Golden Keys: A series
of booklets which contain questions from many people and answers by
Maitreya. Each of these questions and answers are like a Golden Key
that opens a door to a greater understanding of Him and His
teachings. This is the
fourth in the series.
Back to
Golden Keys Index
Each of these booklets contain answers given by
or approved by Him to questions which were asked
in the letters He received from many. Each
question and its answer is like a little
Key to unlock the meanings of His
Mission and
teachings a little further.
The questions are separated into categories. After
the question and answer, there may be a reference to the
books in The Holiest Of The Holies (THOTH),
The Last Testament
The Plan,
the main writings of
We hope these booklets answer all questions you might
have. If not, you can further search for answers
in our website. If your questions have still not been
answered, please send them to the
You will receive answers that are either directly from
Maitreya or have been reviewed by Him. We
may use answers that are not
a repetition in new Golden Keys in the future.
Send your questions to:
(Please review our
Policy before sending questions)
Mission of Maitreya
"Eternal Divine Path"
P. O. Box 44100
Albuquerque, NM 87174
(page numbers are of the published book
The Golden Keys)
"A Message"................................................9
"A Message"................................................13
A letter to a confused
The Reminder
To the Essence
In Each Man
and Woman
Which Knows
No Race, Religion or Creed.
1- Why does
it sometimes seem nothing is happening toward
fulfillment of The Plan?
When all is quiet in the manifested world, and a feeling
encompasses us that, “nothing is happening,” indeed
energies are prepared in the ethereal levels.
Suddenly, after such a period, we can see these
energies come together, great things start to happen and
are accelerated.
Then again a period of laxation might occur, and
after that manifestation.
The greater the quiet periods (periods of purification
and growth), the greater the period of manifestation.
These cycles go on as everything is in a circular
movement, up and down, creation and destruction, etc.,
symbolized by the I-Ching ( ).
2- There is
such a confusion of many claiming to be Avatars.
How then can The Plan be manifested?
There are many Masters (Avatars) present on earth.
They each will become a center of focus (nucleus)
and will unify many.
As there is no manifestation without a nucleus,
there should be an ultimate nucleus to manifest all
these other nuclei so that the
on earth is realized.
Maitreya is this ultimate nucleus.
True Avatars will realize this well.
When this ultimate point of focus is accepted and
realized by all (or many), then
The Plan
will be fulfilled.
3- It seems
not many are ready to receive this new vision.
Why is this?
Throughout history, new visions or ideas are always
Only a few dedicated individuals see the new truths
well. It is
these few that persist and will impart this vision to
Many do not want to accept
the great
commitment which comes by accepting this truth.
As time passes, however, more consciousnesses
will reach a point where they also will
accept this vision.
Hopefully this revelation will be realized faster
than in the past, because of the communication
facilities and higher human consciousness!
Know that those who are pioneers are the bravest and
also learn valuable lessons of human nature!
Be therefore ready to be surprised by them (some)
and learn why it is said that Maya (devil, illusion of
separation from God) is as strong as God Himself.
However, be persistent and if you have seen the
vision and were touched by it even once, the eventual
victory is yours, and we are One.
The more that are One with us, the greater will
be the Light to manifest
The Plan.
It has been promised His Kingdom will come, so it
4- How
about the “space brothers,” “Heavenly Hierarchy,” “White
Brotherhood,” etc?
These are all subject to a greater power (God).
Maitreya, and His teachings have come from that power
(Supreme Consciousness, United State of Consciousness,
Therefore, rely on this greater power, go to “The
Highest Of The Highs
the rest will be added to you.
Also not all space brothers are brothers, and not all
hierarchies are the One!
The human has to rely on God and himself first,
not on others.
If we grow, then we will be worthy and equal to
all other beings in the universe, and then we all can be
5- It seems
I have great difficulty in fulfilling my obligations to
my family and being involved with the Mission.
The difficulty is more unbearable by my wife
opposing my involvement with the
What should I do?
I am sorry that you are still having problems.
Pray for your wife that the Spirit of Christ
guides her to see the truth, then be patient — all will
be cleared.
About your involvement with the
Mission, as I said before, I will
be more than glad to help you to clarify any questions
or doubts you might have.
However, it is you who eventually has to decide.
Confusion is not always bad, in any transitory
period there is a time of confusion.
There is nothing permanent in this universe but
You have to be clear about what you do.
Therefore, be patient, deal with your “personal
issues” and make the necessary “transitions” from old to
new patterns.
Pray and meditate for Guidance from God.
Then decide what that Higher Guide wants you to
do and is proper.
What the Mission is trying to do and
stands for is not the easiest task.
Those who will be involved with it also will have
some hard times to perceive and adjust to these new and
incredible truths.
But this is the time of decision and growth.
It is up to each individual to see if he or she
is a part of It.
God knows Best!
Adam...Christ...You say that Jesus was Adam who
Then Christ (Maitreya) was Adam before Jesus?
Christ was one of the personalities who was
called generically Adam?
Some traditions say that Jesus
was Sananda and only from the last three years of
his life he was a channel for Maitreya?...
Remember as it is explained in
the state of Christhood is a level of consciousness,
which we call pure consciousness.
Whoever reaches this state is Christ (God’s son).
That is why it is said in the Bible, “He that
overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his
God, and he shall be my son.” (Rev. 21:7).
However, there were two beings in this state even before
They were God (Father) and the First Begotten Son.
This son is different than the ones who reached
this state later.
He is the Spirit of the Father (Light) manifested
on earth.
He is The
Father and knows The Mother!
It was after creation that man (Adam) became attached to
the external world and went farther away from God.
This is called the fall of man.
The First Begotten Son, as Adam, taught man many great
truths and mystical powers. But man disobeyed God’s way
and failed.
Not all men fell. Some did progress and reached pure
consciousness, such as Enoch which the Bible says, “God
took him” (Genesis 5:24). These
also are called the “sons of God” (Genesis 6:2 and 4).
Now, if we call the First Begotten Son of God also
Christ, then there are some theories of who Jesus (Esa)
was. Was he
the First Begotten Son of God (Adam)?
Or was he another person (Sananda, etc.) who was
overshadowed by Maitreya?
The answer is, the whole argument is irrelevant!
The most important thing is what he said and how
his Mission helps us in our and other’s spiritual
progress. Also remember:
the one who fell is symbolic for the humanity of that
period? The
fall was before human had a body?...
The word “Adam” also means human.
This can easily be understood by becoming
familiar with some Eastern language.
In Persia one of the meanings of “Adam”
is human.
Another is “perfected human,” etc.
Adam also refers to The First Teacher or The First
Begotten Son who was incarnated to teach man (Adam) the
path to salvation
(Eternal Divine
So you can see the “man” or Adam who failed does not
refer to an individual but to the nature of man, which
has been with man from the beginning of creation.
Creation was intended, in the beginning, to guide the
human and discipline him so he would not listen to his
lower nature.
That is why God gave the Law, “But of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil, thou shall not eat of
it.” (Genesis 2:17).
God knew man’s salvation is only possible if he is 100%
God-conscious and has no consciousness of self
(knowledge of good and evil).
Yet man failed to stay in this stage as Adam
(First Begotten Son) taught.
This was when man (Adam) failed.
As you can see, man failed after this manifested world
was created.
He must have had some kind of body even if not
completely similar to ours.
6c-...Adam-Christ was realized before the fall, and was
not affected by it?
That statement makes sense?...
True, if Adam is used to mean The First Begotten Son.
That is why Jesus (Esa) said, “...Before Abraham
was, I am” (John 8:58).
6d-...John when received The Revelation was in contact
with his Christ consciousness.
John became a Christ like Maitreya?
You say that the Christ revealed or helped to
reveal all the truth.
Are you saying that Maitreya did this work, or
Christ stands for a level of consciousness?
There are other Christs besides Maitreya’s
This is a fine question with which many are confused.
God consists of consciousness (Father) and the
creative forces (Mother).
In the beginning when the creative forces were
released and the universe was out of control (chaos),
God desired, “Let there be...” (Genesis 1:3), harmony,
“Light.” He
projected His Light into the universe and eventually the
First Begotten Son emerged, “and there was Light”
(Genesis 1:3).
The First Begotten Son became God in the manifested
world. He
became the Messiah, who is One with The Father (pure
consciousness) and manifests The Mother (creative
forces). He
is Father and Mother in flesh.
That is why He is called full of knowledge (The
Father) and Grace (The Mother).
He is then the prime focus for unification and focal
point of all truths.
That is why
He is called The Christ.
Now the other sons of God who reached the sonhood are at
the same level and One with The Father.
Yet only The First Begotten Son is the Messiah!
Therefore, although many can reach Christ
consciousness (being a son), to manifest any truth or
plan, a focal point or center (nucleus) is necessary.
Nothing is manifested if there is not a nucleus.
The nucleus or center of any revelation to be
manifested is The Messiah.
Therefore, as we can see, although John had great powers
and knowledge, when the multitude came and tried to make
him proclaim that he is the Messiah, he refused.
He referred them to the One who will come after
him, who is preferred before him (John 1:27)!
Therefore, although there are many who have received
great commissions, the fulfillment will come when all
are focused on the nucleus!
7a- Other
part...God made each part an independent soul,
masculine-feminine, positive-negative.
Can one part be incarnated as man in one
generation and as woman in another?
In truth, it is not the soul which is divided in two as
male and female, but the positive and negative polarity
in the universe manifests as male and female.
Soul has no polarity, it is neither male nor female.
It is the soul which incarnates in different
lifetimes and is neither male nor female.
Because of its proximity to other souls, or
because of the will of God, it will evolve to become a
soulmate (opposite) or twin flame (similar).
Because each lifetime is a continuation of the previous
one and the soulmates and twin flames incarnate to
continue unfinished tasks and learning from the previous
lifetimes, incarnation to different sexes is rare.
Each soul carries the experiences from the
previous life, but the spirit of those who have been
together in previous lives complement each other, or
will be attracted to carry on the new tasks assigned to
them, etc.
Of course God can do All things!
7b- ...after some points in the evolution, the two parts
merge again to form a unity?
Because of the strong karmic bonds between two parts (or
the Will of God), they usually support one another and
help each other in the path to perfection, and will
eventually become One with God (androgynous).
Even if only one part reaches a very high level of
consciousness and the other lags behind, usually the one
who has progressed will slow down in order to help the
However, if the other part lags behind too much and
would not want to progress, and becomes a burden in the
path of the other person, it is possible that the
ethereal tie is broken so the one who wants to progress
is freed to continue his or her path.
For such a person there might be other soulmates,
etc, to be found in higher levels.
Or he or she might decide that its other part is
God and become a renounced person (sannyasin).
In short, the universe is not in black and white.
There are infinite possibilities.
This is especially true for those who are not too
close to God (Spirit).
The closer the spirit to God, the narrower the
individual choices, "not my will but thine...!"
8a- Karma —
justice — You are saying that the suffering of the Jews
in the last world war is related to their karma produced
by their rejection of the Messiah.
How can we
distinguish when the social suffering is the result of
the karma of a group of people or the result of the
injustice of the society...?
Remember, social injustice is used as a tool to create
suffering for repayment of karmic debts only during the
last twelve thousand years of human history as a lesson.
Let us create a worldwide just system, then such
questions will not arise at all.
In this case, the suffering was predicted by many
Jews were designed to become a loud example for
humanity, that the Law of Karma works.
God has used them to show His power and existence
— what a great and blessed situation to be chosen by God
for a purpose (to manifest a part of
His Plan).
Sometimes of course, it is very difficult to see if
suffering is from karma or is from social injustice.
But God is just — in eventual analysis any
injustice will be punished!
If a social injustice is done by someone, he will
eventually pay for it.
Of course, we should not sit idle and rely on this kind
of justice alone.
That is why laws and judiciary systems are
created, to punish the unjust.
Man has free will, he can manage all his affairs
if he truly tunes himself with the Will of God.
Furthermore, the Law of Karma is there so that we learn
our lessons through it.
If we learn the lessons of the last twelve
thousand years of human history (especially the last six
thousand) and use our free will and intelligence, social
justice can be established on earth.
Then any uncontrollable sufferings could be from
karmic debts!
8b- Was
Hitler judging improperly other men or being a tool for
God to punish the Jews?
Would Hitler be punished?
This is not ours to speculate.
The only thing we can do is to learn the lesson
and destroy the elements that led to that situation.
They are the barriers which divide humans from
one another.
They are situations which give opportunity for a
man to rise to power and misuse it, etc.
Also, all these things happened in the past.
To indulge too much in the past will make us miss
the moment, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil
thereof.” (Matthew 6:34).
Now is the time to work toward unity, not pick on
the wounds of the past.
Just learn the lessons and then let go of them.
Furthermore, it should be understood, as explained in
that “Jew” is a name given to a group of people.
