
God's Laws
vs. Man's Laws
God's Laws, such as the
ones brought by Moses and
Prophet Muhammad,
have been misused in many societies. Still they have great merits
when they are properly implemented.
a crime has been committed by a person and it is certain that it was
committed by him, then it should be considered if this was the first
time. If so, most probably the punishment should be as lenient as
possible. If that person is also repentant and promises never to do
it again, he should be freed.
the crime is repeated, then the punishments recommended by Moses and
Muhammad (Divine
Laws) have greater merits than the present systems. In the present
systems, first, the prisons gradually destroy the spirit and most
men are destroyed mentally through the process. Secondly, to
keep the prisons going is costly.
quick physical or financial punishments, which are recommended by
Laws, a person will receive the result of his action, is punished,
and most probably will not do it again. Also it is a quick response
to the crime committed. So the spirit will not be destroyed in the
process of a long imprisonment, and with no prisons there also will
not be much expense.
However, as explained all through our writings, we have to create
just societies first, and the judges should be so in tune with the
Divine Justice that they would be flexible enough to bring justice
to any individual cases. Otherwise no matter which law is used, it
can be misused and justice will not be!
emphasize, the present prison systems are worse than physical or
financial punishments recommended by
Divine Laws. The
Divine Laws might hurt a
person physically or financially, but the prison system destroys the
spirit which is much greater than the physical body or financial
Probably the best approach is to give a person a chance of choosing
between a physical and/or financial punishment or imprisonment.
The list of the supplements (Table
of Contents)