
Tablet Nine
Fulfillment of
the "birthright"
<1>Before the
House of Israel
was attacked by Assyria and taken away captive, many of the people
of this nation, through
Prophets and the signs
of the times, predicted that the disaster of being conquered by
other nations was near. Therefore, a great movement started from the
House of Israel. Many people left this part of the territories
of the
Children of
Israel toward the west and northwest. Furthermore, after the
fall of Assyria, even more of the
House of Israel
immigrated toward the west.
<2>In fact, as the records have been
preserved by
God and given to the
Mormons, even some of these immigrants crossed the ocean and came to
<3>However, most of them stayed in Europe and
in England. These
Children of Israel
were the people of the ten tribes of
Israel. The
tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh also were with them. <4>However, for thousands of years this birthright did not
materialize until the nineteenth century. About this time, in the
1800s, suddenly the English-speaking nations flourished and two
great countries were born.
The nation is the United
<5>The first or elder one (the children
of Manasseh) became the United Kingdom with a territory where "the
sun never sets." England became a great empire which had never
been seen before. This whole United Kingdom was under the rulership
of one king in London and was very prosperous.
<6>So with this sudden flourishing of England
and creation of the United Kingdom, the promise of "a nation" to
Israel was fulfilled. The promise which was given to Manasseh ended with the fading of the
power of England over this vast kingdom.
America is the company
of nations
<7>Then after England, its younger brother
the United States (Ephraim), started to grow and prosper. Through
the Louisiana purchase and access to the west of America, and
because of the events which happened later on, suddenly it became
the wealthiest and most powerful "united states" ever existing in
history. <8>With this, the promise to Ephraim about becoming a company
of nations also is fulfilled (Gen. 49:22-26).
<9>The land which was divided in the time of Peleg is the land of America, "for in his days was the earth
divided;..." (Gen. 10:25), and was kept apart from the rest of the
world for a great purpose. <10>Both the U.K. and the U.S.A.
spread their dominations abroad, "whose branches run over the wall"
(Gen. 49:22).
The promise was
<11>The promise of a nation and a company of
nations was given to Israel
Abraham's sake)
unconditionally. That is, the land and greatness given to these two
countries is only to show that
God exists and never fails
to fulfill His promises, even if the people do not follow His
commandments or their covenant with Him (one covenant was that all
Hebrews should be circumcised).
<12>He fulfilled His promise without the
people who received it even realizing why they had been given such a
blessing. However, the promises are now fulfilled; only those who
follow His Laws are Blessed.