Those who were killed in World War II were not
Jews who were good in their previous lives.
They might not even have been a Jew in those
However, they were individuals with very heavy karmas
from many lives.
In the process of this suffering in World Wars I and II,
they (with the earth) cleansed themselves from their
heavy karmas.
That is why we saw a baby boom after World War
II. These
souls who came to earth with light karma were a blessed
generation with far reaching ideals.
Many of these souls were the ones who had
lightened their karma through the great sufferings in
those wars.
Now is the time for humanity to understand, through
these experiences, how the Law of Karma works
individually and collectively.
It is now that we should realize that His Kingdom
is necessary to eliminate the creation of further karmic
cycles. Man does not have to go through terrible
experiences like he went through the last six thousand
Whoever inflicts suffering on others, or whatever group,
nation, etc, makes others their subjects, will pay for
the pain they have created. If we do not understand
this, the human tragedy will continue. However,
everything is accelerated and man has no choice but to
face this reality and bring God into his affairs. Only
this will stop the madness man has created for himself.
Therefore, we should not create any prejudicity against
Jews, or any people for this matter, as a group.
Each individual should be received according to
his own Being, not what group or race, creed, color, or
culture, etc, he belongs to.
A Jew who works for His Kingdom is as dear to our
hearts, as any other Elected ones.
9- What is
the relationship between the hierarchy presented in the
Book of Urantia, the three orders presented by you, and
the fall of the Atlanteans?
The orders of Michael, Enoch and Gabriel, the three
orders presented by our teachings, can have different
meanings in different states of consciousness.
In the ethereal level, they can be described as
hierarchy (or hierarchies).
One such explanation is presented in the Urantia
book. The
Book of Urantia deals mostly with the order of
Michael, which is the most etheric order, even in this
time when the other orders are mostly manifested.
However, many other explanations of these hierarchies
are presented by others.
In fact, these hierarchies change according to
the prevalent (present) situation.
God and His system cannot be restricted to one
set, according to the realization of one individual or a
group. Any
rigid explanation of the universe will create
stagnation, narrowness of the mind, and suffering.
In general, the three orders can be described as
The Order of Michael consists of protective energies
(angelic forces).
They help and protect the other two orders in
their endeavors.
To understand the function of this order a person
should be careful not to be confused by exaggerated
stories and explanations about space brothers as the
Order of Michael!
The Order of Enoch consists of the scientists of the New
Order of the Ages (Golden Age).
They are the ones who are rediscovering
scientific facts based on greater universal principles.
They are inventing technologies which will free
man from the mundane world, will create a higher
standard of living, without the side effects of
conventional science (such as pollution, diseases, wars,
The Order of Gabriel is the true spiritual understanding
of the universe (God).
This can be viewed as the spirit for the other
two orders.
It is the revealer of the true knowledge of God and its
importance for the harmony between the two other orders.
Atlanteans knew about these three orders.
However, their true knowledge about the Order of
Gabriel (Holy Ghost) came to them through Lemuria.
After the destruction of Lemuria, Atlanteans put
greater emphasis on the Order of Michael (body
gratification) and Enoch (scientific facts).
The war-like beings of the Order of Michael and
scientific knowledge of the Order of Enoch, made the
Atlanteans (seemingly) great!
However, because they neglected the spirit behind it all
and relied on themselves as being great, they fell to
their lower natures (false egos).
They started to misuse these powers and knowledge
for greater self-gratification.
They started to enslave others for greater glory,
etc. This
created a great self-centeredness, and, therefore, a
greater feeling of separation from God.
To replace the empty feeling which resulted from
this, they created even greater means of sensual
enjoyment, powers...
This eventually led to chaos and destruction of their
It was then (or before then) that a
Great Plan
was devised.
In the last twelve thousand years, the spiritual
powers of man were taken away from him.
He was left alone, by himself.
Through the history of this period, led by the
Heavenly Hierarchy, great lessons were given to
These lessons plus the faith of civilizations before,
shows the path to humanity — that without a spiritual
base civilizations are destroyed.
In this same period of the last twelve thousand years,
the seven steps of the
Eternal Divine
Path, explained in our teachings, are revealed to
This seven-step path has been gradually revealed, each
step as one or more of the main religions of the world.
culmination of these revelations as the seventh step is
revealed through the Mission of Maitreya, by Maitreya.
Eternal Divine Path is the essence of the Spirit
It is the path to salvation, individually and
It is the Light revealed by the Order of Gabriel.
Scientific discoveries (Order of Enoch) and physical
greatness (sensual glorification) without spiritual
understanding and disciplines, leads to destruction.
This is the lesson which should be learned from
past history and from those civilizations which were
destroyed, and is the message of the Order of Gabriel.
Humanity is on the brink of great discoveries and is
also gaining back many of its spiritual powers.
Now is the time for humanity to realize that
misuse of these powers and knowledge, will result in its
destruction as has happened in the past.
Only an all-round harmonious life based on the
Eternal Divine
Path will help humanity to salvation, physically
(Michael), mentally (Enoch) and spiritually (Gabriel),
individually and collectively.
10- Could
you please forward information that might set us up?
In answer to this request, I will share with you the
essence of our work.
As our logo and slogan reveals, we believe that,
“The Goal of the Life is to Be(come) Divine.”
To Be(come) Divine means to be One with God.
When you are One with Him within, you will see
Him everywhere without!
Therefore, the first step is
to meditate
and find God within.
To meditate with a body of like-minded people
(collective meditation) accelerates this process
After you have accomplished this, or at the same time in
the process, follow the rest of the steps in the
Eternal Divine
To accomplish this Goal, you have to meditate, at least
twice a day regularly. The next step should come
naturally as a great desire to be with like-minded
people, or creating the
of like-minded people. With the gathering of people in
these communities and sharing physically, mentally and
spiritually, each individual will accelerate his or her
progress greatly.
Each community also will become a center, for
others to join and grow on all levels, so everyone will
be able to share and learn!
Then by following the rest of the steps in the
Eternal Divine
Path, these communities will become the
Communities of
It is these communities which most likely will withstand
the coming events on the earth.
With networking between these communities,
eventually the system represented in
will emerge and His Kingdom will be established.
However, it
should always be remembered that our highest Goal is to
Be One with God in all these endeavors.
This is the essence of our work and the guide in our
path. So
close your eyes and see God.
Then open them and see God.
Then march to establish His Kingdom.
The Essence of my teachings is the
Eternal Divine
Path, and the first step in this path is stated as:
“The Goal of the Life is to Be(come) Divine.
That Divinity (God) is Everything.”
To Be(come) Divine means to Be(come) one with
your Essence within (God).
When you are One with Him within yourself, then
you will see He is also without you and is All.
Therefore, the first step in the
Eternal Divine
Path is
meditate, and find God within.
Hence, find time to meditate, at least, twice a
day regularly.
The next step, or the step along with meditation,
is to find like-minded people and establish
communities of
spiritual beings.
By following the rest of the
Eternal Divine
Path, these communities will be(come)
Communities of
All through history it has been small communities or
groups who carried the torch of the civilization to its
next phase.
Therefore, it will be the
Communities of
Light which will be protected, through the changes
coming to earth.
After the cleansing process, they will be the
inheritors of the earth.
Communities of Light
are the salvation of humanity, physically, mentally,
spiritually, individually, and collectively.
Do you
have any literature that is available to the general
With any request for information, we send an
announcement called “Let’s Unify Humanity” and a sheet
of other information including the list of publications
available to all.
In a
brochure I have, it mentions that Maitreya transmits
messages from
6:30 AM
and PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).
What does that mean?
It means that from
6:00 to
6:30 on Saturdays (1:00 to 1:30 Greenwich time) Maitreya will go into a state
of meditation.
If others also tune in at the same time, a master
unified state of consciousness will be created which
will envelop the whole earth.
In this Oneness, if all those who are meditating
together visualize the earth and pray in their hearts
for peace, harmony, Oneness, and His Kingdom to come on
earth, they are accelerating the processes for
The Plan to
be manifested.
The more people join in this great and powerful
exercise, the greater will be the impact.
At this time Maitreya also transmits messages of Love,
Light, Oneness, Harmony, Peace, etc.
If others are also in tuned to His vibration and
energy, they will receive (feel) them.
It works like the relationship between a radio station
and a receiver.
The station sends its programs out.
In order for the receiver to receive the messages
from the station, it should not only be in proper
working condition (be ready) but it should also be on
(be meditating) and be on the same channel (frequency,
in tune to their aura opened to Maitreya).
Then He will clearly receive the messages!
It also means each and any person who meditates and
sends Love, Peace, Positive and Loving Thoughts, etc, to
the world will become a transmitter to affect the
vibration and energy of the planet toward increasing
these qualities, which we so badly need.
Again the greater the number, the greater the
In order to transmit properly, one should sit in a
comfortable position, close the eyes, calm the mind and
the body, then ideate on Father, Son and The Holy Ghost,
and let the Blessings and higher thoughts of The Holy
Ghost flow through him into the world.
The Holy Ghost is full of Positive Thoughts,
Love, Peace, Tranquility, Grace, Healing, etc.
With this, a person will not only become full of bliss,
but he will be doing a great service for humanity.
He will become a greater servant of God (Light
will create a greater desire to serve Him to manifest
His Kingdom on earth (The
So he will come closer and closer to God, which is equal
with creating greater peace, tranquility, understanding,
etc, within, in his environment, and on earth.
As these qualities are increased, a person
becomes closer to his or her own Essence or Christ
consciousness and becomes more in tune with Maitreya.
The more people in tune with Him, the more
accelerated is the process to manifest
The Plan.
Does He
(Maitreya) have a traveling schedule which will permit
Him to go to places?
Although Maitreya has traveled to some places to spread
His teachings and Message, He prefers the disciples do
it instead of Him.
As it has been revealed, it is time for disciples
to do great works, “If you have faith, and doubt
not,...if you shall say unto this mountain, Be thou
removed, shall be done.”
(Matthew 21:21).
You can do greater things than have been done in
the past.
However, if He felt that His presence might help a
situation greatly and will accelerate the processes, He
is willing to be present.
He would, though, rather see others (The Light
Workers) carry on the message.
If they need Him, He is always willing to assist
would be interesting to have some biographical
information on Maitreya; I think that would help me to
understand Him better.
To understand Him is equal to understanding yourself
(The Self).
Whoever knows The Self, knows God (Self).
Recently I heard on the radio a program given by a
lawyer named Constance Cumbey.
She claimed that Maitreya is the anti-Christ as
mentioned in the Bible.
What do you think about that?
Remember it has been prophesied that, “Many shall come
in my name [Maitreya, etc] and call themselves
Christ,..., and deceive many.”
So many shall come in the name of Maitreya, but
only one is the true One, the One who has fulfilled the
legitimate prophecies about Him.
One of the others might very well be the
The very lawyer you are talking about has written a book
called, “Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow.”
The writer has based her assumptions on the
verse, “...who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus
[Esa] is the Christ?...” (I John
2:22), to prove that Maitreya is anti-Christ.
She shows that the Maitreya she is talking about is
supported by esoteric groups and New Agers.
It states that these groups deny that Jesus [Esa]
is the Christ.
We, however, do not deny this.
This makes the Maitreya we represent different
than any other, or the one she describes in her book.
There are two criteria which are mentioned in the Bible
to know the right one.
One is the verse just quoted above (I John
2:22), and the other one is, “...many
shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ,...and shall
deceive many...” (Luke 11:8, Matthew 24:5, and Mark
13:6), which also was mentioned earlier.
The name Maitreya (which is the name of The
Christ for this age) was
given to the
Maitreya we represent.
He never called himself this name.
To understand this will lift a lot of confusion which
We neither deny that Christ (Jesus, Esa) is the first
and only Begotten Son of God, nor did our Maitreya call
himself by the names he represents, fulfilling the
prophecy of how to find the right One.
Only when those who are chosen to recognize this
difference are lifted from this confusion (cloud), can
they gather together with Christ above this cloud.
Then with this unified body we will manifest
The Plan.
This distinction is important.
Then people such as the lady who wrote “Hidden
Dangers of the Rainbow” or similar books, would know the
difference and we will eventually prevail!
The teachings of the Maitreya we represent are from the
Most High.
is beyond any ethereal hierarchy, esoteric teachings,
It is
from the Only God (Supreme Awareness), the Formless,
Invisible, Nameless, and Eternal
It includes all other paths, teachings,
religions, including esoteric, plus all others.
Any and each of them only have a part of the
are Maitreya’s plans for the future in terms of public
appearances and teachings?
Is there any particular thing(s) that I should be
looking for in terms of world events which may be
related to your Mission?
He does not have any specific plans.
He has already given the outline and direction of
The Plan
should work out.
This has already touched the lives of many and is
doing so in greater degree.
