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Further Clarifications

Since the Revelations were finished in our last monthly gathering, we will have monthly "Further Clarifications" sessions starting from August 4th, 2007.  These sessions are to further explain and clarify the teachings.  Maitreya will be available in these monthly gatherings only to answer any questions left or to clarify and further explain the teachings.  These sessions also are for those who want to see where their religion falls into these teachings and/or would like to discuss, debate, and/or challenge Maitreya and His teachings. 

We invite all people to come, study with us, debate the teachings, argue, and challenge what God has sent to humanity.  We have the last Revelation from God and we would like all to see this, join, and help to bring His Kingdom on earth.

There are several ways to listen to the audios of these sessions.  To hear them directly, click on the "listen" link (no quotes).  To download them, right click on the link and then use the command "Save Target as ...," or you can go to our FTP site; to download files, click on the "download" link (again no quotes), find the date that the "Further Clarifications" was given, and download the file to your computer.  You can also read them by clicking on "read" (if it is available).

Further Clarifications for 2008
Further Clarifications for 2007
       Further Clarifications in the 2007 Feast of Tabernacles

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