality in the manifested world, the good and the bad, the
spirit and the matter, the yin and the yang, etc. The
with its head at the right (looking at the picture of Caduceus) is
more spiritual. It is Yin. It symbolizes the intertwining
current with its ending at the left nostril, which is connected with
the functions of the left portion of the brain.
at the left is related more to matter and to the manifested world.
It is Yang. It is the same as the nerve ending at the right nostril
or the functions of the right side of the brain. Through observing
the nostrils, we can create a balance between these two forces
(spirit and matter). In fact, health can be obtained by having this
balance. When one of the nostrils is blocked, it is a sign that
there is either some problem in the matter regarding that side, or
the balance between the two forces is disturbed.
It is by this observation of Yin
and Yang that some people try to create a balance between them and
become healthy. They are familiar with foods which have Yin or Yang
in them. With this knowledge, they maintain the balance between
these two sides.
This truth, as was mentioned
above, was known to the ancient seers. That is why the symbol of a
sword and the
serpent was chosen as
the representation for the goal of medicine. That implies that if a
person creates a balance and a calmness between the two
serpents, through the sword, a balanced life and radiant health
will be gained. That is the secret of a healthy balanced life.
The two
serpents could also be
considered as the separation between the spiritual world (Yin) and
the material world (Yang) in the confused era of the past. This is
the reason that only one
serpent whose head is
at the right, has replaced the two
serpents, now that we are close to the dawn of the New Order of
the Ages (in fact that is how the Caduceus used to look in ancient
times). The message is that all is spirit and the balance will come
when everything is healed through spirit.
The sword which is used in the
medical logo has the same symbolic meaning as the sword -- Excalibur
-- mentioned in the story of King Arthur. The sword of King David is
shown to be inserted inside a stone.
The sword (Excalibur) indeed is
the sword of spirit. Only the One who will take this sword out of
the stone will be worthy to be the King. It is offered to all who
would like to take up the challenge. But only the One who can take
the sword out of the stone is the Anointed One.
The kundalini, which is the
spiritual force in the human, is like a sleeping
serpent within the first spiritual center (controls solid
factor, stone) in the human body. This first center is the very
bottom of the central energy
current (passageway) which is connected to the two other currents in
the spine. When the kundalini has not been raised, no spiritual
realization can be gained, and man is a rational animal. Therefore
the sword of the spirit (Excalibur) cannot be used. This process has
been symbolized by Excalibur being planted inside the stone (latent
spiritual forces). The kundalini should be raised, which is
symbolized by taking the Excalibur out of the stone. Then the
two-edged sword of spirit can be used for a great purpose or His
Will. Such a person becomes an instrument for
or King Arthur.
As the intention (spiritual
energy) is directed
toward mundane life and the external world, the sword is useless and
is engrossed into the stone (first
chakra). But when
intention or spiritual energies are directed toward things higher
than mundanity, then the sword, with His
Grace, will be loosened
up (raising of the kundalini) and will become a double-edged sword
of truth which will cut through the falsity, and its owner will
become a Knight (Elect).
As it was said, to take the sword
out of the stone and to become the King was offered to all. That is
why many mighty men answered the call and took up the challenge. But
none of them succeeded. Then Arthur, the Anointed One, a humble man,
only through His Grace,
was able to take the sword out and proclaim himself the rightful
owner of the title of King.
It was through him, the Anointed
One, who was a
channel for
to radiate His truth and Grace, that the other mighty men became unified and the Round
Table became possible.
The list of the supplements (Table
of Contents)