As things unfold, everyone eventually will know
About any “particular” events:
Everything on earth is related to the
One has to be blind not to see how everything has
been accelerated and prophecies which are in the
Scriptures, are being fulfilled one after the other.
It is the time of decision, to open our hearts to the
truth(s) or be misguided by our dogmas, fears, false
prophets, etc.
The New Golden Age is approaching.
Either you will assist in its enfoldment, and be
Blessed, or stand in opposition and delay its
choice is yours!
To be here and now also means to be One with God, and
whoever is One with Him is in Flow and Harmony with the
So there will be no mistake (karma) made.
It means to be in perfect tune with the universe,
a pure channel for Him!
In your
literature you always use the name Jesus with the name
Esa in parenthesis in front of it.
Why is that?
The name Jesus is not the real name of the man who
preached the Gospels two thousand years ago.
There is no “j” in Hebrew and he was a Hebrew.
The name Esa, however, has been used as his name all
through the East.
Indeed literature has been found in a monastery
in which there are writings about him under the name of
Similar sounding names also can be found in Hebrew, such
as “Esau” and “Isaiah.”
In Arabic and other close neighbors to them (such
Persia), he is also
called “Esa.”
Therefore, whenever the name Jesus is used in our
literature to identify him for the western audience, the
name Esa is also included to let them know his true
birth name.
He also had a sacred name, unfamiliar to either
Westerners or Easterners.
The sacred name is His true spiritual name.
(For more detail, read the explanation under
“Jesus” in the book
The Holiest
Of The Holies (THOTH), The Last Testament.)
Esa-Jesus the Christ reincarnate and rectify the
fallacious teachings about his life two thousand years
It has already been done!
The book
THOTH clarifies this.
Maitreya is the World Teacher (Avatar), will he be the
synthesis in human form of the Buddha-Christ force?
If we accept the letter “y” in the name “Maitreya” as a
consonant, then the numerical value of its vowels will
be equal to “16” which is 1 + 6 = 7 (mystery, God).
The value of the consonant letters will be “22”
(number for Buddha).
The total number for both consonants and vowels
will be 22 + 7 = 29, which is 2 + 9 = 11 (the number of
Many others who call themselves Maitreya or Christ, yet
are not, will be working with the egoistical part of the
Buddha and Christ.
The number of Buddha (22) also can be 2 + 2 = 4
and Christ (11) as 1 + 1 = 2.
These numbers are not the true numbers for Buddha
and Christ, but a substitute for them.
So they will not be manifested!
is the meaning in your logo of the gestures of the
The gestures, like the one in our logo (picture of
Maitreya on His throne) are called mudras in Sanskrit.
This particular mudra shown in our logo is used
to depart Grace (Holy Ghost, Mother) and Knowledge
(Wisdom, Father) to the world.
right eye open, and left closed [in our logo, Maitreya]?
Awareness of both the external (eye open) and internal
(eye closed) worlds:
To bring a balanced teaching which recognizes the
interdependence of spirit and matter, and how a balance
between them is necessary.
That is why in our teachings, the external
formation of
Communities of Light is as important and necessary
as internal salvation of humanity.
They go hand-in-hand.
two feet on the flowers (lotuses) [in our logo
The feet of the Master have always been the object of
The two lotuses, under Maitreya’s feet, symbolize that
many Masters (lotuses, as the lotus petals) will
recognize the truth of Him and His teachings, and will
surrender to It (to His feet).
two flames on each side of the chair [in our logo,
The two flames actually are the symbol used in Buddhist
practices called Durga.
They are the symbol of power.
circle on the head (aura)?
A circle of aura can also be found in Christian and
Moslem paintings.
It is the Light of the spirit emanating from the seventh
chakra (God).
We also
have designed a temple which presents all religions of
the world.
Why do we need another one as proposed by your
What is the difference?
The temple which Maitreya has proposed is not a design
of an earthly architect, or a good idea from an inspired
person to unify the religions of the world by building a
It has been revealed, backed by Scriptures and a person
who has fulfilled all the legitimate prophecies about
Therefore, it is not just a good idea, but the
fulfillment of a prayer of many and the expectation of
all religions on earth.
This is the difference!
You say
there is no one, or religion, spiritual path, etc, who
is not a part of the Mission of Maitreya, but many do
not agree with this assumption.
What is your answer to them?
We are sorry if such a notion exists.
There is no spiritual movement, idea or path
which is not a part of the
Eternal Divine
Path and
Great Sign.
They have to see and find their places in this
Knowingly or unknowingly, every one is a part of us!
It is just like God, or the universe, everything is a
part of Him.
However, an illusion of separation from Him
exists in some parts of Him (creation).
Like it or not, there is nothing out of Him, yet
many do not see this.
It is the same with Maitreya.
There is no one who is not a part of us.
If anyone separates himself from us, it is just
an illusion.
Knowingly or unknowingly everyone works for
The Plan.
I am
afraid to become involved in spreading the Message of
(Maitreya) because I might make mistakes!
How can I
overcome this fear?
Fear of making mistakes comes to us because we think we
are the doer.
We expect results.
We are afraid others won’t accept us.
By understanding that it is God who does the
actions through us (submission) and only being concerned
with being approved by God, not men, we can easily
overcome this fear.
Even if we make a mistake, this is an opportunity to
learn from it and the less we make mistakes, the more
perfect we will become.
The fear of action itself is an obstacle in our
path to progress.
Only by doing and learning would we hope to
become perfect.
Therefore, overcome the fear of failing by knowing He is
the true doer through us.
With this, no attachment remains to the result.
Also be concerned about His approval, not men’s.
To be attached to the result and to seek other’s
approval while you are doing the right thing, is from
By overcoming this fear and becoming engaged through the
experience of doing Light Work, the progress of a person
is insured.
The path to progress is internal progress (meditation,
prayer, etc) with external manifestation (to do His
Will, to become a channel for Him).
Is not
everyone Christ, and God is within each person?
Why then do we need Maitreya?
Although Christ is in each of us, a personal
manifestation of the Messiah is most important.
The very presence of such a being is a sign of an
evolutionary leap of human consciousness.
Although many have realized God is everything and
Christ is within each person, this is not enough.
In order to bring about a unified force to this
higher realization, the prophesied Messiah is paramount.
Any manifestation needs a nucleus.
Without the atom there would be no creation or
Every atom has a nucleus.
Without the Messiah there would be no
evolutionary leap of human consciousness.
That is why God manifested the First Begotten
Son, and used Him for this important function!
happens when Maitreya goes to a people or sends His
message to a people but they do not respond to it?
The duty of a Prophet or Messenger is to give the
message; he is not responsible if people accept it or
However, as Jesus (Esa) told people in his time, it was
easier for the people of Sodom and
than those who reject the Christ.
This truth also has been revealed in the Old
Testament in many places.
The Revelation in the Bible, as explained
in Revelation of The Revelation in
reveals that after each Messenger a great upheaval comes
unto the earth (read Revelation of The Revelation
are many who talk big but do little.
How can we accomplish anything if these much
talkers but little doers are the majority?
It is the same as the fig tree that had many leaves but
no fruit.
Because it had no fruit, it withered away.
Discouragement will worsen the situation on the earth.
Those who have the Light are the doers who have
to unify themselves and work ceaselessly toward the
fulfillment of our ideal.
Those who have many leaves and no fruit will
wither away.
Therefore, arise and unify your forces with the other
Light workers, and despair not for talkers, whose hearts
are far from God.
Unite your Light with those whose hearts are with
Him, talk little and do much!
leaders for the Kingdom of
on earth should not be pompous and blow their own horns.
They are the quiet Ones.
Is not this true?
If a leader is pompous and shows egoistical trends, then
those who fall for those things will gather around him.
Those who follow such leaders are also
Ego needs excitement and constant stimulation.
So such leaders have to keep their followers
excited all the time.
They have to feed their egos, this insatiable
To continue this process needs a lot of energy.
Any time this energy is not given, the
follower(s) will fall into despair, depression, etc.
That is one of the reasons for groups which have
become cults, a constant resorting to a greater degree
of stimulus is necessary.
However, you can keep up with this kind of situation so
leader who has exhausted himself in the process cannot
keep up.
Yet the followers still demand more.
The leader intuitively knows that, that is the
only way if he wants to keep his followers, but he
cannot cope with this way any longer!
Therefore, he feels that his followers are slipping from
It is
then such a person (with ego) resorts to intimidation,
brainwashing, etc, to keep his followers.
The end result will be a disastrous situation
like the cults which have gone to complete destruction.
However, those who have brought great changes in history
or have been chosen by God, or as Messengers, may not
appeal to those who are looking for sensationalism. They
come for those who are true (ego-less, self-realized,
self-actualized), such people do not need
constant stimulation of their ego, but rely on
their own eternal source of energy and Bliss.
These are the Ones who bring the greatest changes
to humanity.
anyone become a Light Worker for the Mission?
You have to be chosen by God.
Then you will have great faith in our work.
To become more familiar with the teachings (and
understanding them) will also bring greater faith.
Then with patience, perseverance, understanding,
etc, we will prevail.
You should never become discouraged or
This can be accomplished by a great faith, that
God has Blessed
our understanding and never doubt that It is from
Him, so the eventual outcome is our victory!
The final commitment in these regards is a personal
This decision should be made because the individual
believes in Maitreya and His teachings, and is One with
a person then can be(come) a pure channel for God.
Of course one can start with a little of all these.
However the ultimate achievement is to be(come) a
Light Worker.
talk about the New Age, Golden Age, the Fourth
Dimension, etc.
But in action they follow the old patterns.
They have nothing new to offer.
How then will the New Era which all talk about
All have to see that a New Vision
(The Plan)
is necessary.
We have to go beyond the old patterns and ways,
and see The Light (consciousness) in the New Wine
(teachings) which needs a new skin (system).
letter to a confused disciple:
Q- Since I started to help the Mission, I feel I have
become an outcast.
Many things started going wrong and I am
Many people and organizations are offering for me to
join them, etc.
It is so bad that I have decided to quit working
for the
I cannot explain this phenomena, can you?
My heart is heavy that we are losing a good Light Worker
like you.
have a Great Love for All, especially for those who have
seen, be it a glance,
the vision of
The Plan.
My Love for you will not end.
It will be with you forever.
However, the events in the past make me realize, and
your letter confirms it, how true the prophecies and the
words of our Mighty God are.
Every person who has come close to me or resolved
to work for the Mission suddenly finds
himself or herself isolated and an outcast.
As Jesus (Esa) said, “They will hate you and
persecute you...” (Matthew 5:10).
There is a battle going on in Heaven (between
Because I Love you and you Love me, I will tell
you about it in brief below.
The judgment is yours and the decision rests on
your own personal conclusion.
Your final decision may be the most important in
your life!
As you know, my entire teaching is based on the Bible.
When I started to receive the revelations and all
the things which came to me, I was isolated for seven
Before that I was only familiar with some of the
Far East philosophies and the teachings of a spiritual
teacher from India.
Through my teacher I received the name Maitreya
(also “Vigi Kumar”).
I did not
call myself these names, nor by the name Mohammed (my
birth name), nor
my spiritual name (revealed from within, in my
It was after we started reaching out to the public to
reveal this new teaching that suddenly we were flooded
with people who were in esoteric studies.
We heard about a person from
proclaiming Maitreya as Christ and propagating his
imminent appearance (it was at the same time that we had
just started reaching out, 1982).
We thought probably this person also had been
inspired with the same spirit as where our teaching came
from, so he was proclaiming the
However, as time passed more and more we saw that
was not true.
We started to be contacted by people who were into space
brothers, massage therapy, polarity therapy, “I Am”
movement, etc.
Also many people came who were channels for many
different persons from the hierarchy or White
Brotherhood, etc.
Many claimed to be channels for the same person
but were receiving conflicting messages (some of them of
such a general content that they revealed nothing.)
Many other groups and New Ager’s point of view
also started to come to us from many places.
Although each and every one of them had some
truth or Light, there were more conflicting and
confusing materials than the unifying truth.
So much so that it even confused us for awhile,
fulfilling the prophecy that, “Christ will be caught up
in the clouds (confusion) with his disciples” (I Thes.
However, there was always a feeling that something is
not right and there is a conflict between what has been
revealed to me and what these groups and individuals are
I also noticed that whoever came close to
me and the Mission immediately became
an outcast.
It amazed me how this affected these people and
eventually many of them could no longer endure the pain
of rejection and gave in to the pressure of the external
However, those who had greater Light endured and
eventually not only overcame the dark forces, but also
attracted a few into the Light.
I learned to create a great deal of compassion
for those who left, because I know how lonely it
sometimes can get.
I also created a great respect for those who
They eventually overcame.
I believe in prophecies.
Indeed a great part of
contains explanations of how the prophecies are
fulfilled so far.
I am anticipating a fulfillment of the rest of
the prophecies soon.
A part of these prophecies is a great struggle
between the true way of God and the false.
