
Tablet Four
<1>The purpose of creation is to make each
consciousness (human) reach
Consciousness (Divinity).
<2>According to the teachings behind
The Greatest
Sign, the first step is to awaken one's spiritual forces (
and the second step is to direct the realizations and
energy gained through awakening these forces toward creating the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth
<3>The first step in creating this Kingdom is
through the family units. <4>However, if the couples do not
build this unit on a higher level of spiritual attraction and
ideation, this unit will be destroyed along with society.
<5>That is why if the lower nature of the couple
becomes an interference, they have to realize what is the cause of
the problems.
<6>A realized
usually longs to be with a man whom she can respect. <7>A
high Soul man also likes to be with a
woman who does not emphasize her body but her higher being. Then
they would overcome their lower natures and each become a true man (male,
Divine Logic) and
woman (female,
Divine Mother,
<8>However, through his excess attraction to the
woman's body and sex, the man will fall to a lower consciousness and
so the woman becomes an object of sex for him. <9>The woman
who loves this man conforms to his wishes so to make him happy. But
this act will bring both to the sensual and physical level.
<10>A man who becomes more like an animal and
loses his strength and vital energies, feels it is the woman who
causes him to become low and not able to achieve his higher nature.
<11>The woman who is misused and looked upon as
a sex object, and sees the man as only an animal, becomes
disenchanted and annoyed, feels the man is using her, and loses the
respect for him.
<12>With these deep wounds, which sometimes the
person is not even aware of, a gap will appear between the couple.
As both try to fill this gap with more physical relationships, it
becomes even wider.
<13>The answer to this dilemma is to start the
relationship on a higher spiritual level and use the sexual
energy for love and care
for each other. This means to respect and love each other as two
struggling human beings, to be forgiving, compassionate, and true
friends, and to help each other physically, mentally, and
<14>The man should work as hard as he can to win
the respect of his wife by being spiritually strong, submissive to
the Lord, and a priest and guide of the family. Also he should look
at his wife as a human being and not an object for sexual
<15>The woman also should emphasize her higher
qualities and make him realize his higher nature and
responsibilities. Then their relationship will be based on higher
levels and they will live in peace and tranquility with each other.
<16>Their home will be a center of love and higher thoughts
for their children and others.
<17>Those men and women who come together only
for sensual purposes and stay together for the same reasons, will
never find the true peace of
God. Their
environments will never be suitable to raise healthy children nor be
a center of inspiration for higher understandings.
<18>However, those who base their relationship
on higher levels soon will realize that the sexual relationships are
a very small part of the joy of being together. Even this physical
union becomes an expression of love and commitment, and eventually
they can even overcome this unimportant relationship. They will
become one in the higher level in
spirit, if they choose to do so.
<19>In summary: most women indeed desire the
higher nature of men and respect it. However, because of the very
nature of their bodies, they bring men into their lower natures, and
so are despised.
<20>So it is a vicious cycle. Men should stay in
their higher selves, but by their very sexual attachment to women,
they cannot fulfill this task.
<21>Women should help men to reach their higher
selves instead of accelerating their development into beasts.
<22>The reason for this is that both feel to be
egos, and because of this
separation, they fall into their lower selves. <23>So it is
up to both to meet each other in that level where they are one, by
being one with God.
<24>Then their spiritual, mental, and physical union will
Divine and both will
love each other's
higher self and
<25>That is why men should learn restraint and
gain control over their lower natures. Women should help them by not
regarding themselves as bodies but as spiritual beings, and they
should not emphasize their body gratification but accentuate their
<26>Otherwise both sexes will feel they have
been betrayed. The women cannot find true men with great characters,
and men will direct their hate of being weak toward women, and this
cycle will continue endlessly.
<27>He who has the capacity to become completely
renounced from this world can become a renunciate.
<28>This is easily possible for those whose
soulmate(s) has not been incarnated in the flesh. They cannot find
anyone in the flesh to marry, so they can easily become a celibate
and renunciate. <29>Also those who are perfect (
Consciousness or close to it) can assume this position.
<30>However, because such a people are very
beneficial for those around them, they also have been permitted to
have more than one wife in some religions. Not only can they create
equity and bliss for their wives but also it helps them overcome the
female attraction, be free from the physical desires, and serve
others in a higher capacity.
<31>A renunciate should refrain from sex, eating
flesh (or too much of it), strong drinks, and killing, and he should
live in the simplest way possible and possess nothing in this world.
<32>He should become a wanderer and not stay in
one place for long (if he feels he becomes attached to places), so
he would not create any attachment to any place or people.
<33>He can stay with people who would provide
him the minimum necessities. Therefore he can be in communion with
God all the time and make
others to become
god-conscious also.
<34>If these renunciates (sannyasins) do not
find any person to provide them with food and shelter, they should
be provided these things in the community centers. However only the
minimum should be supplied. They should never live a life of luxury
and excess. They should be the
<35>Their beds should be
God's Lap, their subject of
talk should be
God, and they should see
Him in everything and everywhere.
<36>They should be a source of inspiration for
others to become God-conscious
by their actions, purity, compassion, wisdom, etc.
<37>They should be free like the wind solely
depending on
God and their own purity so
that their minimum necessities are provided.
<38>When they are old, it will be a great
blessing for those who take care of these saint-like beings. <39>However,
if they prefer, their necessities can be provided in the community
<40>Even for those who pursue a worldly life, a
short period of living the life of a renunciate is recommended.
<41>This will cause them to learn to trust solely in
God, be detached from the external world, and find the truth in
a deeper sense.
<42>However, if Sannyasins create
godly characters and attract disciples, <43>each can
become a center of
light and teach the truth
to their disciples as
spiritual teachers