O, Son Of Man

thousands of years humanity has longed for a truth, revelation, or
knowledge that explains the unity of
God behind all mystical experiences, previous revelations, and
religions of the world, and the truth behind the universe (science). There have been mystical explanations of
from those claiming they have experienced the truth by direct
contact with
Spirit. There are also
those who have founded great religions of the world. However, a
great confusion still reigns among spiritualists, religions of the
world, and the many different branches within each religion.
is partly because of the lack of knowledge of the followers of each
religion, that they each are a part of a greater truth (Eternal
Divine Path). If this is understood by each and every one of
them, they have no choice but to be unified. Also, it is partly
because God
(Infinite) can be explained and understood in Infinite ways. Each
group or branch has closed itself to any input from other
realizations. The ultimate realization of
God is an individual
achievement not based on any organization, church, denomination,
group, etc. Spiritual beings are not chosen by men (organizations,
etc.). God chooses those He
Lastly, this confusion and separation among humanity in the
spiritual level is because of those (intellectual
spiritualists) who have created dogmas which have resulted in
many sects and cults born out of each religion and/or mystical
experience(s). Whatever separates man from man, or for that matter
any part of the universe from any other part, is not from
unifies; ego (intellect
without spirit) divides.
Every explanation and mystical experience has some truth. Each of
these truths appeal only to some people. However, the whole is the
sum total of all and more. The ultimate truth is personal
there is another disciplinary body that is trying to unveil the
truth behind the universe through experimental studies, the
sciences. They have presented one powerful tool to this process:
verification of each theory by observation, reasoning, and
scientific experiments through scientific tools (models, machines,
theories, etc.). However, science can only go so far. Science can
only explain the universe to the brink of the physically manifested
universe and spirit. Then it reaches a point where scientific
experiments and observations no longer are possible. Science no
longer can explain!
Scientists can verify the different forces working in the universe
and/or particles existing, but where these forces have come from they
cannot explain. They see a logical and explainable manifested
universe but what or who is this logic behind it, they cannot know.
If they cross this point and call this logic, "God,"
then they pass the threshold of science and spirit. They are no
longer accepted as scientists; they have entered the realm of the
However, science and Spirit (God)
are as close now as they ever have been in known history. There
is a very thin layer separating them. Even this layer has been
shattered by many who have started to see or have seen these two as
One. Many scientists have reached a point where they have begun to
accept a unified base for the manifested universe. They realize that
there is a single Law (God)
operating the whole creation. The mystics are also accepting science
as a way to verify the truth behind the manifested universe. However, the ultimate step which would make these two One has not
yet become universal.
of the aims of
(The Holiest Of The Holies) is to bring the spirit
(mystery) and science (practical verification of creation) together.
Besides the mystics who have had direct experience with the
spirit and
the scientists
who have reached the threshold between the spirit and manifested
universe, there are also others.
There are those who are called religious people. They are suspicious
of any scientific explanations or anything which is not according to
their dogmatic beliefs. The scientists are logical and beyond
emotional bounds. The mystic is sure and detached from any dogmatic
fury. However, those with dogmas are emotional and easily aroused
and/or manipulated.
There are also many who claim they have had direct experience in the
spirit, or claim they
are chosen, but are not. These can be a great obstacle in the path
of a seeker of the truth. These claims stem from nothing but
ego. That is why it has
been said, "Beware of
false prophets,
which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ravening wolves" (Matthew 7:15). Every individual has the power to
God. When such an
experience occurs, purity will permeate from the person, which is
ego. Such people then can
God (mysteries).
the question can arise: What is the role of the great religions of
the world? It is here that the concept of
Messiah comes into play. There have been many great mystics and
religious beings, but few have come to establish a great religion in
the world or reveal a great truth to humanity. These great spokesmen
have appeared in the last six thousand years or so.
There usually is a long period of prophecy of their coming. It is to
distinguish them from any other ordinary spiritual event or claim.
Also it is to prepare humanity for each step of the revelation of a
Master Plan.
Master Plan has been formulated to be revealed gradually to
humanity. It is a seven-step path which reveals an
Eternal Truth for humans to progress to their ultimate Goal. Each
part of this Plan has been revealed to humanity by the
Christ (Messiah);
the culmination or synthesis of this Plan is revealed in THOTH.