This truth was even hard for me to accept, as I
always believed God is everything, so how could there be
another way but His?
However, this conflict is necessary to sunder the
wheat from the chaff!
I saw this conflict in action in the very day-to-day
life of the Mission.
The ways of God in the past always had been that
the new revelation and its Prophet are rejected by many
before it would overcome the negativity directed toward
However, the other groups teach that their Maitreya will
be readily accepted by all and will bring the
Kingdom of
God on earth overnight.
That is totally unacceptable according to the
Although I truly wanted to believe in these groups and
their teachings, because they sounded so good, positive
and promising, yet I saw a great conflict in them.
They did not have the peace of God.
Also there was this discrepancy between their
teachings and the Scriptures.
This conflict remains with me, however, I know God will
eventually clarify everything for me as He has always
the same time I heard about a lady lawyer who has
written a book called “Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow”
attacking Maitreya as being the anti-Christ.
I saw her later on a Christian station.
She was attacking Maitreya and New Agers.
Eventually in the fall of 1985 we bought her book and
read it.
read it with the preconception to reject it.
Yet after I read the book and let it sink into my
spirit and compared it to my own experience with these
different groups, I could see some truth in the book.
I realized there indeed should be two (or more)
Many will come and call themselves Christ and will
deceive many (Matthew 24:5).
In this book there is also another clue of how to
distinguish the right Maitreya from the wrong one:
“Who is a liar but he that denieth Jesus (Esa) is the
is anti-Christ that denieth the Father and the son” (I
We do not deny Jesus (Esa) as the Only Begotten Son of
God and the Christ.
But many other groups say Jesus (Esa) was
overshadowed with their Maitreya, that he (Esa) is only
a minor disciple.
It is completely opposite of what has been
revealed to us.
According to our revelations, Jesus (Esa) is the
First and the Only Begotten Son of God (The Christ).
With all this, although I hate separation and conflict,
if that is the way God wants it, I have no choice but to
follow His will.
This is a choice every person has to make, to
accept the Scriptures and see the evidence at work, or
to reject them and listen to the false which claims to
have the truth yet opposes the Scriptures!
You have said in your letter, you have been flooded with
proposals to join many groups and associations.
I have no doubt of that (that also happens to
those who come close to the Mission).
I can only share some insights with you, just to
do my duty as one who has initiated you.
I give you some hints which might help you to see
the truth in the future.
One of the people associated with the
also has been actively involved in many space brother
and UFO organizations.
He had been promised a trip by space ships, which
has never materialized.
I hope you will let me know if it materializes
for you!
Many other activities you mentioned in your letter.
Remember what the Scriptures teach, “Be in the
world but not of it...”
Also this is the time of decision that we should,
“Come out of it [the world]” and prepare the way for a
New Heaven (consciousness) and a New Earth (system), or
to be(come) drowned in the world?
You say, “...the group I am involved with, which works
with one of the Masters in the ethereal sphere, asks me
not to do anything else...”
Even this is against the word of God.
Remember what the first commandment says, “Thou
shalt not have any other God beside me, neither in
heaven [ethereal sphere], nor on earth [God is Formless,
Invisible, Nameless and Eternal], neither under the
earth [He is everywhere].”
What you are saying is that this ethereal Master
is your God and what he says is more important than the
Scriptures or the words of God and His Son.
This makes me sad, that God and His Son are
rejected because of one’s attachments to an affiliation
or group.
I had to say these things to you, not to recruit you
back to my fold, but as my duty.
I believe in the Most High and share His power
and Glory with no other.
He has promised in His Word (Scriptures) that He
will prevail over all these obstacles, and His Kingdom,
power and Glory will be manifested on earth.
Of this I have no doubt.
It will happen regardless of those who join me or
reject me.
I want to be a part of His Kingdom.
If I have the answers so that those who see this
truth will join and will do it, then I Am Blessed.
If I do not, then I will accept whoever has the
truth and will follow Him into His Glory and Kingdom, no
matter how bumpy, hard and lonely the path might be.
So far I have not seen any greater truth than what has
been revealed to me.
If you are pure enough that you might find the
one Greater, please let me know also.
Otherwise I wish you good luck and release you
into the hands of God that He might protect you from all
kinds of pitfalls and pulls which will take you, not
unto Him but others.
The faster you go to Him, the sooner you will Be
I claim nothing more than I have received.
God is my shepherd and my trust lies in Him.
May He Be with you.
In Love and Truth,
30- What is the difference between male and female?
Is there any relationship between man and woman,
and male and female propensities in the universe?
The male propensities, or The Divine Father, is Divine
Logic in the universe.
The female propensities is the creative force
(Creation, Nature).
The creative force consists of the three forces (gunas),
tama, raja, and satva.
It is the raja force (activating force) in the
universe that brings movement (energy) into all things.
This activating force brings the consciousness
(Father) and other forces (tama and satva) into play.
This activating force in its pure form is unconditional
the same energy is directed toward higher propensities
(satva) it be(comes) The Divine Love or Holy Mother
The activating force directed toward mundanity or
crudifying force (tama guna) is the very temptation and
The female energy in this last state is the serpent
which is depicted in the Bible as the one which beguiled
the woman.
The creative energy, therefore, in its fallen stage
becomes the very Maya (illusion of separation from God),
which is the source of bondage and sufferings.
It is in this form (temptation, lower nature)
that this energy is referred to as woman (fallen Holy
Mother) in what the Bible calls the fall of man or woman
and is shown in the Hindu mythology as Kali.
Although there is some relationship between the physical
body of man and woman with male and female energies, it
is not absolute.
Both energies can be found in men and women.
There is Grace in men as there is Logic in women.
They even can be increased if the situation or
society supports it.
However, as more people become aware of their
essence, the more androgynous people will be created.
Such people accept their gender and understand
their opposite sex also.
With each gender accepting himself or herself, a
more harmonious environment will be created.
When the male energy (consciousness) is activated by the
activating energy and is directed to the higher thoughts
(satva), it becomes Divine Logic (spiritual).
When the same consciousness (Logic) is directed
to the external world and the mundane, it becomes
earthly logic (man).
Therefore, it is the duty of each person to transfer the
passion (Maya) into Grace and earthly logic to Divine
the Heart and Mind become One and the Mother-Father God
(androgynous) will be manifested in the person!
However, there is an even greater state of Godhood
beyond what we explained above which should be the
ultimate goal to attain — that is, God in the state of
Formless, Invisible, Nameless and Eternal
neither male nor female.
In this
state God
just IS.
Anything you put after IS, becomes It.
Such as, “God IS” Love, “God IS” Light, etc.
Only God in this state unifies, in any other
state (with a form, name, visibility, with gender, etc.)
will create division.
This problem can be seen in most religions of the world,
many groups, theories, etc.
Some call Him by different names, some give Him
shape, etc.
Some decree for the presence of ethereal beings, all
cosmic beings of Light, etc.
Although whomever they call on might have some truth in
their being, yet even the highest of such beings only
exist in the ethereal level which is the fifth state.
These still can become a source of confusion,
separation, and suffering.
All these beings work for and are under the
If everyone concentrates on the Formless,
Invisible, Nameless (with an unpronounceable sacred
name), and Eternal
neither male nor female, all the spiritual separations
will diminish.
higher our ideals or visions are, the greater our
unifying energy will be.
THOTH it is mentioned that there would be spiritual
centers in each community.
What kind of teachings are given in these
The greatest training is to develop the intuitional
faculties of an individual.
It is through this fine faculty that the presence
of God can be realized in certainty.
It is also through this faculty that finer and
deeper understanding is possible.
In these centers, through discipline, service,
development of devotion, study of spiritual Scriptures,
etc, a person will develop physically (exercise),
mentally (intellectually) and spiritually (intuitively).
These should be centers where spiritually aware
personalities are developed into their Highest
spiritual centers are to develop spiritual beings, what
about schools, high schools, colleges, universities,
In these institutions, the greatest achievement is to
create a keen desire in the student to search and find
the truth.
The greatest gift a teacher can give to his or her
students is to teach them how they can search for
answers and find them.
In this regard the ability to use libraries to gather
information and to search places where further
information can be gathered, is very helpful.
Of course the ultimate answer has to come from
the deeper faculties within.
The student, or any person, has to be able to create
cognitive abilities to relate different information to
one another and come up with a greater whole, to be able
to separate facts from fiction and go deep into the
create such a student a teacher has to teach the power
of independent thinking and society has to support it.
Independent thinking does not mean to create chaos, or
to be weird, it is the ability to search and come up
with the truth behind any situation based on the facts
and evidence which support them.
Such people can even give intellectual reasons
for the existence of God!
The Grace of God is the highest teacher!
people are waiting for someone(s) or something powerful
to come to save them, such as people from space, or a
powerful Savior etc.
Is this a true assumption?
It is the attitude of children to expect their parents
to provide all their needs.
When a child grows up (matures) he or she will
accept responsibility for their lives.
If humanity does not mature and a powerful Savior
(be it from outer space or a person) comes to save them,
we will then continue, like spoiled children, to
look for hand-outs!
It is indeed time for maturity and growth.
God is like a Good (God) and patient father, and
is waiting for us to grow up.
He can spoil us, but He will not.
you sure you are Maitreya The Christ?
It is not me who should be sure about this but you.
“You” applies to anyone who claims that he or she
knows who I am and what the Mission Is.
It is a choice of salvation to be a part of
The Plan of
If there is the slightest true doubt (not mind-made
doubt which is an excuse not to get involved) then such
a person should work out these doubts first before
The Great
through history Prophets have been persecuted and much
negativity was directed toward them.
How can they stand it?
God chooses His Prophets and Messengers from those who
have no egos left in them.
Where there is no ego, any negativity thrown at
such a person will go right back to the one who threw
will be nothing (ego)
there to accept it, so like a boomerang, which
has not hit a solid obstacle (ego), it goes
right back to the sender!
What is
the sign of an individual being in the Body of the
Messiah, or One with Him?
The first step is to realize (recognize) the Messiah (
and the second is to proclaim Him.
The third is one hundred percent commitment to
Him and His Mission.
When a person recognizes Him and proclaims Him, such a
person accepts the greatest responsibility which is to
Be(come) One with the Body of Christ.
You first realize Him with the Heart, then
proclaim Him with the mouth.
It is then that a period of great testing follows.
This is to see how much the Heart and mouth are
does not accept lukewarm-ness, “so then because thou are
lukewarm,...I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
(Revelation 3:16).
The Heart must be 100% One with the mouth!
Such a person then is no longer a separate ego
but a part of the body of The Messiah and a channel for
Him (Most High).
They are One (“Not my will, but thine!”)
Why on
your logo (letterhead) the words, “The Goal Of The Life
Is To Be(come) Divine = Haree
Shrii Hung” are written from top to bottom?
First of all, it is aesthetically more pleasing and is
more creatively written.
Secondly, if you look at the words at the top
from left to right, you will see, “T,G,O,T,L,I,T,B and
It can
roughly be read as, “ToGe(O)Ther LITe BoDies” (“Together
Light Bodies”) which can be obtained (=) by “HOSH.”
The word “HOSH” means silence which leads to stillness
(deep meditation).
In this state one becomes Divine and creates his
or her Light Body.
It is the collective oneness of these Light
Bodies (Together Light Bodies) which
create the collective body of The Messiah or The
Christ (Christus=Christ us).
The whole meaning at the top, therefore, reveals that
the Goal is to create the collective Light Body of
Christ, which is all of the Elects.
It is only possible in the Golden stillness of
the mind (HOSH), “Be still and know that I am God”
(Psalm 46:10).
To create the Light Body is the same as “To Be(come)
Therefore, the very meaning of the top line reveals
that, “The Goal Of The Life Is To Be(come) Divine,”
which is the meaning of the mantra
Haree Om Shrii
Hung (HOSH).
The second part of the HOSH mantra is
“Om Nam
Kevalam (ONK)” which means, “That Divinity (Light)
is Everything,” or “God is Everything (The Universe).”
The two verses together make up our universal
mantra which can be used by every person.
How do
you deal with the great disappointments because people
do not do anything after they received The Message?
Whenever you (anyone) conveys this Message to a person,
it will be his or hers.
The responsibility of the Messenger is to pass on
the Message.
The responsibility of the person who receives it
is to respond and also pass on the message further.
That is all we can do, with no attachment to the
this is done, we are released from our duty.
This will no longer create any “disappointment”
for us.
have done our best, that is all that is necessary.
As it has been said, we are just a sower who sows this
seed wherever we go, or where there is interest.
Some of these seeds fall onto fertile ground and
give 30, 50 or 100-fold.
people depict heaven as a material state that has almost
all the things as this material world, or something
that really how heaven is?
If heaven is created of material similar to the
manifested world, then it is not the ultimate state of
the universe.
Therefore, those who enter this stage are still a
manifestation of something subtler than this state.
