Tablet Four
and Their
Role in Society inheritor of my
mountains: and
mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell
(Isaiah 65:9)
<1>As it was described, in each era one class
was a dominating force in society. Therefore, the leader of society
would also emerge from that particular class. So only that class
would be favored by the leaders, and other classes would be
exploited and suppressed.
<2>To eliminate this defect, a leader should
be chosen who would have the characteristics of all classes and also
be morally and spiritually advanced. This would allow the
establishment of justice for all. <3>Such personalities were
in the process of being perfected during the last twelve thousand
years. They are the true Israelites ("those who
struggle with God")
or Hebrews ("those who have passed beyond"). They can be called
are the ones who have experienced many
incarnations during
the last twelve thousand years and have created the characteristics
Vipras, and
Vaeshyas. They
also are spiritually advanced and are very in tune with His Will.
They are incorruptible.
<5>They are those who have gone through the
progress from the first seal in
The Greatest Sign
to the sixth. They have awakened their spiritual powers (
They know that without a proper environment and application of the
Laws of the Lord (
human progress is impossible. For establishing such an environment
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth)
sacrifice -- not
being self-centered, to be humble -- (
is necessary. They utilize all their
energy and abilities
toward their ideal (one-pointedness)
and will surrender all to Him. They become submissive to Him (
<6>and create a universal feeling to shatter all
narrowness of the mind (
They will tirelessly work toward their ideal (
to bring the Kingdom Of
Heaven On Earth as it is in
heaven, and eventually by their help, all will reach the goal,
Pure Consciousness (
Elected Ones,
through this process in the last twelve thousand years, are now
ready to manifest these qualities. They work to fulfill the purpose
of this creation, which is to bring the whole universe to
Consciousness. In doing so they will create a society in
which all have equal opportunities to progress physically, mentally,
and spiritually.
<8>Because they have the characteristics of
all classes, therefore, they themselves are
<9>They can work like a Shudra if it is necessary. They guide
Shudras with an iron
hand and understand their needs and mentality, so they deal with
them on their level.
<10>They are courageous and fearless like
Ksattriyas, so they
will fight for and protect the oppressed. <11>They have
Vipran abilities to grasp the realities behind the material world
and intellectual understandings, so they also will prevent
intellectuals from spreading superstitious and binding ideals.
<12>They are shrewd like
Vaeshyas in economic
development, but understand how all can be exploited through it.
Therefore they can prevent
Vaeshyas from going
too far before a revolution breaks out.
<13>Also they will unify all the different
religions in the world under one true faith and will destroy the
differences between them, as it is explained in
The Greatest Sign.
<14>The role of
Paravipras in
society as
true leaders is to
direct the progress of civilization toward its ultimate goal by
guiding the cyclic continuation of class domination as described
above in an evolutionary manner.
will ease the way for the domination of the next class by active
participation from the center of the society (as leaders). At the
time that the dominating class starts to go toward stagnation or
exploitation, they will ease the way for the next class and weaken
the hold of the previous one. <16>With this a smooth
progressive society can be created. Each era will come and go
without violence and unrest, but after each era society will
progress one more step toward the ever-reaching perfection.
<17>Only if humanity establishes this
Paravipra-society, and chooses true
Paravipras as their leaders (with their great
intuition and understanding of the phases of society) will a
peaceful world be created and progress toward the goal be
accelerated. <18>Otherwise, as the last six thousand years
have shown, during which God
has guided humanity to this point, the progressive steps of class
domination will continue, but with unrest, revolutions, and
suffering. <19>In any case,
God is the true King of the
universe and guide of humanity.
<20>However, because the whole universe is
marching toward perfection and the nature of this world is
progressive, the emergence of
Paravipras is
imminent and the Kingdom of
God will be realized by all
on earth as it is in
<21>Also it should be mentioned that the
greatest crime is the misuse of the power by these leaders. If
the leaders of a society fall, that whole civilization will fall
also. <22>So it is the responsibility of these leaders to tune
themselves to His Will and do what is right in His Eyes. Otherwise
the suffering of humanity will continue.