
Tablet Nine
5- We surrender ourselves to
You, the Words revealed to us through Your
Prophets, and Your Greatest Sign, which clarifies the
confusion between all.
5-1 We surrender ourselves to You...
<1>He is the only being to whom you should
surrender. He is the Greatest Master of the universe. Even Satgurus
Avatars are proud to be
His disciples. Therefore, by
surrendering to Him you will gain the best spiritual Master in
the universe. <2>Also He is the only being that you can trust
as not being a false
or teacher.
5-2 ...the words revealed to us through Your
<3>Also we surrender to "the words revealed to
us through Your Prophets."
We do not surrender to the
Prophets themselves, but to the Words revealed through them by
the Lord. Therefore, the Messenger is important only because he
reveals the words of the Lord to us and what
God wants us to do and
<4>The Messenger himself is important only because he is a
Great Soul, and we revere all Great Souls who have helped humanity
progress toward a higher level. We respect them because they helped
us to know the Lord better and showed us how to reach
<5>However, we surrender ourselves to their
Words, because these Words have come from the Lord. We have to
understand and follow them in order to be(come)
Divine and realize
God's Laws. Therefore, the
teachings of the
Prophets are much more
important than the
Prophets themselves.
<6>Even if the Lord Himself came to this world
and brought some teachings to humanity, He would not tell who He is,
because the only source that can unify is the Invisible
God. Anything else will cause disunity, and
God wants to see all of humanity unified and having learned
their lessons through creation and history.
5-3 ...and Your Greatest Sign...
<7>We also surrender to
The Greatest
Sign, because by understanding
The Greatest Sign
and the realities behind it, we can realize Him. <8>In fact
one of the greatest problems of the human is that it is very hard
for him to surrender to something that he cannot see. However,
The Greatest
Sign is a visualized form which shows that the Invisible
Lord is in
Consciousness and how He has manifested all through creation and
history to bring us to this point. Only with a complete
understanding of
The Greatest Sign
are we able to see how compassionate and merciful He is and to
understand His purpose of this creation. Only then can we surrender
to that Invisible Being which has done all these things for us.
5-4 ...which clarifies the confusion between
<9>What confusion? Confusion about: Why are we
here? What is the purpose of life? What is the destiny of man? Why
are there so many different
Prophets and
Scriptures? What is the purpose of creation? What is The Plan?, etc.
<10>These questions can be answered and understood through
The Greatest Sign. That is why
The Greatest Sign
will clarify the confusion between all and the words revealed to us
through the
6- We submit only to You which
is formless, nameless, and invisible. You in this state
unify -- in any other state, humanity will be divided. Also,
this will prevent us from
prophets and teachers.
6-1 We submit only to You which is formless,
nameless, and invisible...
is consciousness, as is everything in the universe. He just "Is," so
He has no form. <12>He has been here even before names. Names
were created by man to distinguish things from one another. That is
why He called Himself the
God of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, and also when Moses asked what was His name, He answered, "I
that I am" (Exodus 3:14).
<13>But all the nations had
gods with names, so the
Children of Israel
insisted that their God
should have a name also. In truth He has no name (in another state
He has a name or has names). <14>It is true that
God is everything. But
God as the
is a Soul and Spirit. The Soul
Spirit are invisible and
<15>Also by submitting to Him, we become a
channel for His
Divine actions,
and there is no "I" left. So there would be no reaction for the
actions we do. We would be free from any reaction of our action and
detached from its result, because we are not the doer but He is.
<16>However, if the action is selfish and is done for the self,
an "I" will be present. So we are responsible for those actions. We
can only submit ourselves to Him for
Divine actions.
6-2 ...You in this state unify -- in any other
state, humanity will be divided...
is all-pervasive and is everything. But only the
Father, the nucleus of
the universe, as a formless, nameless, and invisible
God, can unify.
in any other state, such as with a form (any kind of form), with a
name (any pronounceable name in physical manifestation), or visible,
will create division between humans. As the goal in the era to come
is to unify all, humanity should realize that
God (Father)
has no form, is nameless, and is invisible. His only form is
transcendental, and His True Name ( )
is not pronounceable.
<18>When a pronounceable name is given to
God as His Name, only a few
people will believe in that as the Name of
God. Some other people will give Him another name. So they will
become divided and the problem of separation and division
will start. This is true about accepting a form for
(such as idols) or believing He appears in forms. <19>All of
these are one of the sources of division between religions and
<20>Therefore the ultimate realization is that
He is formless, nameless, and invisible as any
Soul, which is formless, nameless, and invisible.
<21>However, it should be realized that most of
the names that are given to God
are actually
mantras (sound
vibrations, sacred names) which affect the
spirit and awaken the spiritual forces in man. They are useful
in spiritual progress and are a part of
God in the manifested
God in the absolute state is
formless, nameless, and invisible.
6-3 ...Also this will prevent us from
false prophets
and teachers.
<23>If we surrender and submit ourselves to the
Lord which is formless, nameless, and invisible, to His Words which
are revealed to us through His
Prophets, and with
reference to
The Greatest
Sign which clarifies the confusion between these Words
(teachings), then we can safely approach the real truth that
God has revealed through creation and history. <24>We can
easily be prevented from following (surrendering
false prophets
and teachers.
7- However, in reverence we bow
our heads in front of all those Great Souls who will teach
us how to know You and show us the way to become
Consciousness, as is the goal.
7-1 However, in reverence we bow our heads in
front of all those Great Souls...
<25>Again there is no discrimination. We pay our
respects to all the Great Souls, alive or dead. <26>We revere
their divinity (invisible) and their physical presence.
7-2 ...who will teach us how to know You...
<27>How can a person make another person realize
God? <28>By
manifesting the qualities of
God that he has gained through his progress toward higher
consciousness. <29>So only Great Souls can manifest these
qualities. They teach who God
is by their conduct, their
light, and their knowledge.
<30>That is why a visible
spiritual teacher
sometimes is so important.
7-3 ...and show us the way to become
<31>After we begin to understand You through
these Great Souls and accept them as our teachers, then they will
guide us in the path of self-realization and toward reaching
Consciousness. <32>Again only Great Souls can do that.
Prophets are in this
7-4 is the goal.
<34>That is "the" goal in life. All other goals
are secondary.