Maitreya, the Thief of the Night
Written by a
disciple (approved by Maitreya)
In this essay we will explore the history of the
Mission of Maitreya
between the years of 1977, which was the start year of the
Revelations, to 2007, which was the end year of the Revelations.
This essay has a three-fold purpose; to keep record of
the history of the
Mission of Maitreya, to share the experience of
Maitreya throughout
these years for the generations to come, and to show how God set
an example through
Maitreya and His
Mission that the
Eternal Divine Path is embedded to all things in this
universe, and when it is followed, it works perfectly.
It was
prophesied that it would take
Maitreya three
reincarnations to fully accomplish His
It was also prophesied that in the first reincarnation,
which would be mostly educational outreach and setting up His
station, Maitreya
would be The Thief of the Night.
He would only be recognized by a small group of disciples
even though many would be informed of His Teachings and His
Presence. That is
exactly how it has happened!
All thanks to God,
Maitreya was
prepared and guided miraculously from His birth, on to the time
that He started to receive the Revelation of the
Eternal Divine Path
through The
Greatest Sign.
Between the years of 1977 to
1982, Maitreya let
God come through Him in order to open the Book sealed with the
Seven Seals (The
Holiest Of The Holies (THOTH), The Last Testament)
and crystallize the Teachings that are based on
Greatest Sign.
In the spring of 1982,
just as it was expected by many that
Maitreya would
declare His Presence, the
of Maitreya took ads
in many magazines and reached out to the world.
This was the
First Declaration. Read
the essay How He Became Maitreya
which summarizes this journey wonderfully.
One thing
Maitreya shared
about these times is that, He was so excited and in Bliss with
the Teachings and the Truth that was revealed through Him.
He was so amazed with
the Plan of God and How God was in charge all along and set up
an example as the history for humanity, and how much the
Teachings make sense, etc.
In the beginning He expected
the world and especially the Elects to respond to Him
immediately and start working on establishing the Kingdom of
Heaven on Earth.
However, this was not the case.
As the Mission
reached out, many came and in fact flooded the
Mission with
different energies.
Some of these people had partial truths, which was in a way kept
away from Maitreya
until The
Greatest Sign and
its Teachings were perfected.
This crowd, however, was not what
Maitreya was looking
for. Their cups were
These new energies which
entered the Mission
were so diverse that they almost made
Maitreya and the
Mission confused,
for a while. Of course,
this was also in tune with the prophecies that the Christ,
Maitreya, would be
caught in the clouds (confusion) with His disciples.
As the Teachings state, “cloud” is a metaphor for
confusion, so confused they were, but this only allowed
Maitreya to
crystallize and fine-tune the Teachings to deeper levels and see
its Truth even more clearly and in depth.
Mission was still in
the process of Awakening, the Path
to Perfection!
Another purpose this period
served was that Maitreya
had the opportunity to take part in some conferences and come in
touch with groups and their leaders who had some good ideas to
start a change for the better in the world but yet again were
not ready to let the ego go and surrender and submit to God.
says that these experiences only cleared it for Him that it will
be the people, the meek and the humble, that would see the Truth
of the Teachings of the
Eternal Divine Path
and start a grassroots movement.
As it is stated, "Blessed
are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted,
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth, Blessed
are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled, Blessed are the merciful: for
they shall obtain mercy, Blessed are the pure in heart:
for they shall see God, Blessed are the peacemakers: for
they shall be called the children of God, Blessed are they which
are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5: 3-10)
At this time
God also let Maitreya
know that even the Elects were not in Pure Consciousness yet;
they still had another thousand years to reach the Goal.
So, after reaching out to
the world and coming in contact with different people and
energies, Maitreya
was again guided by God how to continue with His
A few true seekers
were found, the Teachings were perfected, and everything was
ready to Call all "that are bidden to the wedding."
The question was, how?
The Mission
did not have many resources to put advertisements all over the
world, and not many were seeing the truth and joining in, so the
Mission stayed as a
small group. Maitreya
was mostly giving Satsangs to this small group, receiving people
who would come to visit Him in the
Mission, traveling
to reach out through the celebrations of the Feast of
Tabernacles, and bringing God’s Words from the ethereal level to
the external world.
The Mission was also
struggling and working to
create a proper environment
to carry on with God’s work.
continued to give Satsangs and fine-tune the Teachings.
The technology was not there yet, so they could not
record good quality audios of the Satsangs.
This is true for the
Satsangs that were given in the 1980s and the beginning of the
1990s. He used all that God gave Him, according to the time,
place, and people involved, because,
"sufficient unto the day is the
evil thereof" (Matthew
6:34). He
continued with God’s Work and followed the
Eternal Divine Path.
