Golden Keys: A series of
booklets which contain questions from many people and answers by
Maitreya. Each of these questions and answers are like a Golden Key
that opens a door to a greater understanding of Him and His
teachings. This is the
first in the series.
Back to
Golden Keys Index
Each of these booklets contain answers given by
or approved by Him to questions which were asked
in the letters He received from many. Each
question and its answer is like a little
Key to unlock the meanings of His
Mission and
teachings a little further.
The questions are separated into categories. After
the question and answer, there may be a reference to the
books in The Holiest Of The Holies (THOTH),
The Last Testament or
The Plan,
the main writings of
We hope these booklets answer all questions you might
have. If not, you can further search for answers
in our website. If your questions have still not been
answered, please send them to the
You will receive answers that are either directly from
Maitreya or have been reviewed by Him. We
may use answers that are not
a repetition in new Golden Keys in the future.
Send your
questions to:
(Please review our
Policy before sending questions)
Mission of Maitreya
"Eternal Divine Path"
P. O. Box 44100
Albuquerque, NM 87174
(page numbers are of the published book
Golden Keys)
Religious Beliefs..............................................4
How Did
THOTH Come Into
The Greatest
Sign and Symbols.......................9
the Mission...........................................14
Who is
Dedicated: To the Essence
In Each Man and Woman
Which Knows No Race, Religion or Creed.
1- Doesn't
God uplift those He chooses to use and help to uplift
Indeed this is Truth. The
last six thousand years was the period in which such
beings were prepared and in this conjunction of history,
these Chosen Ones should be unified, to fulfill the
2- How can the
world problems be solved?
Words are beautiful (inspiring)
but they will remain just beautiful words unless action
is taken. To bring the
(Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth) can only be done by the actions
of individuals, groups, and nations.
Most people do not approach the problems from
their roots. They work with the effects, not the
causes. Maitreya's teachings and
approach is directed toward the causes.
3- Can Maya
of terror and destruction be stopped?
Maya is terror and destruction
as long as man has not learned the ways of Being.
When this is realized, the very Maya becomes a guiding
light. That is why Maya (the devil) is also called
the Shining Star (Lucifer). This universe has been
created so that man (unit consciousness) can reach Pure
Consciousness. Only through this manifested world
and evolutionary process can this occur quickly.
When man cures the causes of this illusive separation of
one from the other and becomes One in God, then there
will be no terror, but peace.
4- Isn't it
the way of this planet to fight to death over matters
that are lower in nature?
It is not intended to be this
way. As we can read in the Old Testament in
Genesis, God wanted man to live in the Garden of Eden
(Paradise). Because of man's lower way he defiled
the Lord's Ways and thought he could do without Him.
So it became necessary for us to guide ourselves back to
where we can again build this Paradise (read the book
Holiest Of The Holies (THOTH), The Last Testament to find the
Divine Path).
5- What
about the predictions of coming disasters?
The disasters in 1983 and
beyond are a part of an overall Plan to first awaken
many people as to how helpless humans can be and
secondly to accelerate the processes of bringing the
Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth (KOHOE).
Man still thinks he can do without God. Man
without God is a helpless separate ego. This
lesson should be learned. Everything is in Divine
6- What is
the best way to handle present day news and negative
vibrations in general?
"And ye shall hear of wars and
rumours of wars: see that ye not be troubled..." (Matthew 24:6)
When we want
to build a new house over an old one, first we have to
destroy the old in order to replace it with the new.
The New Order of the Ages is upon us. Therefore
the old is crumbling.
We are in
the middle of cleansing the earth for the Golden Age to
come. This is why it looks even messier than
before. But it will pass. Concentrate on
this so the news will not affect you!
When we try to clean the house, in the middle of the
process the house looks even more messy than before.
But when it is cleaned and everything is replaced, it
will look beautiful.
7- Why does
Maitreya not save us right away and change this whole
world for the good, right now?
