
Tablet One
controlling the power of the
three gunas,
God is guiding this
universe to its ultimate goal, which is to reach
<2>As it was explained in the book The
Base, He has changed the human form and condition many
times until twelve thousand years ago when He created the
human in the present condition. <3>Also later on, He
confused men by taking away their
telepathic ability. By their languages being different
(Gen. 11:7), He prevented them from self-destruction. He
tried to direct them toward the
higher self by
discouraging the pursuance of selfish and egoistical life
(making fame and name instead of utilizing this universe to
reach higher consciousness).
<4>Still, with all
these evolutionary processes, humans did not listen to
God, and we can see
it was necessary for Him to send many
Prophets for
guiding humanity. Starting six thousand years ago, this
present human has been left by himself with some guidance
from Prophets.
<5>But now it is time for the human to wake
up and understand The Plan of the
Father, to
establish the Kingdom Of Heaven within and without, to
utilize all this universe and life for reaching higher
consciousness and
Consciousness, and to let the great spiritual people
with leadership abilities take charge of guiding all of
humanity to the goal.
if humans do not understand these realities, the
will become worse and many will suffer to complete
destruction. Therefore, if the humans in this condition fail
to understand the purpose of being here and do not establish
the Kingdom Of
Heaven as soon as possible, the Lord will save those who
have reached higher consciousness and the others will be
left in ignorance
<7>He is able to create a new kind of man and a new
condition to continue the process. But if we understand
Greatest Sign and establish the Kingdom Of
Heaven as soon
as possible, then the process of helping the whole universe
to reach
Pure Consciousness will be accelerated and all will
continue to progress.
Surah Women (An-Nisa)

Ability of
God to change the human
condition as He wills:
O People, if
God so desires, He is
able to remove you and replace you by others. He has complete
power to do this. (133)
Surah The
Angels (Al-Mala'ikah)

Ability of
God to change
consciousnesses to a new evolutionary stage if it seems
If He so desires, He can remove you and
create a new creation instead. (16)
physics there is a well-known law which states: "There is a reaction
to each action equal with the action but negative in direction."
This law is also true in the world of spirit (Universal Laws).
<9>For each action of man there is a reaction that remains in the
universe as a record. These records of the actions are called
Akashic Records
and in the
Bible, "a
book of remembrance" (Malachi 3:16).
Records can be seen as the memory which remains in the
Universal Mind.
<11>Whoever places his
mind in tune with the
Universal Mind can receive the truth of all things which
happened in the past, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" (Matthew 7:7).
Ornaments of Gold (Az-Zukhruf)

Akashic Records
are the records of remembrance:
Yes, It [the
Koran] is an
essential part of the Eternal Tablet (the source of
all Scriptures), which we possess. (4)
Defrauding (At-Tatfif)

are bad records in the
The records of the
transgressor are kept in
How would
you know what
Sijjin is?
It is a
book of records. (7-9)
are good records in the
The records of the righteous are kept in
How would
you know what
Iliyin is?
is a book of records. (18-20)
Prophet Muhammad
was demanded by
Gabriel to
"Read!", it did not mean to read from a paper or regular writings,
but it meant to read from the
Akashic Records.
<13>Also there was a Prophet born in America by the name of
Edgar Cayce who
would go to sleep (in a kind of trance) and would reveal valuable
information from these
Akashic Records.
His works also are known as "Readings."
Koran means "Readings."
Muhammad could not read or write even after He was chosen as a
Prophet. What he read were the revelations given to him from the
Akashic Records.
<15>Also it should be noticed that in the Surah "Ornaments of Gold (Az-Zukhruf)"
it is clearly mentioned that "It" (the
Koran) is an
"essential part of the"
Akashic Records
("Eternal Tablet") <16>but not all of it.
has created all things. So everything belongs to Him. We are all
only guests here in this manifested world. We are not here to become
attached to this material universe, but to utilize it for our
spiritual progress until we each become a
son of God. Then, of course, whatever belongs to the
Father also belongs to the son.
<18>Forgetting this fact causes man to think he is the owner of
things in this world and to become attached to this idea. This then
brings attachment to the material world and also greed, which
creates unhappiness for the self and others.
<19>Therefore, this very fact should be understood by all: that all
things belong to God. This universe should
be utilized and shared in such a way that all have equal
opportunities to progress physically, mentally, and spiritually
toward the goal (Pure
Surah The Cow (Al-Baqarah)

things belong to Him:
God belongs the East
and the West, and whithersoever you turn, your face is toward
Him. Surely He is All-Embracing, All-Knowing [He is everything].
The Family of 'Imran (Ali 'Imran)

God belongs whatsoever
is in the earth; and unto him all shall return. (109)
humans are His children, because He brought them from the unaware
part of the universe (state of
and created everything to help them to reach
<21>The word "children" is used because He separated them into men
and women, so they are both sons and daughters of
<22>When each of these children reach
Consciousness, he or she becomes a
son of God (in His
image). A son of God
is neither male nor
<23>but is both and is neither!
Surah The Family of 'Imran (Ali 'Imran)

Accepting the other religions because all are for His children:
Say (O
We believe in
God and that which has
been revealed unto us, and that which was revealed to
Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and
which was given to Moses and
Esa and other
Prophets from
their Lord. There is no distinction between them for us, and
unto Him we submit. (84)
<24>He said, "The
God of all these people who received the
Scriptures is one. We believe in Him and whomever He
sends." <25>However, the Scriptures
were changed after they were revealed and many
things were distorted.
Muhammad said, "We should understand these
things and know that there is only One
God for all of us
and we should worship only Him."
Surah The Spider (Al-Ankabut)

Moslems not to fight
Jews and Christians:
Argue not with the people of the book except with a good manner
which is best, save their unjust ones. Tell them: We believe in
that which is revealed to you; our
and yours are One, and unto Him we submit. (46)
<26>We see here that
Prophet Muhammad was discouraging his followers from fighting,
and even arguing, with the
Jews and Christians.
<27>Later on, however, there was
a great fight between them (the Crusades). <28>So
it is the people who create these fights and inflict
suffering on humanity by following dogmatic beliefs and
bringing the superstitions between groups.
<29>It is not the religions that have brought much suffering to
humanity, but it is the people (intellectual
spiritualists) who misinterpret the religions and present them
to the people. Because of their
ignorance and because
they do not search for the truth themselves, the regular people
believe whatever is told them. They become narrow-minded and this
brings suffering to humanity. <30>In short, suffering comes from
Surah The Troops (Az-Zumar)

God's children:
God so willed to choose
a son, He would have chosen whosoever He pleased out of His
creation... (4)
<31>All those
beings or forces that God
uses in order to guide His universe are called
Angels. That is why the
tama guna,
raja guna, and
satva guna are each
called an
Angel (Lucifer,
Michael, and
<32>Also each
consciousness which reaches
Consciousness will be used to help the universe. These
unit consciousnesses also become
Angels (Avatars).
<33>When a
consciousness reaches
Consciousness and comes back as a Prophet or
spiritual teacher, he will be called an
Avatar (god-man).
However, when a
consciousness reaches
Consciousness but does not leave his body and stays in the world
to help others, he will be called a Satguru (man-god)
Surah Cattle (Al-An'am)

Avatars are mentioned in
Had we appointed an
Angel as Messenger,
We would assuredly have him in the form of a man (that men could
relate to him). (9)