
Go to The Source
Anytime a Great
Light (teacher) comes to
earth, many are attracted to him. They become the disciples.
However, each disciple can filter only a part of this great
Light. Those who in the second level hear or see these
disciples, judge the Light
by their (the disciples') sayings and/or actions. They receive only
a much dimmer
light. This dimming
effect can continue until a very little or no
light is left from the original teachings.
That is why in our
teachings only the sayings or actions of the original teacher have
been considered. It does not matter how great the disciples were,
they still have their own personalities and points of view. They can
never understand completely the experience that the Source (First
Begotten Son) had gone through, "The disciple is not above his
master..." (Matthew 10:24). They may, however, reveal great
truth, but not all of it.
Therefore, do not
judge the Source by the disciples. Listen to what the disciples have
to say, but eventually go to the Source. Only a direct experience
with the Source can give you the total picture and depth of the
Source. Even the Source in the body eventually should take you to
the Ultimate; only then can you be a true disciple.
The list of the supplements (Table
of Contents)