It is like a seven year old
child to say, why doesn't his Father, who is the head of
the university, just give him a doctorate degree without
him going through all the years of training in school,
high school, etc? We are here to learn many
lessons. No one can be saved until he or she is
Never has a Savior come who has
saved all instantly, and never will there be. It
is the wishful thinking of the childish character who
believes in this. Karmically
is bound to follow the Laws of the Universe. Each
person has to grow - the Savior can show the way - but
it is you who has to walk it.
8- What is
the meaning of the name "Maitreya?"
Many meanings have been given
to this name: friend, counselor, elder brother, teacher,
etc. But the essence of its meaning is "The
Compassionate One."
is the manifestation of the Love of Christ with the
understanding of Buddha.
The man who has compassion has so much Love that he can
empathize. So he understands.
9- What is meant
by "as the thief of the night?"
Many expect Christ to come from
the sky and suddenly change all things and bring His
Kingdom on earth.
But He will first come quietly and prepare the Saints,
and when all is prepared, then all will see Him.
In this period of preparation He is hidden like a thief
of the night.
10- What is
meant that the dead will be resurrected?
Death here means ignorance and
life means enlightenment. Therefore, those who
rise from ignorance to enlightenment are called the
resurrected ones.
11- What
about the dark and light struggle in our midst?
Our pure thoughts and open
hearts make the world heal itself of terror and
destruction. The darkness as old beliefs and dead
religions (dogmas) are now fighting fiercely with the
progress of the human to reach higher consciousness.
But who has ever seen that when the light comes,
darkness continues to exist? Light shall heal the
earth, and terror and destruction will go away.
1- What about
God Himself, as a sign of
covenant, demanded that Abraham circumcise all males
with him (Genesis 17:10-14). There are always great
benefits for man behind God's demands or commandments. Circumcision prevents many diseases, allows for faster
development of mental abilities and reduction of
undesirable excess sexual stimulation, and many other
benefits (read
"Circumcision" in
Essays 3 in
THOTH). However, true Circumcision is of "the
2- What about
History has shown us that
miracles do not make better believers. A true believer
sees miracles all around himself or herself. Such a
person looks at his hands, eyes, others, nature, the
events in his life, universe, etc. and sees all as a
miracle from God. These are sufficient for the true
Other miracles, such as healing, which are sought by
many, are miracles to them because they do not know the
principles behind them. If they become a channel for God
these miracles are the birthright of every individual.
3- What about
person has to learn to heal himself or herself. If
another person heals a person it usually will not last
long. But if a person heals himself then that will be a
healing of the spirit and will be permanent. In the
Golden Age to come each person should become a channel
for God. They will not look to others to know God!
4- Can you
have religions of your own beliefs or is there just one
way the only way?
everyone find the
Eternal Divine Path through whatever
religion or belief they have at the present time, then
realize where their beliefs fall in
The Plan and learn
about others also. This will expand everyone's view and
will accelerate the coming of His Kingdom. Each
complements the others. Let us bring the right
environment on earth, let each man find his own God, by
understanding His Hand in creation and history. God is
within you!
5- What does
it mean "to struggle with God?"
It does
not mean "to struggle against God" but with God as a
team. Life is a struggle with the illusion of separation
from God. We struggle in order to establish His Kingdom
and also eventually become One with His Divine Essence.
6- Can any
humans allow themselves to be close-minded?
Anything which separates man from man is from being
7- What are
some requirements before the human is able to open
himself to the new teaching of
1- To empty the cup so a new wine
can be poured into it.
2- To realize that if they had
the whole truth there would be no need for a new teacher
or Messiah to come. If they knew it all why would they
need Him?
3- To overcome the misconception
of many theosophists and New Agers that the Old
Teachings are obsolete. "Till heaven and earth pass, one
jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law,
till all be fulfilled" (Matthew 5:18).
