
Tablet Fifteen
A Recommended House
For Twelve People:
<1>A recommended housing for those twelve
people who truly want to be close physically, mentally and
spiritually is a housing complex which is built around a circular or
a six-sided (hexagon) center:

<2>So there will be six houses around the
<3>In each house one couple with their children will reside
and the hexagon center will be their place of worshipping. and
<4>With this set-up, although each family has
relative privacy, they still will be close together and can use the
center as a place of love, sharing, worshipping and becoming one.
<5>Such a house also can be used to invite
others to their private
temple and share their oneness with them. <6>These twelve
people will also be a unit of decision-making and a base to create
the system, and there are many other advantages.
<7>Each of these six houses should become a
center of love and as a healthy unit (family) to build the society.
<8>Then after each individual learns how to create a great
family, the next step is to become a good citizen of his small
community and to be able to share with the rest of the twelve
people, and then reach the rest of the community.
<9>All of these will help a person's growth
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. <10>Of
course, such an arrangement can only continue to exist if it is
based on God and His Laws.
Otherwise the
and selfishness will destroy it. <11>However, one of the
functions of the family (marriage) and this twelve people
arrangement is to dissolve the ego-centeredness and make a person
reach out of himself, follow the
Divine Path in his environment, and create the KOHOE.
<12>Then after this training ground, he can
reach out to the other communities which surround him and eventually
toward the whole universe.
<13>So in truth this is a training place to create
true leaders who
are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually balanced with
having developed the ability to live with others. <14>So they
can grow to lead others to the path of righteousness (Divinity).
<15>This arrangement can even be expanded,
and twelve such housing complexes can be built closely to create a
second level of decision-making, and twelve of such twelve houses
will be the third level. So there will be at least 12 x 12 x 12 =
1,728 (or more) which can be called a community. <16>Then a
community center can be built to serve them on a broader scale.
<17>The greater number of such communities
created, the better. That is because then more people will
participate in the decision-making process and also in the selection
of the administrative, judiciary and eventually the Elder members.
<18>So the possibility of
true leaders with
true characteristics emerging increases.
Approach With Objective Adjustment:
<19>"Subjective approach" means a constant
approach toward our goal or ideal or perfection. "Objective
adjustment" is to adjust ourselves and our ideal to the situation we
are in now. <20>Therefore, the two phrases together,
"subjective approach with objective adjustment" means to ceaselessly
strive toward our goal, ideal, and perfection, but to be flexible
enough to adjust ourselves with the situation we are in. However, we
should never stop progressing.
<21>In implementing the system of government which was
explained previously, this approach is very important. The
explanations are the ideal system and the eventual goal. But there
can be some adjustments before we reach the ultimate. <22>This
law is applicable in all approaches and goal achievements.
Progressive Nature Of
The Universe:
<23>The very nature of the universe is
progressive and all things are marching toward perfection. <24>It
is true about everything, even our system. So if in the future this
system can be perfected, or by progress of humanity to a higher
level of consciousness, altered, this can be viewed as an
evolution in the
system toward its perfection.
<25>However, it should be progressive, not
counter-evolutionary. It can be improved or adjusted. But its base,
which is to bring justice, peace, and progress into the universe,
should not be
To The Rule:
<26>The system described above, or any other
approach to human existence, should not become a rigid set-up. As
the chart of normal distribution in statistics shows, there are
always exceptions which exist in any kind of distribution.
<27>In fact it is the few positive exceptions
to the rule which usually bring greater change and progress. <28>Therefore
no system or set-up should become so rigid as to destroy or slow
down these exceptional talents to bloom and manifest themselves.
<29>The very nature of the universe, in its highest state, is
free, happy, and progressive. Anything that opposes this basic right
is not natural, will create suffering and will eventually be
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