
Tablet Three
Desires To See That His Kingship Is Known And Accepted (Established):
<1>As it is shown in
The Greatest
Sign, the symbol of the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth
is one part of The Plan of the Lord. The sign was given to the
who are the
Elected Ones
chosen to establish this Kingdom. <2>The structure of the
Kingdom or its Hierarchy was revealed through Moses to the
Children of Israel.
<3>So it is
God's desire that the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth be established and man progress
toward his goal with as little suffering as possible.
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth
in general can be defined as any environment that provides at
least the minimum physiological and safety needs, and all other
activities are directed toward self-realization and
God-realization, and serving His universe. <5>In
a broader sense, it is to create a worldwide system and environment
that allows the physiological and safety needs of humanity to be
satisfied while all other aspects of human life are directed toward
the true goal of life (Divinity).
Only In Such An Environment Is Peace, Tranquility, And Prosperity
Possible For Humanity. Otherwise Suffering Will Continue To Be
<6>Only in such an environment with a
worldwide system having a universal view, and with understanding
God's ways, can man have truth and tranquility on earth. <7>Otherwise
the suffering for humanity will continue. <8>So it is a duty
for all to endeavor to understand the truth behind this universe and
bring the Kingdom of
God by accepting Him as the
only King and Leader, His Hierarchy as the only Hierarchy, and His
Laws as the only Laws.
Mount Zion
Is Given To Humanity:
is given as the shape of a pyramid with four sides, a square base
(square is the most stable base), and an eye at the top.

<10>This sign is used on one side of
the Great Seal of
America. The eye at the top is the eye of
God watching and guiding His System, which is the rest of the
pyramid as the Hierarchy. <11>It has four necessary elements
or pillars symbolized by the four sides of the pyramid.
<12>These four sides or pillars on which this
system is based are: the administrative body, the judicial body, the
legislative body, and the
<13>These four parts will be described at
length in the next section (Part II), but in brief, from the
functional point of view, the administrative, judicial, and
legislative bodies are similar to the present human system.
<14>But what this present system lacks is the process of
selecting the
true leaders and
the observer or witness part of the system (the
<15>A similar system was given to Moses for
administering the
Children of Israel.
<16>But later on they did not follow it, longed for an
earthly king, "like all the nations" (I Samuel 8:5), and rejected
God as their King (
<17>This is the greatest mistake a society can make.
<18>Therefore beside these four necessary
pillars, it should not be forgotten for a moment that the leaders
should seek the Will of the Lord and trust in Him. <19>Only
with such a system can His Kingdom be realized on earth as it is in
<20>That is why the new order or era will
dawn after this system is implemented on earth (NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM
= The New Order of The Ages)2
<21>and whatever efforts are made to bring about this New
Order of The Ages are favored and blessed by
God Has favored Our
1 Hebrew means, "those who have passed
beyond, or those who have overcome (Elected Ones)."
2 Sentences used with this sign
on the American Seal. (Back)