They have not reached the ultimate.
For this reason, they still could be trapped in
the illusion of this manifestation.
Indeed this heaven which many have experienced is the
ethereal state in the universe.
In this state, which is the fifth state (ether),
still an ego exists.
Wherever ego is, there will be confusion and
That is why not only is there heaven in this state but
there is also hell!
However, higher than the ethereal state is pure
consciousness which is the sixth and seventh stage.
In this state there is no manifestation, so there
is no ego.
This is the ultimate, man becomes One with God.
Where there is God, there is no hell!
At the time of death, each person enters into a state
that he or she deserves to be in.
In general there are four situations which a
person can enter.
If there is no karma and no desire left, and all
lessons are learned, an individual will easily enter the
pure Light of pure consciousness.
a person
has created many heavy karmas (deeds), he will be caught
up into his impure thought processes and will enter a
scary and uncomfortable state (hell).
If he has done much good, yet still has not
learned all the lessons (has karma left), he will enter
a delightful state in the ethereal level (heaven).
But after awhile he will return to continue his
If a person is even in his or her approach in life, or
if it is necessary for him to return to accomplish
another task after death, he will enter a neutral state
(waiting station) and will return when his time comes.
The best way to enter the highest state (pure Light) is
to do His will and win His Grace.
It is only with Grace that we are saved!
How do
you think the Mission and Maitreya’s Message will spread?
Maitreya’s message is a flame brought down from heaven.
This flame will ignite many souls and each soul
will become a flame Itself which will ignite many
That is how this flame will spread, like one candle
which can light millions or billions others!
In the
Bible it says woman was the cause of the fall of man, is
this true?
If that is true, then the very woman (“wounds man”)
which caused man to fall can also save man!
When woman becomes The Holy Mother (Holy Ghost)
or Divine Grace, this is the way to salvation!
This is true, because the symbolic meaning of woman in
the Bible refers to the energy in its lower level or
lower propensities (lower nature).
When this same energy is directed for higher
things, It be(comes) Divine Grace or The Holy Ghost.
Only by His Grace (Holy Ghost) is salvation
Therefore, the very woman which can be the cause of the
fall of man, can become the Door (The Divine Grace) to
book THOTH seems too heavy to carry it around.
Why do not you publish each book in
Then it would be easier to carry around.
We indeed published each book in
separately in 1982 when we published the first edition.
We presented them as such
when we first reached out through advertising in
different magazines in the spring of 1982.
However, as time passed, it became very apparent that
each book is eternally connected with the others.
If a person only orders some of them he or she
will be deprived of seeing the whole vision.
That is why it was decided to put all eighteen
books together.
Then it was revealed that the eighteen books
together are
The Holiest Of The Holies (THOTH), The Last
The problem of its weight might be reduced when
it is later
published with thinner paper and reduced size (due to
typesetting, etc).
However, the mass production should not reduce its
Can you
explain for me what “tama guna” means?
“Tama guna” is that force which crudifies (solidifies,
brings to manifestation) the consciousness.
For example, the reason water is liquid, but stone is
solid, is because there is more tama guna in the stone
than in the water.
It is this force which makes the consciousness to
be bent and/or attracted toward the mundane or physical
creates the feeling of separation from God (universe).
It causes our feeling of being a separated ego
from the rest.
Then the other tendencies such as fear,
attachment, feeling of loneliness, desires, etc, which
are related to the lower nature, arise.
As we meditate and expand our consciousness, the feeling
of separation lessens.
The feeling of connection with the universe (God)
The desires, attachments, fears, etc, fall away and a
joy (Ananda) or ecstatic feeling of Oneness with God
replaces all others.
In such a state there is no fear found and a
Oneness with God (consciousness) is experienced.
Consciousness in its purest form is, “The magical world
of God.”
enter this state many techniques have been devised.
The fastest and the most direct of all is the
path of devotion to God.
That is why Jesus (Esa) said, “Love thy Lord with
all your Heart, Mind and Being.”
When you create such an intense Love for God, the
Fire of this devotion will burn all impurities (tama
is when one will reach the ecstasy of God-realization.
The path of devotion, however, can be very dangerous —
sense, that if the devotee loses his faith and doubts,
he has nothing else to hang on to.
So his or her fall will be great.
But, in other approaches, such as knowledge or
service, the devotee still has some knowledge or some
result from his service.
However, if a devotee also follows the
Eternal Divine
Path, his salvation is guaranteed.
In the
Eternal Divine Path, all paths are combined.
So even if a person doubts, he still can recover
soon after.
Tama guna is what is called the devil in some religions.
However, there is a reason for the existence of
everything in the universe.
How would we know good (God) if there was not bad
there was no tama guna, there would not have been any
creation, etc.
All things are necessary in the universe for our
ultimate achievement to the Highest, IS (God).
long has the Mission of Maitreya been in existence?
Spiritually from eternity!
Historically the vision of
The Great Sign
was revealed in 1977.
However, it was in the spring of 1982 that the
announced to the world the presence of Maitreya and His
teachings on earth.
This was accomplished with the ads we put in some
magazines and newspapers.
brochure speaks a great deal about the unity of
religions and even mentions Baha’is.
Has your
ever had any connection with the Baha’is?
Eternally we are connected with all religions and
spiritual truths of the world, but physically
(organizationally), no.
According to our teaching, each of these
religions (including the Baha’i faith) and spiritual
truths have a significance in the overall
and are a part of
The Great Sign.
Therefore, they are a part of this
Greater Truth!
Can you
give me a glimpse of how the Communities of Light and
the future world would be?
Communities of Light can
easily be formed in any situation, be it in a large
industrial city, a small town, or a village.
However, the trend of society is moving toward
The Golden Age.
In this era the understanding of the new science
based on Universal Laws and use of this knowledge for
human consumption and energy will increase.
It is these technologies which will guide
humanity to the new era to come, and free him from old
The future communities will be based on energies
extracted from nature without pollution or other side
effects as
conventional industries now produce.
By the use of other technologies such as
computers, solar energy, etc, man will free himself from
the centralized mode of the past industrial revolution.
The jobs of most of the people can be performed from
their homes with their computers.
The business meetings, shopping, accounting, form
filing, word processing, and more, can all be done from
will create a greater family feeling.
This does not mean that they will go back to the
previous complete decentralized mode of farming.
But science, industrial knowledge, and the
awareness of the interdependence of nature will be
combined to create self-sufficient communities (units).
The basic idea is to use the new technologies, such as
solar, wind, water, electromagnetic force, etc, to
create small self-sufficient units.
These self-sufficient units are also linked with
the external environment such as bigger cities, other
countries, continents, etc.
With this, each unit is self-contained and
independent from the rest of the world while at the same
time is a part of it.
This will free people from the centralized and
dehumanized systems of the industrial era.
It will create greater family bonds as in the
time of the decentralized mode of the farm era.
However, it will also provide the dynamic feeling
of being a part of the whole of the industrial era.
Each unit will use a computer to program all kinds of
functions in its environment.
This type of “intelligent environment” will be
much more comfortable to live in.
For example, a family can have a house surrounded by or
connected to a greenhouse.
The air in the greenhouse can be filtered and
circulated into the house during the day and envelop it
during the night to keep the temperatures of the house
constant and comfortable.
The air forced into the house during the day,
because of the sun and plants in the greenhouse, will be
greatly enriched by the oxygen.
The automatic shutters will close the flow of the
air at night to the house.
The greenhouse can be programmed to keep a constant
Then they can grow all kinds of vegetables
(grains, etc) all year round.
They can even program it to have different
temperatures, in different sections, for a variety of
plants to grow.
These plants can be watered by computers whenever they
are thirsty with no human presence necessary.
This family can also have a pool or pond.
They can keep fish in this water.
The water will be kept at a constant temperature,
comfortable for the fish.
At the top of this pond, they can keep some fowl
(chicken, etc) in such a way that their droppings will
fall into the pond and enrich it.
This will nourish the algae and allow foodstuff
to be available for the fish.
The same water, enriched by the algae and other
minerals, can be used to water the greens in the
The energy to accomplish all these tasks is provided
through some technologies which only need to be
installed with the initial equipment.
After that, it will provide unlimited energy.
Or even now the energy of the sun can be stored
away as electricity to be used for all kinds of
The source of energy is unlimited in the universe.
We have not yet scratched the surface of this
By the use of satellites and other technologies, the
problem of the use of wire and poles for transferring
messages (communication)
will be solved. Therefore, countries which do not
have these facilities do not have to spend a fortune to
acquire them any longer.
This will also help the environment, we do not
have to cut millions of trees to make poles or use a
great deal of resources to make other kinds of poles
and/or wires.
This will also help to improve the scenery on
You can even further this futuristic, but realistic
Imagine vehicles which do not need
You can see how planet earth, with the vision
described above, can be restored to its natural and
original beauty.
To expand this vision is limited only by one’s
One can stretch the above vision to include whole
communities, which use such technologies for their
With cooperation within communities, even a greater ease
of life will be achieved.
There will be more extra time available to all in
the community.
This time can be used for physical, mental
(intellectual), emotional (closeness of people
together), and spiritual progress.
The new knowledge and technology is emerging at an
accelerating rate, all over the earth!
It is through creating such highly
technologically advanced communities based on spiritual
truths revealed through
The Plan
that the
Communities of Light and the Hierarchy will prosper.
Indeed the advanced technologies based on Universal
Laws, providing unlimited energy, are already available
and are advancing rapidly.
However, they have not as yet fully bloomed.
One of the reasons for their slow progress is the lack
of well organized and coordinated efforts to integrate
these new technologies.
Another reason is that humanity has not yet
prepared itself to receive these technologies in full.
Also, interested groups in the present system
oppose the progress of these technologies which will be
cheaply available to the mass.
That is why there are not well allocated
resources for research and development (R&D) of these
new pollution-free technologies.
support will be provided through us when enough
resources are available to the
Mission, or related
To provide such technologies alone will alter the whole
make-up of the world geo-political situation.
It will bring a greater equity to humanity and
will go beyond the boundaries of ideologies or systems.
It will be a new world.
Man will be free at last.
However, without a spiritual base and learning the
lessons of the past, man will be led to
That is why our teaching is now
revealed, to prevent this from happening.
A combination of highly computerized industries and
great self-sufficient units linked to each other, will
bring a decentralized world. The technology will free
man from mundanity.
The Plan
will guide him to his higher call.
MAP will bring justice to him.
It is then that the true
Communities of
Light will form. In such an environment we can cure
all the evils (economical, social, ecological, etc) on
All this will accelerate human progress toward its
ultimate Goal:
To Be(Come) One with God (Divine).
meaning of the “Haree
Shrii Hung (HOSH) = The Goal of The Life is To Be(come)
It is the mantra which is called,
“Shrii Shrii Para Maha Mantra” (Greatly Respected Beyond the
Greatest Mantra), or “HOSH” mantra.
It is half of a whole mantra.
The whole “HOSH-ONK” mantra is:
Om Nam
The word
means “Great” or “Highly Respected.”
The word
“Om” is the primal
sound (vibration) in creation.
If you listen to any sound carefully, you will
hear a humming background (Om
Om (
is the first sound at the time of creation.
It is God manifested in sound.
In its purest form it cannot be produced in the
manifested world, or with the human vocal cords.
It can be heard in a high state of meditation.
In its purest form it will be heard before
entering the state of soundless consciousness (pure
In this mantra (HOSH
mantra) it represents God.
“Shrii” also means
is the root sound vibration of Life.
This sound awakens this Life which is dormant as
the kundalini in the first psychic center.
Therefore, the first part of the whole mantra,
“Haree Om Shrii
Hung,” conveys this message:
The Goal of The
Life [Shrii Hung = Respected Life Energy] is to Be(come)
Divine [Haree
Om = God
or Divine].
In the second part of the mantra,
“Om Nam Kevalam,” Nam
means “Name” or vibration.
means “Everything.”
Om Nam Kevalam
This vibration (Nam)
of Om or God is
Everything (Kevalam); or God is Everything, Everything
Is Divine (God).
Each of the two verses in the mantra has a similar
rhythm as the mantra,
Mani Padme
Hung” used by Tibetan Buddhists.
However, the
HOSH mantra
is twice as powerful, because the rhythm is repeated
twice in every recitation, and also has a greater energy
effect and meaning.
Haree Om Shrii Hung (sounds
Om Mani
Padme Hung) and
Om Nam Kevalam
(sounds like
Mani Padme Hung):
There is a whole book written by a Tibetan of the
effects and powers of the mantra
Mani Padme Hung.”
mantra has twice the effect!
The Shrii Shrii
Para Maha Mantra is the universal mantra of the
Mission, revealed to humanity.
It can be used and repeated by anyone!
Any person can give it to any other.
It can be repeated silently within and Its
meaning contemplated.
