
Tablet One
<1>It is recommended that a full bath be taken
at least every other day. <2>The full bath consists of
washing the whole body with some cleansing material. <3>It is
also recommended not to use very hot water in taking a bath.
<4>The best position to take the bath is in the
sitting position in the water, or on the heels (squatting) while
taking a shower. This allows a great absorption of
prana and minerals in the water. <5>That is why a great
feeling of restfulness prevails after this kind of bathing in
contrast to taking a bath standing under a running shower.
<6>It is also recommended to ideate on the bath
ideation before, during, and after the bath which brings the mind to
the higher thoughts and reminds the person of the goal of life.
Bath Ideation
Before and During Bathing
1- I wash myself with water which is the symbol
of purity.
2- Not only do I wash my body with this water
but also I will ideate that this is an act of
baptism, and I will be free of my previous bad habits.
3- This water also will wash away my fears,
unnecessary desires, and attachments. I will only be
attached to
4- Only then will I be free, pure, and clean
enough to stand in front of the
Father, the Ancestors of humanity, and the Sages in the
past, and pay my salutations to them.
<7>This ideation can be repeated and
contemplated before and during the bath.
Bath Ideation
After Bathing
(Repeated Three Times)
1- My reverent salutations to the Ancestors of
2- My reverent salutations to all the Sages and
3- They were all in the path of becoming
I am
one with them in Spirit.
5- Therefore it is the goal of my life to become
Consciousness and help the whole universe to become the
6- (Third time only) The act of offering, the
heat which was used to offer, and the one who offers are all He.
<8>It is recommended that the bath ideation
after bathing be done with the proper gestures (mudras) in front of
the sun or a white light while the body is still wet and dripping.
The water on the body will absorb the light and because each drop is
like a convex lens, it will concentrate the
energy of light to the
<9>It is a law that the male should be
circumcised. It is an act of cleanliness and a sign of obedience to
the Lord. <10>This will cause the male organ to cool off
faster and also prevents the accumulation of germs and dirt
underneath the foreskin, therefore preventing many diseases. <11>Also
there will be acceleration of mental development, less unwanted
sexual stimulation, and many other benefits.
<12>The circumcision is best done when the
person is very young or even in the early days of birth. <13>But
if the male is too old to be circumcised, the foreskin should be
pulled back and cleaned regularly.
<14>Clothes should be decent and modest in
appearance, and according to the situation in such a way that an
upright mind would not object.
<15>It is better for men and women to wear
distinct clothing.
<16>Too much heat in the body creates lethargy
and is responsible for many diseases. Therefore it is recommended to
keep the body as cool as possible. The best way to do this is by
washing with cool water the entire body or those places which create
Half-Bath: <17>is similar to the
tradition which in the Bible is called "to wash the feet,"
"...and water to wash his feet, and the men's feet that were with
him" (Genesis 24:32), or in the
New Testament as "...wash thy face" (Matthew 6:17), and in
as washing before prayer (vozo).
<18>The half-bath cools the centers which create
heat, the nervous system, and consequently the spinal cord, and the
energy centers (chakras).
It releases the body from the burden of doing this itself. <19>Therefore
(prana) of the body can
be used for other functions in the body. With this a healthier body
will be gained.
<20>A half-bath is recommended to be performed
meditation, eating,
and sleeping.
<21>Cool water should be poured over the genital
area first. This will cool off the second and first
chakras (energy
centers) and also the lower part of the spinal cord.
<22>Then the knees to the toes are cooled with
water (or at least the feet). This cools off the endings of many
nerves in the feet, and also the nerves which come from the spinal
cord to the legs and that part of the spinal cord from which these
nerves arise.
<23>Then water is poured over the elbows down to
cool the lower part of the arm below the elbows. This will cool off
the nerve endings in the hands and the upper part of the spinal
<24>Next cool water is taken into the mouth.
While the water is kept in the mouth, water is splashed into the
eyes. The eyes should stay open while water is being splashed into
<25>It is recommended to breathe in deeply
through the nose before splashing the water to the face, and then
exhale after each splash, and inhale again and splash the water.
<26>This will develop the habit of inhaling through the nostrils
and deep breathing, and also helps to absorb more
prana from the water
splashed into the face and eyes. <27>Seven to fifteen times
of splashing is recommended to cool off the eyes and the face.
However this number can be increased or decreased according to a
person's desire.
<28>Then water should be sucked in through the
nostrils until it passes through the nose and comes out the mouth.
<29>This will help the whole nervous system in
the face, the sinuses, and the glands in the brain to be cooled,
therefore preventing many diseases and the common cold.
<30>Then the neck, back of the head, behind the
ears, and if desired, the hair, can be cooled off with the water.
<31>When this half-bath is completed, a feeling of freshness
will prevail.
<32>The half-bath is especially a blessing in
hot climates and/or in the summer. However, it can be taken even in
the winter and causes the body to become accustomed to cool weather
and therefore stay cool.
One-Fourth of the Bath: <33>is the same
as the half-bath but only the hands and face part is done. It is
recommended when a quick cooling of the body is necessary or the
situation does not allow a half-bath.
<34>The hands are washed with cool water, water
is kept in the mouth, water is splashed into the eyes and face, and
the neck and behind the ears are cooled off.
Cool Bath: <35>is recommended upon
arising in the morning. The best way to take a cool full bath is to
take a half-bath, then after finishing it also cool the navel area
and the opposite side of the navel at the back. Then massage the
surface of the body with wet hands and while sitting on the heels,
pour water from the crown of the head to run over the back of the
spine down the body.
<36>Then one can pour cool water all over the
body and wherever much heat is felt. It is a great disciplinary act
and accustoms the body to withstand cold weather. It makes the body
healthy, refreshed, and ready for
meditation and the
Cooling of the Genital Area: <37>is done
by pouring cool water over the genital area after urination. This
will squeeze the urethra and the remaining urine will be drawn out.
<38>Also it keeps this organ cool, prevents many diseases, and
lowers the unwanted sexual stimulations.
<39>This act should become so habitual that the
person does it without a second thought.