It is a known fact that the
cells of the human body renew themselves every seven years or
so. In the same manner
the Mission was
reforming itself and moving from one phase to another with God’s
Grace. The question of
how to spread the Message out to the world, in a more efficient
and successful way, was answered with the availability of the
Internet to the public in the 1990s (between 1991 and 1994).
The Internet made it a lot easier for people all around
the world to keep connected with the
Maitreya continued
giving Satsangs to a handful of disciples, this time via the
But the real challenge at the time was to bring the teachings
online on a website. Therefore
Maitreya learned to
construct a website from scratch and started to build the
website for the Mission. Although a couple of
other people, in some intervals, helped
Maitreya with this
project, almost the entire website was constructed by
Maitreya in the
1990s. This is a good
example of how with sacrifice, everything is
possible. All thanks to
God for providing the tools such as the fairly easy to use
Microsoft Front Page, graphic-making software, graphic animation
programs, etc. that made this possible.
Around 1996 the
Mission of Maitreya had an official website that made it
possible to reach out to humanity in a greater degree.
This was announced to humanity with the
Second Declaration.
After the website project
was completed, the focus was shifted once again to giving
Satsangs in order to continue with the education.
The Satsangs given after this period were also recorded
with better quality.
These later Satsangs, plus previous recorded ones, were
now made available for all to listen to, through the website.
Towards the end of the
millennium, the Mission
was steadily progressing and becoming ready to enter a new
The new phase and energy
came in, mostly, with the introduction of the
Mission to Paltalk.
Paltalk is an Internet chat service.
The Mission
was introduced to the world again, through Paltalk, in the Feast
of Tabernacles of 2001. Through
this media the Mission,
in a way, started a cyber church.
A couple of chat rooms
were created that seekers can come in and listen to the
Teachings, discuss and ask questions, learn to meditate,
meditate, etc. This made
it possible for the
Mission to reach out in greater degrees and also gave a
common place for the members of the
Mission to meet,
network, study, and support one another.
In time the
Mission had
volunteers who were running several different rooms twenty-four
hours a day. However,
the reaction and response of the majority of humanity or those
who came across the
Mission and the Teachings, stayed the same.
Even with greater
outreach only a handful of true seekers came to the
Narrow is the way that
few will find it...!
Also there were many who
came to the Mission
for a specific purpose, for example, to bring the importance of
genealogy, or prophecies, etc.
Most left after what they came for was accomplished.
Some even passed away as their purpose in life, it seems,
was to bring some facts about the
Mission to
attention. After
that was done so was the reason they were born for!
Many people also came to
oppose Maitreya’s
Teachings and/or bring negativity to the
It is indeed Prophesied that if it was not for God, they
would destroy the Son (Revelation 12:15-17).
There are more false prophets and teachings (flood), to
drown the Truth.
God indeed is protective of His Messengers and Revelations.
As the Teachings Reveal: There was Darkness from the
beginning, and the whole creation was created to overcome this
had a soul-to-soul understanding of the Plan and Will of God,
and He knew that God said His Kingdom will come to Earth as it
was in Heaven, so there was no question about that.
Whether people come,
people go, people listen, people don’t listen, they resist, they
don’t resist, etc., did not matter.
God’s Mystery, the
mystery of the last 12,000 years, was now revealed, the history
was explained, and the Way and the Plan was given.
The teachings were
perfected and ready to be shared with all of humanity; the rest
is between each person and God!
The duty of a Messenger is to give the Message!
continued giving out the Message and
surrendering and submitting the results to God.
So the
Mission was doing
its best to make the Teachings available to all, inform all of
this new Revelation of God, and continue with the educational
One of the purposes that
many who came to the
Mission, was: To help gather many of the
prophecies that
Maitreya and the
Mission have
fulfilled. God made sure
the Elects could recognize His Messiah,
Maitreya, by making
Him unique with the fulfillment of the prophecies. Therefore God
brought many people with different perspectives and knowledge to
the Mission, who
brought many of the prophecies fulfilled from different
religions of the world, etc.
The genealogy, DNA testing, and personal prophecies that
Maitreya fulfilled
were also gathered together in the same manner and made
available for all to see on the
Mission website.
still stayed as The Thief of the Night even after all these
developments and many years that passed after the initial
outreach of the Mission
to the world. The first
lifetime was supposed to be like this and be mostly an
educational Mission.
However, like everything
in the manifested world, this was temporary as well and even the
title of the Satsangs that were given in this period,
"Conversation with
Maitreya," reflected a change in the
Mission’s approach.
Realizing that the
educational phase was successfully done,
Maitreya in His
Third Declaration
announced to the world that, "It Is Done!"
