
Tablet Eight
<1>There are three kinds of
resurrections. One
is when a person shatters the walls of
ignorance and through knowledge, devotion, or selfless actions
steps into spiritual realities. This can be called "being
born again."
<2>The second kind of
resurrection is
the one which comes in the last days when men will be sundered.
During this period both good and bad people will be in the world,
and humans will eventually realize that spiritual people should be
as dynamic and efficient as possible. They will become united and
establish the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.
Then they will help those who have lagged behind to the goal (higher
consciousness). This
resurrection is
the re-establishment of the truth of spiritual knowledge in the
world. This is the first and second
resurrection in
each era.
<3>The third is when the end of this world is
reached. This will happen because the original
created to maintain the creation will wear out. Then this manifested
universe will be dissolved into its original form. Those who have
Consciousness by then will escape the state of
ignorance and will be with the
Father. Those who have stayed in
ignorance should wait
until corers of years for the next creation. Then they might
progress to
<4>So the human should not delay his progress and
should utilize all opportunities to reach the goal and avoid the
torment of hell (ignorance).
However, eventually there is the victory of truth (knowledge) over
devil (ignorance).
Surah The Ant (An-Naml)
Discovery of the movement of the earth in the
last day (when knowledge will increase); also at the end of creation
all things will be dissolved and become like clouds.
And you see the mountains as if they are
solid, in truth they move like the passing clouds. It is the
creation of
God who has perfected
all things. He is aware of what you do. (88)
Surah The Romans (Ar-Rum)

On the
Day men will be sundered (separated); also at the end of the time of
this creation they will be separated:
Before the unavoidable Day which
has designed to come, people will be sundered. (43)
...This is the Day of Judgment but you do not
know. (56)
Surah Smoke (Ad-Dukhan)
"Smoke" in the Last Days (air pollution) and
Then wait (O
for the Day in which visible smoke will appear ["fireless
smoke": the brown cloud],
Which will envelop the people: that will be a
painful torment.
They will cry: Relieve us from this torment,
we do believe.
How can there be admonishment for them when
there came a Messenger with clear explanation of the truth to
And they turned away from him saying: He was
taught (these things), a madman?
Still, we remove the torment a little, but
you will surely return to disbelieving. (10-15)
Surah The Enshrouded One (Al-Muzammil)

In the last days the children will grow old quickly.
They will have so many problems to solve that they will not understand
what childhood is:
...A day which will turn children
gray-headed... (17)
Surah "He Frowned" ('Abasa)

Description of the last days, which corresponds
to this day (this period of human life):
On the day when a man runs away from his
His mother, his father,
His wife, and his children,
Every man that day will be engaged with his
own concerns alone (heedless of others). (34-37)
<6>The shower of the
of the Lord is constantly raining in the universe, but those who
have the umbrella of their
false egos over their Souls will not receive it.
gives His Blessings and Grace
to people, nations, and individual humans. When they start misusing
for ways other than His Ways, then the doom of those people,
nations, and the individual human will come.
Surah Spoils of War (Al-Anfal)

not take His
Grace away from anyone
(or nation, etc.) He has given it to, unless they start misusing it:
never withdrew the
Grace He has bestowed
upon a people, until they change their hearts toward Him. (53)
is a struggle (jahad)
within and without. The struggle within is the fight between the
higher and lower natures. This battle involves warding off the
power of the tama
guna (the force bending the
Soul toward the
external world) to establish the Kingdom Of Heaven within ( ).
<9>The external struggle is to overcome excess attraction of
Maya (illusion of
life) and establish the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth ( ).
<10>All these struggles are to create an
environment that allows each individual to grow to his fullest
<11>Those who say life is an illusion
are greatly mistaken. Life and the manifested universe are not
illusions, but excess attraction to this manifested universe is
Surah The Romans (Ar-Rum)

When We bestow Our Mercy on mankind, they
rejoice in it; but if there be a
tribulation because of their own actions [karmas],
they become despairing [and forget about
God and His mercies]. (36)
Surah The City (Al-Balad)

created man in an environment of suffering in order to direct him
toward the goal of life. As it was explained, through many
evolutionary processes, man has reached such a powerless position
that he suffers when he goes astray from the path, through the
weakness of the flesh. So suffering is a purifier and is a guidance
to salvation (Pure
We verily have created man committed to toil
(in affliction). (4)
Surah Solace (Al-Inshirah)