Prior to the last twelve thousand years, man had the knowledge of
spiritual powers. He was able to manipulate them. However, he did
not follow the Eternal Truth which had been revealed to him
in order to keep creation in its purity and harmony. He misused his
powers and knowledge. That is why he failed, and that is when great
disasters befell him.
was then that it was decided to create human history, and only guide
him spiritually by revealing the truth of this Eternal Path
during the last twelve thousand years. This path has been recognized
and existed from (in) eternity. It is a path of
spirit. So it is
Divine. That is the reason it is called the
Divine Path.
seven-step path,
Divine Path, is revealed to humanity in the form of a sign,
The Greatest Sign. In this sign not only have the seven stages of the
Divine Path been crystallized, but it is shown that each
step in the path is the focal point of one of the great religions of
the world.
first step in this path is concerned with all the
Mystical Paths,
which explain the relationship between man and
God (universe). These
teachings are the ancient wisdom that has come to us. This first
seal also covers those religions that are based on mystical
experiences (such as
Hinduism, Cabbala,
Sufism, etc.). The understanding of this first seal (step) is the
spirit of all religions.
next six steps each represent one great religion or revelation that
has been revealed to humanity. Each of them are explained to
represent one truth, which when all six are put together with the first step
(mystical understandings), reveals the whole process of the
Divine Path.
Greatest Sign also explains Creation and History,
reveals the essence of "Be"-ing (God)
and much more. The whole teaching in
evolves around
The Greatest Sign
and is based on It. Still new realizations can be recognized about
Greatest Sign as a person meditates on It. It can be
Infinitely explained.
Greatest Sign not only reveals the
Eternal Divine Path, but also unifies all the religions of
the world. So It unifies humanity. Even if a person calls himself an
atheist or an agnostic, they most probably believe in science.
The Greatest
Sign can even help them to see the Logic behind
science. In short, if one is open, and is not closed by believing in
a set of dogmas, he can see
in the universe. Then all humans can be unified under Him.
shape of
Greatest Sign has been designed to be built as a
Temple. This will accelerate the unity of all of humanity.
Besides unification of all religions of the world and mystical
knowledge, it has also been foretold that
God's Kingdom will come to
earth at the end of this era (world). The sign of such a longing can
be seen all throughout the earth.
dawn of a new era has been felt by millions. The signs of the end of
the old era are apparent in every corner of the earth. This new era
is not to return to the old, but to combine the old and the new to a
synthesized (whole) way of life. The new era is the time of
realizing and implementing the ancient truths combined with new
technology (with the use of natural, renewable, and pollution-less
resources) to improve the life of man. The new technology will free
man from the mundane. The ancient truths will guide him to the Goal.
new way of life necessitates a new system to make it workable. This
new era can neither exist based only on diversity and the
decentralized mode of the agricultural era, nor on the centralized,
unified notion of the industrialized period.
coming of the new era will be more diverse than the agricultural
period, but will be highly connected to the rest of humanity or even
the universe. This system, therefore, has not only to recognize and
accommodate for this diversity, but also to maintain the unity
between the complex, interrelated components existing on earth.
is why the uniqueness of every individual and community has to be
recognized, by allowing them to function based on their desired
(designed) destiny and culture. However, each and every community
will also be connected through their need to participate in the
system. This allows diversity to exist in the unified body of
humanity. The inter-relationship between them, in the long run, will
gradually bring a unified and greater culture on earth.
present such a system is another main purpose of THOTH. This system is an integral part of the
Divine Path and
Greatest Sign (Second Seal). This system will bring
justice to All. Justice is closest to the Heart of
Messiah (Christ),
a true Saint (Mystic), or anyone who is One with
God, has the
Grace of
God with him. Salvation is
possible only through His
Grace. Such people,
through His
Grace, can each lead a
person to Him (salvation).
Greatest Sign, the
Divine Path,
and THOTH, Is the ultimate manifestation of
Christ. They are the sum total of all there IS. They not only
lead an individual to
God, but also the whole of
humanity collectively.
God alone Is Salvation.
Amen ( ).
Table Of Contents.