
Tablet Ten
<1>Whenever we think about justice we should
remember the story about Esa
Christ and the
adulterous woman. When people asked
Esa, "Should we stone the woman?" he said, "The one who has no
sin cast the first stone." Then all the people left, and
himself forgave her and let her go.
<2>It is such a profound and deep story. It has been
told, read, and reread by many, but the true meaning of it has not
been considered. The meaning is: "Only those who have no guilt can
judge." <3>Christ
does not say, "Do not judge her," or "Do not stone her," but only,
"Those who have no guilt can judge and pass judgment on others."
<4>Or in other words, only those who have overcome
their lower natures can judge. First of all, they will not easily
forgive the
sin done to society,
because they have no guilt or
sin themselves (or if they
had in the past, they have overcome it and are in that peaceful
state, with His
Grace, where no guilt is
present). So they will not overlook other people's
sins because of their own guilt feelings. <5>Secondly,
they will know that overcoming and being sinless is a great
struggle. Therefore they will be compassionate toward sinners and
will judge them by love. <6>Thirdly, they will be aware of
the situation of the society and environment. Therefore, those
sins which would not have been done if the society was not
corrupt would not be judged harshly, because the victim is an effect
of the cause of the corrupt society. It has been the society and
environment that has created the victim, not his nature or greed.
<7>The man who has guilt himself will unjustly
forgive others, because he is not truthful with himself and
intuitively knows, "How can I judge when I do many
sins myself?" That is why only
Brahmins (sinless ones) should judge. Greater than salvation is
justice. Justice is salvation.
<8>As long as petty criminals are judged and
punished when these crimes are done because of inequity in society
or from
ignorance, and the
big criminals who created such an unjust society for their own
self-interests are overlooked because of their power or ties to the
higher classes in society, or because of following the wrong
philosophy in society in whole, justice will not be established.
<9>Only in a true society with the greatest possible equity and
true philosophy based on
God's Laws, with
true leaders, can
justice be preserved.
<10>In such a society each person can assume the
best position which is most suited to his own nature (Daharma).
Then we will have a natural society (
where all the basic needs of the human are met and equity of the
highest possible form is present. <11>Then if there is a
criminal, he should be judged as harshly as necessary.
<12>However, in a natural society (Kingdom
Of Heaven On Earth) it is expected that the number of
wrongdoings would become minimal. <13>That is because more
people will reach higher consciousness and they will have an effect
on the consciousnesses of others in the direction of being a good
citizen and compassionate.
<14>In fact, the very reason that the laws in the
and Shariah (Islamic laws) seem impractical in our societies
is because these laws can only be used in a just society with the
highest possible equity between people.
<15>Otherwise they can be misused by opportunists or unjust
leaders to take advantage of ignorant people in the name of
religion. <16>That is what happened in the past, and if the
Kingdom Of Heaven is not
established, it will happen in the future.
<17>In short, the Kingdom Of
Heaven should be
established first, and then true and just leaders of humanity (Brahmins)
can be the judges.
<18>The media should be used for spiritual progress.
It is a part of the make-up of the environment and therefore should
not be a source of stimulation of man's lower nature or a source of
directing human attention from the goal of the life to other things.
<19>Man is nothing else but an ideal. <20>A man
without an ideal is an animal. That is the only difference
between a man and an animal. In eating, drinking, sex, and fear for
survival, man shares the same tendencies with an animal. Only when
man chooses an ideal and strives for it will he be different.
<21>However, an ideal can also be from
ignorance. The only ideal which is not from
ignorance is to become
Divine, which is the goal of human life. <22>Other ideals
are secondary to this one.
<23>The media, therefore, should be utilized toward
this end and should direct man's desires toward his higher nature,
which is
<24>This can be done by bringing the true knowledge
of human life and spirituality to humans, by looking at this
universe through the eyes of
God, and by making all
understand the significance of the things happening to humanity.
<25>Also with respecting great figures in history and making
Great Souls as ideals for young people to strive to follow in their
steps, and by stopping things which come from the lower nature of
the man or stimulate it, can this be achieved.
A- <26>In management studies, the assumption
is that the human hierarchy of needs, according to Maslow's theory,
is as below:
(1) Physiological
(2) Safety
Belongingness: to be a part of a group.
(4) Esteem: to
progress and be someone in that group.
(5) Self-actualization
<27>The two needs, belongingness and esteem, are
not real needs but they are the by-products of the
false ego. <28>A
false ego is created when a person feels important because of
something outside in the external world, such as: a nice house,
a big car, a prestigious job, a group he belongs to, or because of
the praises he receives from others, etc.
false ego can be
easily recognized. That is, if that source of feeling important is
taken away from the person, he will start to feel miserable and will
either lose his confidence and become very depressed, or he will
become violent.
<30>Also, true needs are those which should
continue to stay with the person even after a higher need is
fulfilled. But in the case of belongingness and esteem, when a
person becomes self-actualized, these needs cease to exist, but the
physiological and safety needs still remain. <31>That is, a
person still needs to eat, sleep, have shelter and medical care,
but he no longer has a need for belongingness or esteem. <32>He
might enjoy people and their company or even his achievements, but
he is not desperate to have them. <33>He is content with
himself as he is.
<34>Therefore, the true hierarchy of needs are
as below:
(1) Physiological
(2) Safety
<35>We can say that the belonging and esteem
needs arise as false needs in order to assist a person to realize
eventually that his true values and importance are not outside but
within himself. <36>When this is understood, those false
needs cease to exist. We can say that these needs are just
illusionary needs (Maya).
When the veil of illusion is taken away, a person becomes
self-actualized. He will try to know his true values and know
<37>Whoever knows self,
<38>Furthermore, self-actualization is not a
need but it is the goal. <39>So in truth, the only basic
needs of existence are physiological and safety.
B- <40>The second problem with management
studies is that only the organizational structure as the symbol of a
triangle upward (
is considered.
<41>However, true organization consists of two triangles (
<42>The triangle downward is the symbol for deeply
understanding the Laws of the universe and implementing them in the
organization, or the triangle downward means justice. <43>The
two triangles together create the symbol of the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth, or a true earthly organization (Seal
of Solomon).
<44>Only by understanding the true nature of the
human, helping all to become self-actualized, and establishing a
natural organization (
with self-actualized members, can a true organization be created.