8- Is this a
new type of religion?
depends on your definition of religion. The coming of
Maitreya has been prophesied for centuries and His
teachings can be looked upon as you would like to look
at them. The importance of His teachings is the
not the concepts and expectations people have about Him.
9- Is there
any form of priesthood (head of church, etc.) necessary?
There will be no
need for priests. Spiritual teachers emerge when they
are accepted as such by individuals and groups. The
teaching in THOTH
directs each person to become an instrument "to do His
will." Each man has to become a priest and find the
truth by himself.
How was the book of
THOTH presented so that it should be written?
It was revealed gradually and
published in its present form over a
span of 7 years (1977-1984) through
Maitreya personally. These revelations were eventually put together as one
book The Holiest Of The Holies (THOTH), The Last
2- Was this
written by Maitreya or was He overshadowed?
It was
written by Maitreya Himself, as the representative of God on
earth. The Spirit of God wrote it!
What are the basic teachings of
are eternal and immortal in essence; All humans come
from the same source, so we are brothers and sisters;
God is infinite and realizing It also is infinite; All
religions of the world are complementary, each are a
part of a greater truth called the
Eternal Divine Path.
What is the Universal Mantra mentioned in
Haree Om
Shrii Hung - Om Nam Kevalam (HOSH - ONK) has the same rhythm as the famous
Tibetan mantra "Om Mani Padme Hung." Each line has the
same rhythm as "Om Mani Padme Hung," therefore the two
lines of the mantra have twice the effect of the "Om
Mani" mantra. There is an entire book written about the
power of the "Om Mani Padme Hung" mantra. The
mantra consists of seven symbols: Haree ( )
Om ( )
Shrii ( )
( )
Om ( )
Nam ( )
Kevalam ( ),
each related to one sign in
The Greatest Sign and also
to each chakra.
The meaning of this Mantra is
"The Goal of the Life is to Be(come) Divine [Haree Om
Shrii Hung] - That Divinity, God, is Everything [Om Nam Kevalam]." The Mantra is also called the "Shrii
Shrii Para
Maha Mantra."
Why should I read, study, or work with
It is
not intended to give you the ultimate answer (although
in a sense It does by letting you know that there is no
ultimate answer), but to break the barriers and open you
more to the possibilities, to arouse your curiosity and
lead you to meditate, investigate, and help you find out
the truth about yourself and life. No one person can
give the Truth to another. This should be realized: that
no matter how much we can tell a person about the Truth,
if he does not know it within himself, it will not help.
What are the feelings about man and woman in
There is a
difference between the definition of male and female and
man and woman (read
We have to
create equal opportunities for all, physically, mentally,
and spiritually. The most important part is to bring the
KOHOE, then leave the people alone to mix and be as they
please, as long as their actions will not harm others
physically or mentally.
THOTH be published in other languages?
Some of
the materials have already been translated into several
and they will eventually be translated into others.
However, we recommend everyone learn English as the
original revelation has come in that language. So,
it is best understood in English.
Does the word
THOTH have any meaning, apart from being the
first letters of the book?
Yes, it
also means The Highest Of The Highs. Furthermore, as is
explained in the
New Illustrated Colombia Encyclopedia
(Volume 22 - 1978-79), Thoth means:
In Egyptian religions, one of wisdom, a patron of
learning and of the arts, he was credited with many
inventions, including writing, geometry and
Also legend
says that Thoth was an Atlantean who left the sinking
land and went to Egypt, where he built the pyramids and
ruled that land for years.
9- What is
meant by "His words go before Him?"
The book
THOTH goes before Him so those who are of the Light will see
this and respond to it.
10- Why is
this new teaching again in a Scripture?
it is from God.
THOTH show the relationship between Western and Eastern religions?
That is
one of the reasons It has been written.
What is the teaching of
Why should one want to read and study
it is The Last Testament.
1- What
is the true meaning of the Seven Seals?