Or It can be repeated out loud and/or chanted
It can be chanted accompanied with music.
It can be chanted with music and danced with Its
This practice is called “Kirtan,” which is similar to
the dance of the Sufis.
In its older form, similar spiritual dances can
be found in
American Indian and other older tribes on earth in
different continents.
Kirtan has great benefits.
It creates greater coordination (in the body,
mind and Spirit); stills the mind
“Be still and know that I am God”); and many
other benefits.
HOSH mantra can be repeated
constantly to direct the mind toward God and the Goal of
the Life.
It reveals that
“The Goal of The
Life is to Be(come) Divine.”
This is the most important Goal in anyone’s life.
It also reveals:
Divinity (God) is everything or all things are made
with the Divine attributes.
The rhythm and power of the mantra directs the
energy (kundalini) upward and It also stills the mind.
It takes one away from all other attractions and
directs one’s attention toward the Highest or God.
This is the key to salvation!
have mentioned in your literature of right and
left-handed tantra yoga.
We have many in
following tantra, are you referring to these practices?
Tantra yoga especially, and any other practices which
awaken the spiritual forces, can be used for Good (God)
or Bad (Evil).
It is the same energy, it can be used to heal
(good) or kill (bad).
Lift a knife, it can be used for useful purposes
or damaging ones.
In Tantra the kind of practices also distinguish how the
energy will be used.
That is the reason there are the right-handed
(good) and left-handed (bad) tantras.
In right-handed, the endeavor is to transfer the
lower energies (propensities) to higher ones.
In this path, energies are directed upward.
This will result in the opening of power centers
of the ethereal body. In each of these centers there are
seeds of different powers (siddhis).
Therefore, as the energy (kundalini) opens each
center, many different kinds of powers are acquired.
In this path, a well trained and realized soul (Master)
is essential, to prevent the disciple from falling into
the traps of each of these centers and their power
person without guidance might become lost in the maze of
powers and delights each center would offer, and forget
about the ultimate Goal, which is complete
A God-realized person does not use these powers for
selfish ends, but will create compassion, Love,
understanding, mercy, gentleness, etc.
He uses these powers only if they can help others
in their path to God.
On the other hand is the left-handed tantra.
The very philosophy of tantra is “to go through
any experience but stay objective and detached, so the
lesson of each earthly experience is learned and the
emptiness of these fleshy experiences realized, so the
person is further pushed to greater realization.”
There is a great contrast behind this and the regular
yoga practices, which are based on restraint and
In other yoga paths, the aspirant is taught to
discipline himself, physically (yoga postures), mentally
(study, concentration, etc) and spiritually
The whole idea is to overcome any unwanted
desires and/or temptations.
In tantra, however, the lessons are learned not
by restraint but by actively engaging with the external
This, however, creates a great danger.
A person who is not disciplined, uses the excuse
of being a practitioner of tantra to indulge in sensual
He will fall into the jaws of Maya and is drowned in his
lower nature.
Then such a person will use his or her powers for
selfish ends and greater sensual satisfactions or
It is then that the tantra practices become
left-handed, or as is commonly known and feared, they
become “witchcraft” or “black magic.”
In left-handed tantra, or any corrupted spiritual path,
the energies are not directed upward (from the naval
area upward) but downward.
The same energy and power which could be used for
good, now is used for evil or selfish ends.
This, of course, will create great karmic
results, that will eventually bring destruction to the
miss-user and sufferings to others.
However, as it has been said, “The greater the beast,
the greater the man.”
If such
people turn back (repent), the same energy
(passion, etc) will be converted to
energy (compassion, etc).
Therefore, there is hope for redemption even for
those who do evil.
path is
repentance and a change of heart.
You have asked for “charged words” to repel and “drive
these demons” created by practitioners of tantra “away
from” you.
As you also mentioned, “dark forces cannot penetrate
white Light” or The Light.
Therefore, keep yourself enveloped in God’s
Grace, Love, and Light.
Do His Will and be
attached only to Him.
Pray that He guides you and keeps you from all
a person has no fear from anything, not even from
Demons have no power where God reigns!
About “charged words”, the
HOSH mantra
(Haree Om Shrii
Hung - Om Nam Kevalam) consists of such
“charged words.”
Repeat this mantra and remember Its meaning, it
will merge the mind into God and no evil can penetrate
His domain.
What is
the meaning of the first and second resurrections?
The answer to this question can be found in more detail
in chapter 20 of Revelation Of The Revelation in
the book
The first resurrection is the awakening of those
who will reach
pure consciousness in the Golden Era which is
Kingdom is established on earth,
there is going to be a period of tranquility,
progress and great realizations.
Following this period, which is symbolized as
“one thousand years,” another period of confusion will
After this period, again many will reach
pure consciousness.
This is the second resurrection.
What is
the meaning of the verse that God, “would take their
heart of stone and give them a new heart...?”
The meaning of this verse has been explained in chapter
two of the book Revelation of The Revelation in
the book
The heart which will replace their heart of
stone is referring to the spiritual Heart, not a
fleshly heart.
It is
the Heart in the center of the chest, which means
that the fourth chakra will be opened, the place of
unconditional Love (Holy Mother).
It is the center of Godly Love, understanding,
compassion, etc, which replaces their human love.
This greater meaning, like many other
meanings of the Scriptures, has been lost.
This can be realized by looking at the statues
that are made of Esa (Jesus). They place a bleeding,
fleshly heart in the center of His chest, a symbol of
His Spiritual Heart.
That Spiritual Heart is the center of
understanding which will replace the selfish heart of
man, which is like a stone.
What is
the meaning of, “Let your Light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works, and glorify your
Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16)?
This means to Be(come) submissive to God, to let Him
shine through us, to Be(come) a channel only for Him.
Let our “Light” which is Him, “shine before men
that they may see” our goodness.
Always strive to be aware that He is the real
doer of these “good works,” not us, “and glorify your
Father which is in heaven [seventh chakra, your Light].”
This is the path of submission — to be a channel for
God, to let Him
manifest through us, to glorify Him instead of
The Goal is, as explained above,
to do His will, to praise Him in the name of
Christ (
and to manifest His Divine Will through us.
When men praise us, remind them that it is He who
does these great things through us, not our small egos.
It is this which will bring
great Joy (Ananda) to a person.
Such actions create no karma because a person is
just a channel for God, not the doer.
Greater than meditation is sharing God with someone
Greater than fasting is to feed a starving person;
Greater than prayer for our needs is to fulfill someone
else’s need.
I would
like to come and serve the Mission.
I would like to serve humanity.
I long to be One with God.
I would like to leave my family and come to join
I have
a lot of emotional problems and hate toward my family.
When do you think I can join you?
The answer to your longing for God is for you to see Him
in your family. You have to work out your emotional
problems with them first even before being able to
approach God.
You have to Be(come) a center of Love for them,
and create a harmonious and Loving environment, then you
can serve humanity toward a better world. By no means
can you serve The Mission before this is accomplished.
Therefore, I want you to stay where you are, learn to
Love your own family first.
When your family tells me you have learned how to
Love them and you have created a harmonious environment
there, then you may come and serve the
received the book THOTH, it is the greatest book
ever been brought to humanity.
I have read it through one time.
Is this enough?
We are glad, like many others, that you found
“the greatest book (revelation) ever been brought to
Also we are glad that you have read it through once.
like all Holy Books, should be read and re-read,
reviewed and studied again and again.
Each time you
read it, a deeper meaning and greater
relationships between all religions and truths will be
revealed to you.
In fact, you could write books on most of the single
sentences, which are given in
in condensed form.
Also you can read any other Scripture and see
that it is a part of
is a mystery that
might take many lifetimes to unveil!
Is the
essay of “Relationship Between the Spinal Cord, Medical
Logo (Caduceus), and the Story of King Arthur,”
explained in the section Supplements in
related to the rising of the kundalini?
Your perception of the relationship between the
explanation in that essay in Supplements in
and the rising of the kundalini, is correct.
However, Maitreya’s teaching goes further in this
teaches that you have to know the play of
creation (kundalini) or the creative force (The
Holy Mother).
As you master the play, you will become closer to
the source (Salvation, Oneness),
The Goal of the
This is the reason the
Eternal Divine
Path has been given to humanity.
You can continue whatever path you are presently
learn the
Eternal Divine Path and find your place in It.
With incorporating the other parts of
The Great Sign
Divine Path with yours, that Great Unity will not
only come to each individual but to the collective body
of humanity and eventually the universe.
In the long run, Maitreya’s teachings will lead to a
collective salvation of a large portion of humanity in
the Golden Era soon to come.
It not only concerns Itself with individual
salvation, but also with collective salvation.
Indeed, individual salvation is impossible without
collective salvation.
Even those who will try to be One with God by
force (only spiritual practices) will not stay there
long, as revealed in the Bible, “I will spue thee out of
my mouth,...” (Rev. 3:16).
An essay, “Merge Into God, Or Play The Play,” in
the Supplements part of the book
clarifies this point further.
Divine Path step-by-step leads to individual and
collective salvation.
It also reveals the relationship between all
religions of the world and unifies them.
So it eventually will bring unity to All.
This again will accelerate collective salvation.
Therefore, as the small golden card which is sent with
says, handle
with great care and respect. “Consider it as
the direct word of God.
It is a treasure and a gift from Maitreya to
I have
received the book THOTH
and think it is the
Greatest Revelation on earth.
What is to be done after this realization?
With receiving
and realizing Its Great Message, a
great responsibility now is upon you.
It calls on you to call upon those who are also
ready to receive this Knowledge (Message), so All
will help to fulfill
The Plan.
Let us know if it is possible to start a branch of the
in your area.
If you start a branch, then you might be able to
reach out and contact others who might be interested
(called) in your community, neighboring countries, the
continent you are in, etc.
Let us know how far you can go in this endeavor.
If you cannot officially start something, you
might start to reach those who are ready by word of
Remember the story of the disciples of Jesus (Esa).
Twelve dedicated men (mostly fishermen) set out and
proclaimed that they had
found the One who all were waiting for, the
This, like wildfire, ablaze humanity forever.
can do this also,
become a fisher of men.
Let all know that you have found the Messiah, the
Mehdi (Mohammed), the expected Buddha (Maitreya), the
Christ (
the Prince of Peace (Kumar = prince), etc.
Then we might unify All under One Banner of
Great Sign).
That is how you can serve Maitreya and become “an
instrument to spread this teaching...” as you put it.
As you spread the Word, you might find good soil to
plant the seed of Maitreya’s teachings.
Then gradually each seed will grow into a mighty
tree to give plenty of fruit, some thirty, some seventy,
some a hundred...fold. This will lead to the fulfillment
The Plan.
Those who have been prepared like you are just
waiting for the call.
They also will see answers to their questions, as
you did, in Maitreya and His teachings.
What is
the significance of spiritual chanting and dancing
It is a great spiritual exercise found in many cultures
and mystical paths.
I am sure you have heard about the dancing of the
dervishes (Sufis), or dancing of kirtan in India (especially the followers of
Krishna, etc) or the tribal dances in
and blacks in other parts of the world.
In the Bible, also, there are many references to dancing
and being overcome with the joy of the spirit to dance.
King David for example, danced with great joy.
The Prophets danced accompanied with music, and they
prophesied and Saul heard them (Samuel l0:5). True
spiritual dancing is performed when a person is overcome
with the spirit of God (Krishna).
It is a practice of playing music, chanting mantras, and
dancing with the rhythm created.
In the
Mission, the mantra
Shrii Hung [HOSH],
Om Nam Kevalam
[ONK] is used.
While playing music, this mantra is chanted with an
uplifting or soothing tune and rhythm, then danced
according to the rhythm of the music.
One way to dance is first bring the mind and
ideation toward higher thoughts or God.
Fold the hands together on your fourth chakra in
the middle of your chest (like the way Indians do
greetings) and pay salutations (Sal-Om
to the Spirit (God), and then open your arms upward
toward heaven.
Then while listening to the music and chanting the
bring the right foot behind (or close to) the left foot,
shifting your weight to the left leg (it happens
Then touch the ground with the bottom of your
right foot (or toe).
Then bring the right foot back as before, being
in the standing position with the weight distributed
equally on both legs.
As you bring the right foot back to its starting
position, this will occur automatically.
Now do the same with the left foot.
Bring it behind (or close to) the right foot,
touch the ground with the bottom (or toe) of your left
weight will be shifted to the right leg.
Then again switch to the right foot and so on.
can also dance according to the desire of the Spirit,
with no special set of rules (movement) to follow.
If your arms become tired, because you have them
stretched heavenward, just bring them down or fold your
hands together over your fourth chakra. You can stretch
them heavenward again.
If you are playing an instrument (drum, flute,
etc.) while dancing, then only follow the foot movement
while chanting.
You can also close your eyes if you so desire.
So play a musical instrument, chant (HOSH
mantra) and dance with it.
