THE HOLIEST Children of Abram (Abraham)...
The book, Children Of
Abram (Abraham), All
Prophecies Are Fulfilled, explains the promises
God gave to Abram
God gave promises for both of
Abram's (Abraham's)
children. They were Ishmael and
Isaac. He fulfilled these promises and other prophecies.
So God
gave promises and fulfilled them. Therefore, God certainly exists.
Furthermore, with these teachings God brings a greater truth to humanity and
unifies them.
As it is described in the book
The Base, as the base of our teachings, creation started billions of
years ago and gradually has been perfected through numerous stages and
changes until man was created. Then
through many different evolutionary steps, again
man became more and more under the control of
Then, around twelve thousand years ago, with another
evolutionary step (symbolized by the flood of Noah), new man as we know him
today was evolved. This evolutionary process was completed around six
thousand years ago. Through many lifetimes and also from those who had
already reached higher consciousness even before the flood of Noah (such as
Enoch), a group of humans were chosen as the Elected People to set an
example for others and also to guide humanity to the true path of reaching
Pure Consciousness.
He who was chosen as the first of such a people, and became
their father, was Abram (Abraham).
chose Abram because he was a great
spiritual personality and one who longed to preserve the Laws of
(read The
Holiest Book,
Holies 1 and Holiest 2).
This book is about the promises given to
Abram (Abraham) and how all
of them are fulfilled. Also it is about the fulfillment of many prophecies
in this same period of time. Furthermore, it will explain some prophecies
have not been fulfilled yet but will be soon to come. At the end, it will be
mentioned how the Kingdom of God on
earth will be established and His Will, will be done on earth as it is in
However, before starting the book there are two points
which should be kept in mind and never lost sight of throughout the entire
First, we have to remember four things: the Law of
Karma (that each action has a reaction and the doer should bear the
result of his actions), the Law of
Reincarnation (that man will be reincarnated again and again until he
reaches perfection), the ability of God
to forgive, through His Grace,
the sins (bad
karma) whenever He desires (that is, when a person learns the lessons of
an experience and follows the Laws of
God, his sins will be forgiven,
because all this creation was made to give man different experiences in
different levels of evolution.
When the experience and the lesson are gained, there is no reason that he
should suffer more, so God forgives
he who understands and walks with Him), and lastly, the ability of
God to put a person in situations that are necessary for him to gain
some experiences or lessons, or to perform a duty, even without
sin, and without having done any bad
karma (bad actions).
Remembrance of these four points will keep us aware that
when we talk about a special race or people, or their ancestry, it is not a
description of generations as a superior or inferior race. As described by
the four laws (or points) above, these people have been reincarnated in that
situation because of their past deeds or for fulfilling the purposes that
God was trying to bring about. So this will help the reader to stay away
from prejudice and
narrowness of the mind.
The second point is to remember that this book is written
only to show another sign of God's
actions to fulfill His Plan of bringing man to his senses, showing how He
works, and fulfilling His promises even when humans fail to understand His
works. So this book is written to enhance and increase the faith of those
who try to know the truth and realities behind our teachings. But the base
of our teachings is what is revealed through
The Holiest Book, The
Essence, The Base,
and Revelation of The
This book also will help the student of the Bible to
understand the Bible more completely when he keeps in mind why all
things in the Bible
had happened so that the things described in this book are fulfilled.
Some truth in this book was realized through some other
people also. But this book is more complete than any other explanation of
The Plan of the Lord for humanity, because others only had realized a part
of the truth by narrowing themselves into explaining these things only from
the view of one religion. When man wants to describe
God's Plan (or any great idea) for humanity in
narrow ways, then the trouble starts and he has no choice but to err.
However, with
expansion of the mind and understanding the Laws of
God for the whole universe (universalism),
man can solve many problems in the world, only by knowing Him.
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