Each of
these Seals relates to one or more religions of the
world, which when combined together and their
significance in the history of man is understood, it will be realized that each of the great religions of
the world have only a part of a greater truth.
They are complementary to each other as none is perfect by
itself, and together they synthesize all the religions
of the world and unify all under one banner (The
Greatest Sign).
2- What
does the logo used in the letterhead of
the Mission of Maitreya represent?
The prophecies state that
Maitreya will synthesize the religions of the world
under one teaching and unify the West and East together
to create perfected beings. The chair in the picture
symbolizes Maitreya's mastery of
Western knowledge and that He will sit on a chair like a
Westerner (in contrast to Guatama Buddha who sits cross-legged). The
picture which shows
Maitreya as the Buddha (Enlightened
One) symbolizes the Eastern side of His teachings and
that He will be born in the East where Western souls are
expecting the Messiah to come from.
3- What is a
A Mandala is a painting or
drawing that guides a person toward higher thoughts or
God. It usually is a crystallized idea in the form of a
visual aid.
The Greatest Sign is a Mandala.
4- What is a
A Yantra is a symbol or
geometric figure that
guides a person toward higher thoughts or God. It
usually is a crystallized idea in the form of a visual
aid. The Greatest Sign is a Yantra.
5- What do you mean by "every
word of God has more than seven meanings?"
word of God can be interpreted according to the level of
consciousness the person is in. Even within each level
there are many more levels. That is why there are so
many different interpretations of the word of God, and
each person believes he has the answer!
6- What is
The Greatest Sign?
It is the essence of
teaching, in the form of a sign (yantra, mandala).
7- Is
mantra meditation an exercise for gaining control of the
No, it is to be(come) One with God.
1- What was the name
given to Him at His earthly birth?
His childhood given name is Mohammed, the
earthly name of Mehdi (the expected Messiah of Moslems).
2- What other names does
Maitreya have?
Many names - Y'shua, Joseph, Mohammed, Maitreya
(known in Hinduism and Buddhism). Moslems are awaiting Mehdi
(earthly name Mohammed). The Messiah awaited by the Jewish and
Christian people is Y'wehshua or Y'shua, and also Joseph. He was also given the name Vigi Kumar,
meaning Young Prince, one of the titles given to Krishna. The
expected Messiah of the Hindus is the Kalki Avatar, who is supposed
to be the reincarnation of Krishna.
He did not call
himself by these names. They were given to Him, as explained by the
prophecy, "...many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and
shall deceive many" (Matthew 24:4-5, Luke 21:8, and Mark 13:5-6). There are many who call themselves Christ or Maitreya and deceive
many, but the Maitreya who we represent did not even know what
meant or stood for when He received the name. Then through a long
story (with many incredible events), His
Mission was gradually
revealed to Him.
These all happened so
to distinguish the true Maitreya (Y'shua and Mohammed) from those
whom the prophecy above refers to!
The only name He has given to
Himself is Jallal'u'llah, meaning "Glory of God." This is so that
those who follow Baha'u'llah will know that the name of their Prophet
does not mean "Glory of God." Baha'u'llah means "Beauty of God."
Therefore, any place in the scriptures that mentions the Glory of God is
referring to Jallal'u'llah!
3- What was known about the name
Maitreya when He received the name?
Only after He
started to realize the truth behind creation and history and His
Mission was revealed to Him, did He understand the significance of
the names which were given to Him (besides many other signs). The
name was given to Him so that although the prophecy that
will be
called by this name could be fulfilled in this way, He would also be
distinguished from those who give this name to themselves, "For many
shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many"
(Matthew 24:5).
4- Is
Maitreya the new name of Jesus Christ?
Maitreya is also called Y'shua,
which was the sacred name of Jesus. In truth the earthly name of
Jesus is Esa. His sacred name was Y'shua (in a corrupted state, as in
truth it cannot be uttered in the external world - See
Glossary of
Jesus). There is no "j" in Hebrew which was the language of the
Jews, and Jesus was Jewish. (For more detail on sacred names in the
Bible you can
look up Missionary Dispensary Bible Research and their literature.)