Think about the meaning of the mantra:
“The Goal of The Life is to Be(come) Divine, That
Divinity is Every(where) thing.”
This will bring Great Harmony between the
physical (body), mental (Higher Ideation) and spiritual
(direct the energy upward through the mantra) part of
the human, which leads to a Great Devotion to God and
ecstasy (Ananda) of Be(ing) in Him and He in us!
Kirtan has uncountable benefits for the practitioner.
However, like any other spiritual practices, it
should not be used to gain power for selfish ends or a
way to escape
If it is done for these ends, great harm will
come to the doer and others (society).
It will become a curse instead of a blessing.
To avoid such a pitfall, an understanding of
The Great Sign
and the
Divine Path is essential.
Those who practice kirtan (chanting and dancing)
can use this mantra
(HOSH) for
their kirtan and benefit greatly from it, and avoid any
pitfalls, by understanding
The Great Sign
What is
the order of service or collective meditation
recommended by Maitreya?
When three or more people are gathered together, a
collective meditation or service can be held.
Collective meditation can start with kirtan (read
in Essays III in the book
and also under question #55 about kirtan in this
Kirtan can be practiced for long periods of time.
It also
can be practiced for short times such as half an
hour or even five minutes.
After kirtan, the
Reminder can
be collectively performed (a series of movements
accompany the words in the
will send you a copy of these movements for
practicing the
upon request).
Reminder is performed three times.
Then all will sit, preparing for silent
meditation by singing or reciting together the song
“Samgacchadvam” (available in
Essays III in the
three times.
Then all go into silent meditation for half an
hour or more, by the
discretion of the person who is guiding the
collective meditation.
This person will then recite the “Divine Path”
(given also in Essays III in
to close the meditation.
A tape of how to sing Samgacchadvam, read the
Divine Path, and chant the
is also available through the Mission.
This is a collective meditation or “Order of Service” in
However, according to the time, place and people
involved, it can be adjusted to suit any situation!
There are different temperaments in different
cultures, each can take and use a part or the whole
service as described above.
There are benefits in each component in this
service, and the activities that follow the service.
Each one and/or all benefit the practitioners,
physically, mentally and spiritually. Meditation,
prayer, etc, done collectively has greater effect than
done individually.
However, it can be tailored to suit any given situation
(time, place and people involved).
The whole idea is that individual(s), group(s),
culture(s), etc, benefit from these practices, and also
each of them
their consciousness and realize that there are
benefits in any
form of worship and practice by others.
This will bring greater understanding to All,
which will result in greater tolerance and respect for
one another.
Unless such an understanding is created, the
unity of humanity is not possible.
collective meditation, a spiritual discourse (satsang)
can be held or passages from
or other inspiring related Scriptures are presented
for spiritual upliftment.
It is after this that the community problems or
organizational problems can be brought up. After these
discussions, a brief last silent meditation and then a
(prasadam, food offered first to God) can be served and
consumed in joy, collectively.
This will create greater bonds within the group
and bring the joy of God’s bounty to All and to Him.
Special attention should be given to the newcomers or
They can be introduced to the rest of the Body and time
taken to familiarize them with the teachings, rituals
and answer their questions, etc.
From all these spiritual practices, mentioned above,
performance of
and Meditation twice a day is highly recommended.
Not only does the
reveal the Highest spiritual truths, It also, when
accompanied with Its movements, has physical,
psychological and spiritual benefits.
The accompanying movements with the
Reminder have the same benefits as Hatha Yoga.
If you do not have time to do all the spiritual
practices above or do not desire to do them all, at
least do the Reminder and the Meditation.
For those who already have other spiritual
practices, they can add the
Reminder and Meditation to them.
have mentioned three orders in your teachings, Can you
explain further?
The three orders mentioned in our teachings are Gabriel,
Enoch and Michael, three necessary orders (energies) to
bring about the Kingdom on Earth.
Gabriel (The Holy Ghost) is the Eternal Priest of God.
Therefore, this order is the spiritual aspect of the
Golden Age which is fast-approaching. This spiritual
energy is the unifying force which is presented by
Enoch is mentioned in chapter five of Genesis in the
Bible. Because he "walked with God," he did not die,
"but God took him" (Genesis 5:24). He is also known as the father
of science. New scientific facts are presented to
humanity that use the natural forces (such as
electromagnetic, solar energy, fusion, crystals, etc)
which bring these new scientific benefits to humanity.
This new science is based on Spirit (also knows as
or Maitreya, theory). These new scientific
discoveries will cause no pollution as do the present
conventional ones.
This new science will be revealed to humanity gradually.
As the spiritual truth of the Order of Gabriel is
strengthened, the revelation of these new scientific
facts will be accelerated. The closer the human comes to
God (Spirit), the greater scientific truths based on His
Laws (Spirit) will be revealed to them.
The Order of Michael protects the two other orders, the
people who are working to manifest the coming of the
Golden Era. Michael is always depicted as a warrior
These three orders also correspond to the three creative
forces (gunas) in the universe. Gabriel corresponds to
satva guna (sentient force), Michael to raja guna
(mutative force), and Enoch to tama guna (manifested
universe, science).
Each order also corresponds to the three Archangels:
Gabriel (Holy Ghost), Enoch and Michael.
Also the three work hand-in-hand to bring about the New
Era to its fruition. Each of them is necessary for this
process. The Mission of Maitreya represents the Order of
Gabriel (Holy Ghost). It is the Spiritual order (spirit)
among these three. Our teaching is the unifying force
(the Spirit, Holy Ghost) which unifies all three orders
as One.
is so much hunger and misery in my country.
Then you talk about a Golden future and an effort
to create a happier earth.
Who will take care of those who are in such
If you feed a hungry man today, he will be hungry
If you teach him how to feed himself, he will struggle
with what he has.
However if you create
a more equal and/or just earth, you
easily teach him how to feed himself and he will improve
his lot.
This of course does not mean to leave them in their
miseries or to starve them.
It means, to bring
a greater vision into existence, sometimes you
have to let others take care of the smaller visions!
That is why Jesus (Esa) said, “Let the dead bury
the dead” (Matthew
He was not here to be concerned with small
matters but to fulfill a greater vision from the Highest
If your call is to be concerned with the hungry people
or the poor in your country, which is great in itself,
so be it. However, if there is a
greater call
to bring about a greater vision, then you cannot
afford, not at least for the time being, to be too
concerned about the current affairs on
earth. Be aware of what is going on, but do not
let it get to you.
The earth
is going through a great change.
We have to keep the vision of the Golden Age
dawning, not the dying old age.
If we concentrate on the dead, we will
miss the coming Living.
technologies and way they can be used, as explained in
your previous letter, are all good, but in my country
people even do not have the basics.
First we have to improve their present situation.
technology which was described, as we mentioned in our
previous letter to you, it was a futuristic vision.
Of course, as our teachings emphasize, everything
depends upon the time, place and people involved
In each situation, those who are concerned with
the creation of the
Communities of
Light will adapt and adjust themselves to that
There is no one nation, district,,
etc, which is exactly the same as another.
Each has its unique needs and requirements. It is
up to each to decide what is best for them, of course,
with regard for others and the well-being of the whole
The whole idea is to preserve the uniqueness of each
community, culture and
creating opportunities for all to interact and to
increase their understanding of one another.
this will lead to an earth with
quality and more opportunity for
all. In the
long run, this
will bring a unique
culture all through the earth with every unique
quality of each culture preserved.
This, of course, will be a gradual achievement.
If you
want to reach the end of any road, you will have
to start with the first step!
The Great Vision of the Golden Age is what we always
have to keep in our minds.
Otherwise there are so many forces which we can
be caught by and dragged down to our little concerns,
then our vision will become blurred and eventually lost.
Be One with the Vision.
Man without vision perishes.
How is
it possible to adapt the New Hierarchy to the old
As any sensitive person can feel, the old hierarchy is
crumbling all throughout the earth.
A new change is sweeping humanity to a New Era.
This New Era will demand new ways and needs a New
does not have to be too radical, but
adequate for the era to come.
The system presented by Maitreya is this new
However, this new set-up will not form suddenly.
It will take some time before it is manifested.
In this period,
before it is manifested, the old hierarchy (set-up) will
gradually degenerate.
This is the period in which the New Hierarchy
will be prepared to manifest when the old no longer is
the New gradually replaces the old.
In this process, the friction between the old and
the new will be minimal.
This is a change in an “evolutionary” manner, in
contrast to a “revolutionary” process in which the
friction between the old and the New, usually is great.
We are now in the preparing stage, that is why we
are calling upon those who have been chosen to manifest
The Plan.
What is
the relationship of the New Hierarchy and the spiritual
They are the same.
Those who will form this New Hierarchy will
eventually emerge from the
Communities of
These communities are based on spiritual truth
(Eternal Divine
Those who
emerge from these
will be highly spiritual and chosen.
Therefore, the Hierarchy will be formed from
great beings and the spiritual government will be formed
on earth.
How can
I meet the Lord Maitreya in person?
If your nation or community manifests itself as a place
that is ready for Him, He might come to you.
If you come to the U.S. and have a
pure Heart and great desire to see Him, you might.
When enough people in your community (city,
nation, etc) gather
together and manifest His teachings there, He
will be there!
The Divine Name,
The Holy
Name, or
The Word (
is a combination of the sacred (Holy) name of the Father
and the First Begotten Son (
As the Father and the Son are One, so these two
Holy Names merge together as One (
and create The Divine Name. This creative energy which
is The Divine Name (The
Word) is the very creative force in the universe, or
The Divine Mother (Nature, The Holy Ghost).
The Divine Name or The Holy Name cannot be pronounced or
written down by any means in the manifested world.
That is why it has to be revealed ethereally
It is revealed only to a few close disciples by
Maitreya in four initiations.
Then later on these few might initiate others
The Word.
The Holy Name was known to humanity in the past.
However, they misused it at the time of the
Atlanteans, and that is when a great disaster (Flood of
Noah) befell them.
It was also known to the Children of Abram
They knew it was not pronounceable in the material
were forbidden to utter the name of the Lord (
Esa (Jesus) also knew
The Word and
used it in His healing performances extensively,
“...speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed”
(Matthew 8:8).
Prophet Muhammad also knew It. Once he (Muhammad)
was asked about the Name of the Lord.
He answered God has 3000 Names; humanity knows
only 2999 of them.
One of the Names has been kept secret and no man
knows it.
In the
Far East many
also are familiar with many power words (mantras), but
these are not
The Word.
Those who have not been initiated by
The Word,
can use the HOSH mantra for the time being.
are the benefits of fasting?
Fasting has many benefits, physically, mentally and
It cleans the body of toxins, stills the mind,
“Be still and know that I Am God” (Psalms 46:10), so
this purifies the soul (becomes closer to God).
Indeed if a person is following a well-balanced
diet prepared with Love in a harmonious environment, he
or she can fast ten days out of 30 days.
does Maitreya feel about His Mission?
Who are the Elects?
And what is their relationship with Maitreya?
Maitreya truly believes that what has been revealed
through Him is from the Most High.
This is given to accelerate the human leap to the
Golden Era, which is a deep longing of many.
Maitreya always says, if this is true then His vision
will be fulfilled no matter what.
If this is not true, he would rather see the
whole thing fall apart. He does not want to have
anything to do with something which is not from God!
He would like those who see the Truth in His
Vision also to feel the same.
His vision will then be theirs and they will be
One with Him.
In this state of Oneness, no separation exists,
and All will work, realize and understand the way to
The long years of labor to manifest
The Plan
will be a joyful period of discoveries, learning,
advancement, progress, etc.
They will look forward to the
furtherance of this wonderful cause for the rest
of the life of this body and beyond!
In truth, He says, this vision does not belong to one
person alone.
It has been in the ethereal state for a long
it is revealed to humanity and is on earth.
Many have been prepared to realize this vision as
their ultimate longing (as theirs).
When such people come forward and see the truth
behind It, It will no longer be Maitreya’s vision alone
but ours, with Maitreya as the point of focus.
Then whatever they do to further manifest it,
their reward is with God!
with Maitreya will always return together.
Each time they return, they will become the
champions of this cause, as we have done in the past.
The more we progress in this
endeavor in this life, the easier our work will
be in the future!
I have
encountered many teachers who misuse their followers.
Would this also happen in the
Maitreya’s task is much more difficult than many before
Him. Many false teachers (knowing a little of the truth)
have come and hurt many. As you have said in your
letter, “They misused their followers.”
Now not only do we have this wonderful Message to
give to many, which is a great task in itself, but also
to win back to God those who have been hurt by these
It is twice as difficult than only giving the Message
and expecting many to accept it.
In the matter of teachers misusing the follower,
however, more can be said. First of all, even that
process was helpful in the sense that many became
disillusioned with that level of consciousness. So they
passed that stage to more real ones. Secondly, we always
talk of how the teacher misuses (or misused) the student
What about the followers who misuse the teacher?