After the Third Declaration
until 2005, Satsangs continued as, "Conversations with
Maitreya," however,
in the Feast of Tabernacles of 2005 it was obvious that the
Mission now was
entering a new phase: The
preparation for implementation has started!
The titles of the
Satsangs were changed to, "Maitreya
Calling Elects" and eventually new projects such as Project New
Jerusalem were introduced at this time.
was calling those who have gone through the
Eternal Divine Path
and become Universalists, the
Paravipras, to set an
example for the whole humanity, a
Community of Light
that follows the Eternal
Divine Path so that humanity can see that the goal of the
life is to be(come) Divine, reach
Pure Consciousness, an
example of a Community
of Light to show that real salvation and solutions to all
worldly problems is only possible collectively in the
Communities of Light
by following the Eternal
Divine Path.
Humanity needs to see an
example of how this is possible so that when the old no longer
works, the new will be available to them. This new phase, as
mentioned above, is the start of, or preparation for, the
implementation. It
might seem that these projects did not take off, but the whole
Revelation and all the things that happened to the
Mission, were a
preparation for the future!
and the Mission
continued with regular reaching out, Satsangs, and services as
usual. The timeline of
man and God are different but God’s Ways do not change, so with
this assurance Maitreya
and the Mission
one-pointedly continued to carry on with God’s Work.
The Teachings say: You are not the doer, God Is, so keep
on keeping on; and they did!
It is Prophesied that after the opening of the Seven Seals and
the Book Sealed with the Seven Seals, there will be a period of
silence and then Tribulation. Maitreya
was Guided to send a letter to the leaders and influential
people all around the world, calling them to unite under God’s
banner. This letter was
posted on the website;
like the teachings it was translated into many languages and was
sent to thousands of people all around the world.
Anyone can send it to as
many people they know and/or have their email addresses to
inform them that what God has Revealed is coming!
After sending out the letter, Maitreya
was asked in a Satsang how optimistic He is about the outcome of
the letter. Maitreya’s
brief answer was, "From 134,000 plus
Prophets that have come to humanity, they have listened only to
one (they listened to Jonah, repented, and were actually saved
from the disasters that were upon them). How optimistic
can I be...? But that will not deter me from doing what
God wants to be done."
In the summer of 2007, God came through
Maitreya and
confirmed the Revelations Revealed to humanity by
and clarified His positions on many topics. These two
Revelations finished the Revelations entrusted to Maitreya
and expressed His Pleasure of these Revelations brought by
in their purest form to humanity. The final Revelation was
Revealed on 7/7/7!
After the
sessions of Revelations,
Maitreya continued giving Satsangs under the title of
"Further Clarifications" only until He again felt compelled to
withdraw His Satsangs from the public unless a group of at least
seven people come together, proved their sincerity, and
requested a Satsang from Him. Maitreya
told, in this last Satsang, the resistance of people to come,
join the Mission,
and carry it to a more professional level, and the technical
difficulties and struggle were the main reasons behind this
decision. He has done
His Work; now it is time for the Disciples to come and help Him
to Spread the Message further.
So in a period of around 30 years the Seventh
Revelation of God, the Revelation of the
Eternal Divine Path
was brought to the external world, was written down, edited,
published, put on the Internet and distributed to the whole wide
world by the Prophet of God,
The Plan was given, the
Elects were called, and humanity was warned of the
These all
were done by following the
Eternal Divine Path
with the Grace of God. There
was struggle, there were things to overcome, things to forget,
and things to relearn (remember); there were problems, there
were difficulties, there were resistance and negativities but as
darkness has no power over light so were all these powerless
over the Mission and
The Maitreya, and
they were nothing comparable to the Grace/Blessings of God.
The only choice for humanity
is given: To choose God or not to choose God!
For the
Mission now it is
time to wait for those who have no other choice but to choose
God, for those who can overcome, go beyond the dogmas, false
teachings, and limitations that were imposed on them by their
parents, families, teachers, preachers, societies, etc.
For those who can search (seek), ask, find, see and
realize the Truth for themselves, those who can see that the old
systems are crumbling and the world and humanity are at
crossroads, for those who can see that Mystical Paths, Hebrews,
Christians, Muslims, Bahá’ís, etc. will not bring His Kingdom,
Unity and Peace to Earth by themselves, for those who can see
science is the logic of God used to create this manifested world
and are ready to expand their minds and be an active part of His
Plan, for those who can understand unification is only possible
under the banner of God, and His Messiah is needed to be the
nucleus of this unification; for the Elects and humanity.
Come and give fruits in the
greatest degree so all will know that God indeed is in control,
and eventually make it possible so that God through
Maitreya will be
recognized as the King of the Kings.
All thanks to
Amen ( ).