5- Is
Maitreya one of the manifested sons of God?
The sons of God (gods) are all called Avatars
and Maitreya is an Avatar. Indeed He is called
the Shrii Shrii Para Maha
6- Was
Maitreya born on
this planet earth?
There has never in
history been a Messenger, Prophet, or son of God that was not born
from an earthly mother. This is true of any Avatar.
The expectation that He will come from the
sky (heaven) is true. But sky or heaven means Pure Consciousness. He
comes from Pure Consciousness. He is an Avatar.
7- What does it mean "He shall come in the
Cloud means confusion. "Whenever the truth
becomes weak and confusion prevails, His Spirit will rise on earth"
(Bhagavad-Gita 4:7).
8- Is there a photograph of
Maitreya or some sign made available to
At the present time
there are no official photos available. You can meditate on
Greatest Sign, and much can and will be realized. His teaching is
His miracle. He will be revealed to the sincere!
NOTE: This has changed and
now you can
see Him (His picture) and hear Him
(video clips).
9- Where does
receive His Revelations from?
He receives his
information directly from God (Universal Mind).
10- Where was
He was born between
the East of Jerusalem and the West of Tibet!
This fulfills the expectation of Jews and
Christians that their Messiah would come from the East and also
fulfills the expectations of Hindus and Tibetans which expect their
Messiah to come from the West.
11- What religions
predict the coming of Maitreya, the Buddha, the Messiah?
Hindus, Buddhists,
Jews, Christians, Moslems, etc.,
predict His coming.
The problem is that each person is attached
to a special religion or idea - He comes to break the barriers and
open everyone to a greater truth that all might expand their visions
and see the whole TRUTH.
12- How long has it
been prophesied about Maitreya's appearance?
It has been prophesied for thousands of
years. His being on earth is the sign for the dawn of the Golden Age
of spiritual uplifting, prosperity, peace for man, and the coming of
the KOHOE.
13- What does
1- What is
the difference between your organization and the
theosophical movement?
coming of the Hierarchy on earth and this teaching to
bring His Kingdom on earth has been prophesied for
thousands of years. Therefore, our organization consists
of Masters of Wisdom who have already been incarnated to
assume their roles and responsibilities. In other words,
we truly do not have an organization in the earthly
sense. The organization or Hierarchy on earth has
already been chosen. The only thing left is for it to be
externalized or to be manifested.
2- What is
the name of the followers (disciples) of
The followers of
Maitreya can be
called by any beautiful name there is. It is not the
name given to them which is important but the qualities
they possess. Since they follow the
Eternal Divine
Path and their Goal is to be(come) Divine, they can be
called Divines.
As it has been said, "You know them by their fruits."
The man who gives bad fruit cannot be from God. Those
who are His servants and are in tune with Him have no
choice but to give good fruit.
3- What is
the best way to serve the Mission of Maitreya, right
following the Eternal Divine Path and understanding
Maitreya's teachings, which includes
helping in any way you can to spread the message
throughout the earth.
4- What is
your belief on reincarnation?
The goal of life is to know God
and His Laws. If He only gives us one lifetime and in
that one chance we are placed in a situation where we
would not be able to know Him, then we cannot be judged!
But if many chances (incarnations) are given, then He
can judge justly.
For this and many other reasons, evidence, and
experiences, we do believe in reincarnation. We say
things that we know!
5- What is
meant by Satsang?
Satsang means: good company. When
people gather together and share the Love of God within
themselves with each other, either with words, actions,
or merely by their presence, this kind of gathering is
called Satsang.
6- What does
predestination mean?