They take his teaching (energy) and then judge
him harshly with their own limited egos, without giving
anything back in return or having any compassion on His
are always two sides to any story!
teachers demand their followers to bow down in front of
is the Mission’s stand on that?
To bow down to a teacher is done because a person has
is supposed to be done from
Love and
Devotion, not from fear or
Bowing is
to the
Divinity within the person — the Formless, Invisible,
Nameless, and
Eternal (FINE).
That is
what is
meant, “Do not bow down to anything on earth...”
(Exodus 20:5) in the ten commandments.
The bowing to the Divinity (God) within the teacher is
supposed to help the person (disciple) who bows down.
God does not need people’s worshipping, but their Love
and Devotion, which makes them worship Him.
It is one's Devotion and Love which makes one,
One with God. Then such a person, who bows down (becomes
humble), is God-conscious instead of self-conscious
Such is the path to heaven (pure consciousness).
So many
people are claiming they are for unity of humanity.
Many have created different groups, associations,
have declarations, proclamations, etc.
Why such a confusion?
What is the truth and God’s will?
The true Declaration of God has been expressed in the
sentence, “All men [in God’s Eyes] are created equal” in
the Declaration of the U.S., two hundred years ago.
The Declaration of the
United States
was not given for one nation alone, but for the whole
Through an incredible period of history, God has chosen
this nation for a great purpose and given His
declaration to humanity through it.
These events are explained in more detail in the
section Children of Abram (Abraham), All Prophecies
Are Fulfilled.
We do not need more declarations. We need the
realization that the inspired words in the Declaration
of Independence of the U.S. are not only for this nation
(U.S.) and should be established in this country in
full, they are also for the whole earth.
This Declaration and the Ideal which this document and
its other accompanying documents have been based upon,
have not yet been manifested in full on earth. It is
this Ideal that should inspire many to take up
The Plan and
to bring the intended Spirit behind those words on
do not need more groups, associations, etc, we need
people who are dedicated to manifest this Ideal.
God has already given everything humanity needs!
We do not need to make any new documents, etc.
The only thing which is new on earth is the
unifying teaching of
The Great Sign
and the system to create the heavenly Hierarchy on
rest are man-made. Any other declarations, etc, are just
a fraction of the creative mind through individuals or
They are
limited to
the limitation of the creator, be it a person, a group,
or groups.
There are many dogmas, opinions and approaches in
different groups, individuals, etc.
However, there is one thing which all agree on,
we should create
a just earth.
The Plan works toward this end.
It works to create a system where justice is
served in its Highest on earth.
This is what is needed, not more words, but
actions based on realization of God’s Ways!
we follow the ten commandments or any other commandment?
There are many commandments and principles which are
written all through the earth and in the Scriptures.
Although their existence is necessary and
inspiring for many, yet as long as they have not become
an integral part of a person, with God’s Grace, they
will not have a lasting effect.
This truth was revealed to humanity two thousand years
ago when Jesus (Esa) gave the “Sermon On The Mount” in
chapter five of the gospel of St. Matthew in the Bible.
The Children of Abram (Abraham) had the ten
commandments since the time of Moses and even before!
However, they violated them all through history
from the very beginning.
That is why Esa (Jesus) taught that the Goal is not, not
to break the Law but to reach a point that no desire is
left to break It.
The Goal is not, not to commit adultery but to
reach a point where no desire is left even to look with
lust upon a woman, “...that whosoever looketh on a woman
to lust after her hath committed adultery with her
already in his heart.” (Matthew 5:58).
This of course does not mean that the ten commandments
are bad, wrong or useless, but that they are not the
As long as a person has not be(come) one with the Laws
or ten commandments, they are just beautiful words!
This is also true about any commandments, principles,
long as a person has not be(come) one with them, they
are just beautiful words!
(the majority) of people are well-rooted in their
beliefs from their
cultures, family, religions, ancestors, etc.
How will they accept the New Message of The Great
There is a Great Law which separates those who are ready
to receive The Message from those who are not:
Whenever a true seeker encounters a new teacher
(Message) he has to empty his “cup” (previous concepts,
understandings, etc) so the new wine can replace the
As Esa
(Jesus) said, “...No man puts new wine in old skin,...”
The Message of
The Great Sign is the New Wine. You cannot compare
it with the old teaching, if you do you will be
Then you would have two masters and you either have to
Love one and hate the other, or you have to leave one
for the other. As it has been said, “You cannot have two
We are a sower who sows the seed of this New Message.
Many will fall on stones (filled cups) and will wither
away. Many will fall on the way side and be destroyed.
Many will be choked by the weeds, etc. However, a few
will fall on fertile ground which will give a hundred,
seventy, and thirty-fold.
These are the ones who have been prepared to
They are the ones whose cups are not filled.
They are empty (humble) and thirsty.
They will take the New Wine and drink of it with
the zeal of a thirsty man, and will give to many others
to drink also!
Most of
the disciples of Jesus (Esa) died a hard death
(crucified), etc.
What about the disciples of Maitreya?
This fate is not prophesied for the followers of
However, to bring a new teaching to humanity has never
been easy.
Man loves to cling to the past and the dead bones.
As you mentioned in your letter, although they
crucified Esa (Jesus) and put Prophet Muhammad into many
unpleasant situations, they could not stop God’s Plan,
and the Missions of these Messengers were fulfilled!
No one can stop what is from God!
I must
have the background of the Mission of Maitreya to
spread the Message.
How can I have it?
What kind of background do you need?
Ask and we will answer you.
If you want to spread the Message, for the time being,
reach those who are ready (chosen) to hear
The Word.
Spread the teaching by providing copies of the
literature (which you have) of the teachings to those
who are interested.
The most fertile ground are the youth, as they
have not filled their cups with old teachings.
as many as you can.
As you
mentioned in your letter, “This is the period of
gestation,” and we are pioneers.
It is the period when Maitreya “comes like a
thief” as has been prophesied!
question about The Word?
Yes, it is the same “Word” according to
Saint John
chapter 1, verses 1-5, and verse 14, etc.
As is mentioned in the pamphlet, It neither can
be pronounced nor can be written in this manifested
Therefore, It cannot be revealed to you through letters,
tapes, etc.
It will not even be revealed in the ethereal state (such
as sleep).
It can only be revealed person-to-person.
We are hoping there will, eventually, be enough
teachers dedicated to the Mission who will receive
The Word,
and later will initiate many by
The Word.
However, for the time being, the mantra,
Shrii Hung,
Om Nam Kevalam” (HOSH mantra)
The explanation you have given about “shabd” is the same
The Word.
However, to reveal it in four initiations to
reach that state of Oneness at the time of death, is
only done by The Messiah, The Christ.
That is why Jesus (Esa), as the Messiah, used It
to heal, and Prophet Muhammad, as Messiah, knew about
However, it is Maitreya who reveals it to others in four
initiations — not as an instant way to salvation, but to
open the way to It.
As His teaching emphasizes, individual salvation
is impossible without collective salvation!
The Word, The Great Sign, Maitreya Himself (as the
central focus), and the Temples
to be built, are all one package.
Together, they all lead to individual and
collective salvation!
In the
case of preaching One World religion, are we to include
those who take rajasic and tamasic foods? I would like
you to let me know about the condition of food with
reference to the Mission of Maitreya.
The answer to this question is given in the book
Essays III in
under, “Food.”
The satvic foods are most recommended. However,
as you have mentioned yourself, “there are few who are
willing or able to follow such a restricted diet.”
As the
Communities of Light are more and more established,
many will start to meditate.
They will become aware of the effects of their
diets on their well-being, physically, mentally and
spiritually and will resort to a satvic diet.
The more people who follow a sentient diet, the
easier it will be for others to follow.
As in a snowball effect, hopefully, all will
eventually follow a satvic diet.
However, greater than following a restricted diet is The
Grace. You can follow the most sentient diet and still
be filthy in Heart, or follow a rajasic or tamasic diet,
and if you have The Grace, be the Purest in Heart!
Jesus (Esa), Muhammad, Baha’u’llah, Moses, etc, did not
follow a sentient diet, but had The Grace (God) with
them. Therefore, it is not what goes into the mouth
which defileth you, but what comes out of it!
It is an individual decision.
We recognize the effect of food and drink on the
consciousness, and not everyone is Esa, Muhammad, or
Moses. We recommend, therefore, a sentient (satvic),
drug and alcohol-free life (diet).
Anything which is harmful to the body, which is
is also bad for the Spirit (God).
How are
the siddhis (spiritual powers) given to the spiritual
Does one contact them by accident, through
meditation given through the Master, or what?
Siddhis are powers which exist in the universe (God).
They are called the gifts of the Spirit (Holy
Ghost) in Christianity.
They can be obtained with intensive meditation,
prayer, etc.
They also can be given to a person by another
person who already has them (it).
They can be given to a person to enable him to
carry on a task, as Jesus (Esa) gave them to his
disciples to heal others.
When a person reaches a certain state of consciousness,
siddhis are obtained.
There is not one person who does not have them.
Even to move your hand you need spiritual (God’s)
power (siddhis).
In higher levels, of course, there are mightier
powers to achieve greater things.
These higher siddhis, however, are not given to
everyone, for not everyone can handle them properly. The
misuse of these powers brings great harm to the
miss-user and others, and was the reason for the fall of
thought because he had these powers he was God Himself.
Man fell from being God-conscious to self-conscious.
This results in egotism which results in separating one
from the universe (God). That is the great fall.
Black magic, its art and left-handed tantra work to
obtain these powers. Since the person obtains the power
by force, before being pure enough, he or she will
misuse it.
This will bring great harm(s) to the person and others
who are not protected by The Grace. That is why those
who use the art of black magic are doomed in the end.
As a person be(comes) closer to God, these powers
naturally will be given to him or her.
However, since they come to the person naturally,
according to his spiritual progress, he will not misuse
these powers are abused by such a person, they will be
immediately withdrawn from him.
When the person learns the lesson and would not
misuse them, they will return. Such a person will not
use them against God’s will but will use them to help
To the true seeker, it is not these powers which are
important, but to manifest Higher qualities of God. They
are compassion, understanding, Love and the higher side
of Spirit (God)!
Satpurush, the Merciful God, has given wide powers to
Mahakal, the Great God of the universe to create
numerous religions to divert souls from worshipping God
the Creator, do you think Mahakal will allow to unite
all religions into One?
God already has expressed His Desire (Will) to see this
All through the Scriptures there are numerous
prophecies onto this end.
The coming of a teacher who will bring this
unification is a part of all the main religions on
Judaism, Christianity, Islam to Hinduism and Buddhism,
all are waiting for this to happen.
The coming of periodical Golden Ages is also
accepted by the
Far East
The Will of God (Satpurusha, The Highest) is Greater
than any other level (Mahakali) in the universe. Any
philosophy which creates any power greater than Him
between man and God is false. Man has been created in
the image of God. There is no power greater than this.
There is no power to limit man, but man himself. It is
not Mahakali who is preventing man from unifying, but
man’s ego (which is the same as Mahakali, tama guna).
This philosophy based on escaping the reality of this
manifested world, is the weakness of the Far East philosophy.
It is this part which our teaching opposes in
that teaching. Escaping the external world will not lead
to salvation, but to misery, disease, illiteracy, etc.
By understanding the Will of God expressed in
this wrong philosophy can be overcome.
Otherwise, those who follow this, “will be spued
out of His mouth” (Rev. 3:16 — for more detail, read the
book Revelation of The Revelation, chapter 3
verses 14 on.)
If the west had the same philosophy, science would never
have advanced to where it is today.
Have no fear of Mahakali — he has no power over
those who follow God’s Will.
His Will is given in
(The Greatest
1- We pay our salutations to The Divine Father, who has
helped all come from ignorance to the path of
enlightenment. Ignorance is the state of unawareness of
the reality behind this universe, and enlightenment is
the state of Pure Consciousness.
2- We open our hearts to Your Grace and pray for Your
Guidance in overcoming the power of the tama guna over
our Souls and detaching ourselves from Maya.
3- We adore and promise to endeavor to help the whole
universe to reach higher consciousness and eventually
Pure Consciousness.
4- In reverence we bow our heads in front of all the
Great Souls in the past and those to come who have
helped and will help all to understand Your Compassion
and Mercy in Your Actions and Creation.
5- We surrender ourselves to You, the Words revealed to
us through Your Prophets, and Your Greatest Sign which
clarifies the confusion between all.
6- We submit only to You which is Formless, Nameless and
Invisible. You in this state unify -- in any other
state, humanity will be divided. Also, this will prevent
us from surrendering to false prophets and teachers.
7- However, in reverence we bow our heads in front of
all the Great Souls who will teach us how to know You
and show us the way to be(come) Pure Consciousness, as
is the goal.