
Tablet Sixteen
<1>He who overcomes, becomes a
son of God, "He that
overcometh...he shall be my son" (Rev. 21:7), and whoever overcomes,
Consciousness. He becomes the same as the Lord (God),
in His Image (a
god). He enters into
<2>However these sons of
God will be sent back to
help others reach
<3>and also to establish the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth
<4>As more people reach higher consciousness and
Consciousness, more people will be available to be used as great
people in the KOHOE.
<5>Those who reach
Consciousness (sons of
God) will come back as
humans and in the flesh, but they are not of this world and their
Kingdom is not of this world. <6>However, they will act like
regular people but they come for a definite purpose and fulfill it.
<7>These sons of
assume their responsibilities, accomplish their missions, and do the
Darmas which have been
designated for them in each lifetime. <8>They lead a regular
life until they remember who they are and then help others to
progress also. They live like regular people but with no attachments
to the external world.
<9>These sons of
create a Hierarchy which shapes the Hierarchy of the
Kingdom Of Heaven In Heaven (KOHIH).
Although many of them will come to this world, they are not from
this world. Also they are completely obedient to their
Father as their King and Ruler. <10>They accept their
positions no matter what the position is in the Hierarchy. That is
why the KOHIH is already established.
God has been accepted as
the King and His Laws as the only Laws.
<11>When humanity also accepts
God as the only true King
and His Laws as the only true Laws, then the Kingdom Of
Heaven also will be recognized and established on earth. <12>Then
is the time that "His Will, will be done on earth as it is in
heaven," and that is
when the sons of God will
come on earth to be with the humans as it was in the past, "that the
sons of
God saw the daughters of
men...and they took them wives of all which they chose" (Gen. 6:2)
or "...the sons of
God came in unto the
daughters of men,..." (Gen. 6:4).
<13>Therefore no man can strive to reach
Consciousness and be free from coming back to this external
world, because even those who reach
Consciousness will be sent back to help others to reach higher
consciousness and
<14>The goal is to create the KOHOE (in the manifested
world) and then all enjoy it with being in it and praise the
Father for creating the universe and this Great Plan to bring
all to
<15>So no man can escape the duty of helping the
whole universe to reach
Pure Consciousness. Therefore, avoid those philosophies which
cause escapism and start vigorously to make this world a better
place to live in, even if your help is on a very small scale. So all
the efforts of those in higher consciousness and/or
Consciousness will become combined and the force will bring the
KOHOE as soon as possible. <16>Then man and
gods (sons of God) will
be together as in the past.
<17>Then the peace, tranquility, and prosperity
will come, and many will reach
Pure Consciousness
(become a son of God,
reach godhood) and this again will accelerate the progress of the
universe toward its goal -- to be(come)
<18>The first place the phrase "son
of God" is mentioned in the
is in chapter six of Genesis. In fact it is mentioned twice
in the same chapter:
...That the sons of
saw the daughters of men... (Genesis 6:2)
...the sons of
God came in unto
the daughters of men,... (Genesis 6:4)
<19>There are two points which should be
noticed: 1- There
were sons of God
even before the flood of Noah; and 2- There were more than one ("sons
<20>Also in the Bible
God has declared that:
He that overcometh...I will be his
God, and he shall
be my son. (Rev. 21:7)
<21>Therefore, the requirement to become a
son of God is to
overcome ("He that overcometh...shall be my son").
<22>Those who are referred to as the sons of
God in chapter 6 of
Genesis are the ones who had overcome and had become His sons,
even before the flood of Noah. <23>There should have been at
least two sons at that time before the flood. Of course there were
more than two, but according to the Bible we can be sure of
two. <24>One is the First Begotten
Son of God (the first Adam
or later on as
Esa, etc.) who became the
First Begotten
Son of God even
before creation, and the second one was Enoch who, "walked with
[overcame]:...for God took
him" (Gen. 5:24). He did not die, but because he overcame, he became
son of God ("God
took him").
<25>Not only can each human reach the status of
son of God, but also
it is declared that each human is a
god, "...that we may know that ye are
gods..." (Isaiah 41:23) and
Christ himself declared "...Ye are
gods" (John 10:34). <26>God
is pure and faultless. He is unaffected by the pulls of this
external world like a person who has overcome (a
son of God). So those who reach
godhood also are those who are pure, faultless, and have
overcome. <27>In other words, the sons of
God, or
gods, can be used interchangeably and have the same meaning.
<28>When Moses asked
what His Name was, He replied, "I
I AM" (Exodus 3:14).
<29>That is "'I' just 'AM.'" <30>However, then the
human goes on and tries to find
God in many different ways, shapes, and
concepts. Some
say He is love, some He is
light, some He is
OM, others give names to Him
and still others give Him names and shapes.
<31>However, He is none of these but IS all.
<32>He IS, so He IS LOVE, He IS
OM, etc. He IS it all.
He IS everything.
<33>Because He just "IS," if you put Him in front of
anything, He becomes that also.
<34>As it was explained in the books The Base
The Essence, the universe was in the state of
Through the desire of God,
the operative powers of
the three gunas
were released and the feelings of "I
know," "I do" and "I
have done" were awakened in the universe, and
God multiplied Himself into infinite
<35>However, when the power of the
tama guna is overcome and the separate consciousness in the
illusive state "am" reaches
Consciousness, it becomes that "AM" again. <36>That is
and whoever reaches
Pure Consciousness
(His sons) just "are."
<37>Therefore, if you give
God any name, shape, or
concept (such as He is love, etc.) division is created in humanity.
God in the state of
Formless, Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal, neither
male nor
female, (AM) unifies. In
any other state, humanity will be divided.
<38>We can say that
also "Is Not!" When the consciousness of a person becomes very
crude, such a person becomes so separate from
God that for him He "Is Not." But Blessed is he for whom
"Is!" Therefore, the question is "To Be" or "Not To Be!"
Next: The next book in THOTH is "Essays
II." You also can go to "The
Table Of Contents."