The closer a person is to God the
lesser is the personal will. Therefore the fewer
choices. Such a person follows His Will and so is
predestined to do His Will, not his (read
"Predestination or Choice" in
2 in
7- Does the
meaning of a dream have any great significance?
There are three kinds of dreams.
There are those which are scattered, meaningless, and are
short-lived (we forget them quickly). This kind of dream
is usually created when a person sleeps with a full
stomach, or when somehow the brain creates such a dream
which has no purpose.
The second kind of dreams are
those which are created by the subconscious mind. They
usually have a message to solve a problem, express a
desire, or give a warning. These kinds of dreams usually
are concerned with our daily lives and are related to
only this lifetime's problems. This is the kind that
psychologists are most familiar with.
The third kind of dreams are
those which are from the Unconscious Mind (Universal
Mind). They usually have a lasting impression on the
consciousness. They have a great message for the person. They can bring some memories from past lives, reveal
future events (prophetic dreams), or express something
which is stored or comes from the Unconscious Mind.
Dreams from the Unconscious Mind are the rarest. They usually
have a startling effect on the life of the dreamer. If
there is a message in this kind of dream and the person
would not realize it, the dream will be repeated over
and over again.
8- What does
it mean to be free?
To know God and be only attached
to Him. Drop your concepts and desires to dominate
others. Free yourself from judging, criticizing,
jealousy, greed, and hatred. Then you can free others
also. This is the essence of God-realization and the
goal of the universe.
In essence, free yourself from
ego, to be One with Him.
9- What is meant by "his
thirst shall be quenched?"
Because of the longing within humans toward an inner
need of limitlessness and boundlessness, he starts his
search. When the limitlessness (God) is realized, this
inner longing will be quenched.
10- What is
meant by the New Order of the Ages or the Golden Age?
It refers to the Age when each
person will be a true priest, and will know the true
meaning of the Laws of God and follow them, so they will
be free and the Garden of Eden (Kingdom of Heaven on
Earth) will return.
Freedom does not mean chaos and rejection of His Laws,
but is to see how these Laws will bring peace,
tranquility, Love, etc. and will free man from himself
(his ego).
Is Maitreya the anti-Christ as said by some people?
The only place the word
"anti-Christ" is used is in I John and II John in the
Bible. The very essence of who is anti-Christ has been
given in I John 2:22:
Who is a
liar but he that denieth that Esa [Jesus] is the
Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the
Father and the Son.
Maitreya who we represent neither
denies that Esa [Jesus] is the Christ, nor the Father
and the First Begotten Son.
However, the only sign which
Esa [Jesus] himself gave for realizing the true Christ,
in essence, has been given in the verses below:
...take heed
that no man deceive you.
For many shall come in my name, saying,
I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (Matthew 24:4-5, Luke 21:8, and Mark
The name
Maitreya (expected to
come as the Savior by Hindus, Buddhists, and most people
in the Far East), Y'shua or Messiah (expected by Jews
and Christians), and Mohammed (earthly name for Mehdi
expected by Moslems) are all His names, referring to
Christ expected by all to come. Many shall call
themselves by these names, claim to be Christ, and
deceive many.
who we represent, however, did not call Himself by these
names. He was given these names. Those who call
themselves by these names fulfill the above prophecy.
Maitreya who
we represent surely is not the anti-Christ, he is
the Christ.
In truth, in order to know what
is anti-Christ, you have to know what Christ is. How
many people know The Christ? Christ is unity and
anti-Christ is the illusion of separation.
Maitreya is
not anti-Christ. He is Christus (Christ-us). Anti-Christs
are those who separate humans from humans and bring all
kinds of suffering to man. Anti-Christs are those who
have brought the world to the brink of disaster.
Anti-Christ is the same as Maya.
2- What are
the numeric values of the name
Maitreya, and what are
their significances?
If we accept "y" in the name
Maitreya as a consonant, then the
numeric value for vowels in the name will be "7" and the
value of consonants "22." The number "7" is the
number of God or
Mystery. The number "22" is the number of Buddha (The
Enlightened One).