The ups and downs of life, like a fountain when
it goes up, it then comes down:
Verily, there is ease after hardship,
Surely there will also be hardship after
ease. (5-6)
<12>Therefore, we should stay in the
middle path. |
<13>Man has two natures, the lower nature
(lower self) and the higher nature (higher
self). In the lower nature (bestial nature), man is like an
animal and is only concerned about himself. <14>In the higher
nature, man becomes more aware of his
<15>It is this lower nature which is the source
of suffering for the human. This is the
false ego
of man, the part that sees himself separate from others, the part
that is not universalist, the part that does not view all humans as
brothers and sisters, and the part that gives that empty feeling of
separation from the Lord, which is the greatest suffering of all
(illusion of separation). |
Ornaments of Gold (Az-Zukhruf)
Lower nature as idle talk, play of life:
So leave them alone in their idle talks and
busy with their plays [in the material world] until the Day
which they have been promised. (83)
Smoke (Ad-Dukhan)
Saying, suffer now, you who hold yourself as
mighty, the noble. (49)
Animality is lust, excess comfort, and
overeating, which all are related to the lower nature of the man:
...while the disbelievers enjoy this material
life and eat and drink as animals do, and the Fire [of
Maya] is their resort.
Surah The Private Apartments (Al-Hujurat)

The ugliness of too much suspicion, spying, and
O You who believe, refrain from too much
suspicion; because some suspicion may create great harm. Also do
not spy, nor backbite one another. Do any of you like to eat the
flesh of his brother's corpse? Surely you would abhor that.
Remember your duty to God.
He is compassionate, Ever-Merciful. (12)
Surah The Event (Al-Waqi'ah)

There will be no idle talk:
They will not hear any vain speaking nor
recrimination therein, (25)
Surah The Ascending Stairways (Al-Ma'arij)

The human's nature:
To be impatient is a part of man's nature
[man's but not
comes he is full of sorrow.
But when good befalls he does not admit it is
from Us,
Except constant worshippers. (19-21)
means illusion. This world is not illusion, but the illusion is
anything that makes us forget that this body, universe, and all the
facilitating faculties which have been given or are provided for us
are there to help our physical, mental, and spiritual progress.
<17>That is why it has been said that anything which keeps the
person from remembering the Lord is
devilish (Maya).
That is completely true, because humans should keep their ideal high
and constantly in remembrance. Otherwise they will easily fall to
their lower natures and be drowned in
Maya (illusion of
separation from
<18>Pursuance of
is like chasing the wind. There is always something in the external
world which we think will give us everlasting happiness if we obtain
it, but everlasting happiness can never be found there. It only
comes through understanding His Bounty and Beauty. <19>However, this
does not mean escapism, but being content with whatever we have and
enjoying anything extra which happens to come to us. But we should
never lose our Souls for material possession, or for any other
illusive gain. |
Surah The Cave (Al-Kahf)

Expound to them the similitude of the life of
this world, like water which we sent down from heaven, and the
vegetation on the earth grows and mixes with it to look fresh,
then in one morning they become weathered and dry which is
scattered about by the wind.
God is able to do all things. (46)
Surah The Story (Al-Qasas)

The pettiness of wealth and power:
Karoh said: I have been given this (wealth)
because of my great knowledge. Did he not know that
God had destroyed those who were even mightier and richer
than him before? (78)
<20>Wealth and power are really nothing, because
even the proud, wealthy, and powerful nations were destroyed in the
past, and no man can ever be that wealthy and powerful. <21>You do
not even have the power over your own death. So when you die you
have no choice -- all the wealth you have accumulated will have to
be left on earth. You are completely helpless. <22>These things are
only the attractions of Maya
to keep you from progressing toward the perfection of your Soul.
They only bring the human a big
false ego. |
Surah The Spider (Al-'Ankabut)

This life is nothing but
(its attraction):
This life is nothing but a game and a
pastime, the hereafter is but the true life, if they only knew.
Surah Sad
The reason for forgetting the Lord is excess
attraction to the external world (Maya):
We commanded him: O David, We appointed you a
vicegerent in the earth; so justly judge between people, and
follow not vain desire [attraction to
Maya] that it lead you
astray from the way of
God. (27)
Surah Ornaments of Gold (Az-Zukhruf)

Idle talk and the play of life is
So leave them alone in their idle talks and
busy with their plays [in the material world] until the Day
which they have been promised. (83)
Surah Iron (Al-Hadid)

Maya is
illusion of excess attraction to the external world:
Know that the life of this world is nothing
but a play [notice "life of this world," not the world itself],
and idle talk, and a show, and a subject of boasting between
you, and competition in respect, for riches and children. Like
the vegetable after the rain which makes it pleasing in the eyes
of the tiller, but it dries up later and turns yellow, and then
it becomes straw. In the hereafter there is severe punishment
and also forgiveness from
and His satisfaction, whereas the life of this world is nothing
but a matter of illusion. (20)
Surah The Ascending Stairways (Al-Ma'arij)

Most of the people are deeply unaware
(sleepwalkers) of the reality behind this universe:
So leave them [the ignorant] chatting idle
talks and playing until they face the Day they are promised.