
Children and
A child in the womb
of his/her mother is one with her in all levels of existence,
physically (uses the same resources of existence), mentally, and
emotionally (shares the same spirit). These two beings indeed are
one in these levels. It is only at the time of birth that the
Soul enters the body of the fetus and they become two separate
However, the oneness
of their physical, mental, and emotional links lasts a lifetime. An
etheric bond will continue to exist between them. This relationship
is the strongest in each person's life, unless there are greater
bonds existing between the child and others from previous lives. If the child is a Great Soul and feels he only belongs to
God, he will eventually
transform this bond toward
Transformation of
this relationship from only the mother to others starts by the child
experiencing contact with other people.
If the
transformation of this etheric bond is not spread to many
relationships in early childhood, the person becomes very selective
in his or her relationships and creates an egocentric approach in
life. Such a person will look only for his own interests in life,
create a manipulative approach in his relationships with others (as
he learned to manipulate his mother), and will look for only one
other person to cling to.
Communities will
help to alter this attitude. With many people around, especially if
the raising of the child is shared with many in the community, the
etheric bond from the mother will be expanded to others and the
one-to-one relationship will be broken. New experiences and
vibrations will be felt by the child. So he or she will expand the
sphere of his or her being and will create an
open relationship with many.
As these children
grow older, with the community being connected with other
communities and the external world, they will expand themselves even
in a greater degree. This expansion of their relationships
eventually will lead to
Because this first
etheric bond is formed with a woman, transformation from being
connected with female
to male
should be gradual. Also the effect of
energy is different than
energy. That is why the
child should come in contact with
energies in a greater degree with increasing age (especially for
boys) and different settings (when his or her logical
mind starts to develop). This has been the reason for women
being chosen as the main beings to rear the child in the younger
ages until 7 or 8.
To share the
experience of contact with others by providing babysitters for the
child is not the same as community rearing. The motivation in being
a babysitter may not be pure and loving. This vibration will be felt
by the child. So the experience will be negative and
counter-productive. The loving vibration and willingness of the
person other than the mother to be with the child and share herself
with him is extremely important. It should be a heart (fourth
energy (etheric)
connection. Any lower energy will not do.
To live with a
single parent in a house or apartment or even in one culture or
level of social status, will create men and women of limited
experience, which will result in
of the mind,
a feeling of being separate from the rest,
egotism, and
self-centeredness. These are all the diseases of the
mind and the base for
the suffering of the individual and
Therefore, again we
can see how Communities of Light, networking between these
Communities, and our teachings, are the way to dissolve limited
egos into the Universal Ego
and to bring Oneness to All, besides many other benefits.
With the present
lifestyles and the way the world is going, man is further pushed to
believe that he has to be concerned only for one's self. This
attitude will accelerate the process of being more self-centered and
the eventual result will be utter destruction.
The way out is
expansion, sharing, and not being self-centered. The way out is
given in our teachings. It is up to those who see it to respond to
The process
explained above is the way which will be helpful in the development
of the
subconscious mind. The
subconscious mind
is accumulated knowledge from our present and past lives. By
expansion (dissolving) of the
subconscious mind,
a person will accelerate his progress of bridging the barriers
between the conscious mind and
Unconscious Mind
(Universal Mind).
When this
intermediary consciousness (subconscious
mind) is overcome, there is only conscious mind and
Unconscious Mind
remaining. The narrower the experience of the
subconscious mind,
the more difficult will be the possibility of realizing the
Universal Mind (Unconscious
Mind). The more expanded the
subconscious mind
(experiences of the present lifetime) the greater the possibility of
knowing the Universal Mind.
In fact in the
ultimate state, the
subconscious mind
and Universal Mind
become One.
The capacity of
expanding our subconscious mind is also related to our experiences from the
past, and of course, His
meditation is the
process of expanding the
subconscious mind
into the
Unconscious Mind
Universal Mind.
Communities of Light
accelerate this process.
The list of the
Supplements (Table of Contents)