The total number of His Name
(vowels plus consonants) is equal with 7 + 22 = 29 which
is 2 + 9 = 11. The number 11 is the number of Christ. Therefore
Maitreya is god (7), Buddha (22), and Christ
(11) incarnate. He is the Shrii Shrii Para Maha Avatar.
3- Since
this is the time of the Seventh Truth, what happened
to/with/in the other six?
Each of the other six truths
will find themselves a part of the greater path or
Truth. So those who are ready to receive
teachings will open themselves to other truths. This
will help them become familiar with the other truths and
also see where they stand in God's Plan.
In other words: They incorporate all other Truths and
become a Universal Being!
4- Are the Old
Scriptures obsolete?
They are
not obsolete, but are misinterpreted, misused, abused
and persecuted. Lessons will be learned and old
Scriptures will be understood in depth. Confusion will
be resolved and man will see the Oneness, significance
and relationship of all things and will utilize all in
the human's physical, mental and spiritual progress. So
he will learn from the past and use this knowledge to
achieve the highest spiritual progress in the future.
5- What is
meant by Judeo-Christian teachings (including Islam and
the Baha'i Faith)?
Judeo-Christian religions refer
to those religions which are based on the Old and New
Testaments. The largest of these religions are Judaism,
Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i Faith.
Westerners and those who follow Judeo-Christian
teachings including Islam and the Baha'i Faith have
reservations about the Eastern beliefs (Hinduism,
Buddhism, etc.). This we call "Western bias" and people
who follow Eastern religions also have some reservation
toward Western religions which we call "Eastern bias." These biases are resolved in our teachings. There is a
bridge between the East and the West that must begin to
be recognized by all (see
The Greatest Sign and its
6- How does Jesus the Christ fit into your
He is
the First and Only Begotten Son (Christ) of God even
before the creation ("Before Abraham was, I Am." John
8:58). He is the "First and Only Begotten" because
became a son of God before creation. The other sons of
God reached this state after creation. There will be
even more sons of God in the future, "He that overcometh ... shall
be my son" (Revelation 21:7).
7- Many
references are to Abraham, but not to Moses?
It was Abraham
(Abram) who received the Blessing of God for his
children. It is he who is most important pertaining to
the events that happened to the Hebrews. Moses himself
was one of the Children of Abram (Abraham).
8- How do the
Hindu gods Haree, Om, Shrii, Hung fit into the picture?
These are not
Hindu gods. They are Sanskrit words with special sound
vibrations which help to open spiritual centers (quicken
the spirit) in the human body. The word
Haree means "The
Divine." The word
Om is the basic sound in the universe. If you listen to any noise, there is a humming sound in
the background. This basic sound is known as the Divine
Sound "Aum." In its corrupted form it is used all over
the world as "Amen." The whole manifested universe is
vibration. Sound comes from vibration and
Om, the most
subtle sound from which all other sounds or vibrations
originate (like God, from which all things have come). Therefore
Haree Om means "That All-Encompassing
Divinity." The word
Shrii means "respectfully" or "The
Goal," and Hung is the sound of "Life." The words
Hung therefore mean, "The Goal of the Life."
Haree Om
Shrii Hung (HOSH) together means, "The Goal of the Life
is to Be(come) Divine." This is the most important goal
in human existence. The rest is secondary. After a
person becomes Divine, then he might become Divine in
his or her other activities and occupation. He can
become a Divine doctor, a Divine driver, a Divine
lawyer, etc.
9- How are the
Messengers of the Lord represented?
The teaching in
supports all the Messengers of the Lord.
represents the essence of each of them and how they are
complementary and reveal the
Eternal Divine Path. We
recommend you read
10- How can we
lump Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Jainism, Confucianism,
etc. into one truth when the Buddhists and Hindus have
255 and 478 million followers respectively, while
Judaism has only 14 million and the Baha'i Faith a
negligible number?
