
Tablet Fifteen
Elected Ones are
not a race
<1>The great things which happen in the world
are all done with those elected by the Lord. Whenever any great
thing should happen on earth, a Great
Soul or many such Souls are born to do that. They will come
again and again to fulfill many different tasks in the world.
<2>That is how
controls and guides His universe. People think that all the events
in history or in their lives occur because of wild, unpredictable
forces out of their control. They say that they are neither guided
by any power nor can be controlled or directed by any being.
<3>But those who know
God realize that He is controlling all great things happening to
Elected Ones are
those who are chosen by
God to do His Will,
knowingly or unknowingly. That is why they are all over the world
and are helping His Will to be done. They are not in a special
country or place. They might be reincarnated in one place because it
is necessary for that time. However, this does not mean they belong,
or consider themselves to belong, to any special part of the world.
<5>Indeed, they consider themselves to belong
to the universe and that is where their true home is. It is these
Elected Ones
who eventually will guide the whole universe to the goal,
Will, will be done on earth
as it is in
Elected Ones will
be reincarnated again and again, and also there will be others added
to them more and more in the course of time. They will increase to
such a great multitude that eventually they will bring the
The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. "His Will be done on earth as it is
<7>In truth, His Kingdom is on earth, as it
is described in the book The
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. He is the King and controller of
all events. But if the human follows His Will and creates an ideal
environment according to His Will, then His Plan will go smoother. So in reality His Kingdom should only be realized on earth and His
Laws followed as in