
The Hierarchy
Tablet Twelve
The Place Of Each Class In Society:
<1>As it was described in the book The
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth, there are five active human types in
society. <2>They are:
Shudras (laborers),
Vipras (intellectuals),
Vaeshyas (businessmen)
Brahmins (true
spiritual people).
<3>Also there are four other classes which cannot be
categorized in the regular five human types.
<4>They are:
Gurus (true spiritual
Artists, and
<5>Ideally, the people who will be chosen in
the legislative body (collective body) will be selected from the
Paravipras, and the
judiciary body (Board of
Brahmins) from the
Brahmin class (true seers or spiritualists).
<6>Intellectuals will be utilized on
different committees, research facilities, scientific pursuance, and
other places where they can manifest their abilities. <7>Business
people also will be used to develop the discoveries of intellectuals
and to create economical products for human necessities, with the
combination of labor, capital, and land.
<8>The warrior class will make up the police
force in order to keep the discipline of the society. <9>However,
this force should not be used for the benefit of a few. <10>Shudras
are the ones who will carry on the basic tasks in the society to
help its production and provide service.
come whenever morality goes down or a new message is necessary to be
brought to humanity.
<12>Gurus are those
who will gather their disciples together and are able to manifest
God's qualities to them. <13>Artists
are those who will bring finer thoughts to humanity.
<14>When a society where each class falls in
its place is created and it is understood that even with the
apparent differences between them, they are all equal in His Eyes,
<15>they all are working toward the goal of creation, and each
is necessary for the well-being and progress of the others, and with
acceptance of Him as the King, <16>then His Kingdom will be
realized on earth.