The beliefs you have mentioned
above all emphasize and work on the mystical part of the
human, so all fall under the Mystical Paths or Far East
Philosophies. No one Mystical Path can be categorized
under one religion. They are the spirit of all
Great numbers of followers
in a religion is not of any spiritual significance,
sometimes even the opposite.
The very name
Maitreya is for the Buddha to come. Buddhism, therefore, is not left out.
11- How can we
become a Master of Light?
God is
everything and each person has the potential to become a
Master of Light himself or herself. It is our fears and
attachments which bind us to the earth and make us crawl
on our bellies (like "the serpent" in the
Bible - Genesis
3:14). We have to prove ourselves worthy to sit with the
Masters of Light.
12- What is
the meaning of dogma?
belief that separates man from man.
13- What is
meant by the Eternal Divine Path?
It is the path which was realized
in Eternity (before creation) and leads to Divinity. It
is the path revealed by
Maitreya as the essence of His
teachings (read
The Essence and
The Base
in THOTH).
14- What is
the difference between the man Jesus and the Christhood
of Jesus?
Esa (Jesus)
was an Avatar (god-man). He was god because he had come
from Pure Consciousness. He was man because he was in
the body. That is why he called himself a son of God
(god) and also a son of man (man).
In his Divine state he was Christ
and in his human body he was the man Esa (Jesus).
15- What about
should not let anything become your master but God, not
even your diet.
"What goes into the mouth
defileth not a person but what goes out of it defileth"
(Matthew 15:11). The man who has a clean heart but eats everything is
better than the man who follows a restricted diet but
has a dark heart.
Of course food has an effect on
those who cannot transform heavy (tamasic) foods to the
lighter energies. A moderate diet is the most preferable
one (see
"Food" in
Essays 3 in
16- Will there
be a special state or country where the
Mission will be
Mission of Maitreya is for the whole earth.
Other languages:
Maitreya is me, Maitreya is you
and all others. He is beyond and the near. He is the
Formless, Nameless, Invisible and Eternal (FINE). He is
all there is (Om Nam Kevalam). He is the One and the
Only. He is many in One. He is the force behind the
peace. He is and He is not. There is none beside Him (La Elaho Ela Hoo).
He is the One, the Incredible,
the Powerful. He is the Merciful, the Compassionate One,
He is the Destroyer, the Creator, the Preserver, the
Sustainer. There is none beside Him.
He is
Y'shua; He is Mehdi; He is the Savior; He is the
Messiah. He is the Knower of the Scriptures, He is the
Revealer of the Scripture, He is its Writer. He is the
Savior and the saved. There is none beside Him.
Maitreya is Christ (Christos:
Christ-us); He is Krishna; He is the Vishnu, He is
Brahma. He is Shiva.
Maitreya is the first Adam and the
second, and the third,... He is Mohammed and Bab and the
Babas. He is the Teacher and He is the Student. There is
none beside Him.
is the Buddha and the Bodhisattva. He is none but the
Nirvana itself. He is the Light seen in the moment of
death. He is the Enlightened One, the Truth and the Way. There is none beside Him.
He is Brahmacharya and the
Family Man. He is the Brahmin and the Rabbi. He is the
Priest and the Mullah. He is Hindu and Buddhist. He is
Jewish and Christian. He is Moslem and Baha'i. He is all
religions and is none of them. He is bound and is Free. There is none beside Him.
He is a
Brahmin; He is a Shudra (worker). He is a Ksattriya
(warrior); He is a Vipra (intellectual) and He is a
Vaeshya (businessman). He is an Avatar, a Prophet. He
is an Artist, a Guru and a Paravipra. He is economy and
the Force behind earthly powers. There is none beside
is the Father and the Mother. He is the Son and
The Holy Ghost. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the
beginning and the end. He is the first and the
last. There is none beside Him.
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