: Those are
nice candles. You know white is the least selfish color in the
universe. It gives out all the colors it receives. It keeps nothing
Black is the most selfish one. It keeps everything
in and doesn't let anything out.
That's why I want you to wear white. You look so
graceful and beautiful. Also one of the reasons to wear white, and
long clothes for women, is that it makes you so graceful. When they
have paintings of angels, they all have white long dresses, and it
is so graceful.
I have never seen any woman wear a long white dress,
and not look graceful. The other day I saw three of you outside,
three white-clothed women. It looked just like angels were walking
in the garden. I said, "Look at those angels, they really are
Also that's what we have to create, graceful,
beautiful people in the communities, especially beautiful, graceful
women who are in the community. Those who see them will want to be
in such an environment with such graceful people.
For men it is also the same thing. It doesn't go
just for women. It goes for men too. Men also can become graceful
and very effective. Then I'm sure we're going to have a much more
beautiful environment with all of us manifesting what we're supposed
to manifest.
That Grace comes to us, it doesn't really have to be
forced. We are just suggesting these things. As you meditate, and
when you become closer to the Spirit, you will realize it yourself.
Yes, it even feels better. As someone said today, she feels much
more comfortable, much more respected, wearing modest clothes.
Also have you seen any angels with shorts? What
angels! We are not of this world, we are from heaven. We come
straight from heaven, so we have to bring heaven here. We have to
become a duplicate of God's Kingdom. That's how the people are in
God's Kingdom. Everyone is so graceful. Angels are so graceful.
Grace is beautiful. Grace is something that brings
out the best in everyone. We have a little of it, not a lot of it in
this world right now, because we are still trying to fight and make
wars and kill one another. That's not very graceful, is it?
: The sign of the KOHOE (
[second seal] looks very similar to the sign of the Paravipras (
Does that mean that the Paravipras will become God's people, God's
nation, as the Children of Israel were supposed to be, but failed?
: Yes, if you go through The Greatest
Sign, the sixth seal (
is the seal of the Paravipras, or the Elected Ones. As we mentioned
in THOTH, the Elected Ones are not an earthly nation,
they are a nation in God. They are not an earthly nation but are
like the Children of Abraham were. When they go through the first
five steps then they become Paravipras. "Para" means beyond and "vipra"
means intellect, so Paravipra means beyond intellect. It means
intuition, understanding with feeling, understanding with deep
knowledge of every situation. It's not something you analyze.
Of course, it's OK to analyze things. Intellect is
not bad. You have to analyze and try to come to a conclusion,
scientifically come to a conclusion, if you have a scientific mind.
But eventual discovery usually comes from deep intuition.
Just like Einstein, who didn't even know from where
E=MC2 came. He knew it was going to work. But he never could prove
why it worked, because he received it from a higher consciousness.
He realized this himself. In his writings you can see that he really
deeply believed in the higher consciousness, in God. That's why he
eventually came to the conclusion of the unified theory, or other
people who came after him, that there is a unified force behind this
So intuition is much stronger, much more powerful
than intellect. Intellect can make mistakes but real intuition never
makes mistakes. That's why we see intellectuals come up with these
theories and principles, and then in ten or fifteen years, or later,
someone else comes and destroys everything that the other person had
come up with.
Look at the theory of Newton. They had followed that
for centuries. Then Einstein brought his theory and Newton's theory
was out of Grace, out of the academic acceptance. Later on probably
someone is going to come and Einstein's theory is not going to be
the accepted theory any longer. See, the intellect was good, Newton
used it, analyzed it, and came to a conclusion. It made sense, but
later on they realized a theory more suited to explain the creation.
And that is what Paravipra really means, "beyond
intellect." He who has created intuition, realizing spiritual truth
with the deep intuitional understanding. Such a person is not
following society or the environment, or what the norm of the
culture is, but what is the truth for that culture that can help it
so it can come to a greater understanding of God and His Ways.
That's why we have a lot of preachers these days but
not the real teachers. We see Christ is in the spiritual world
everywhere, in the West, in the East, in the South, in the North.
But people don't find true spiritual beings who they can really go
to, learn and progress with. There are some who have some truth, who
are connected to the Spirit, and are very good. But we need more of
these kinds of people.
We don't only need spiritual people, we need
spiritual people who also are down to earth, who are here and now
and want to help the communities and want to solve the problems of
the communities, etc.
So that's why just meditating and awakening your
spiritual forces (
is not enough. We need the
Communities of Light (
Apparently it seems that the Children of Abraham, or Jewish people,
failed, and God was angry. He was yelling at them, "You generation
of," what-ever He called them. He showed anger.
But remember, God doesn't really become angry. He
might look angry sometimes, but inside He's laughing at you. He
looks very unhappy and angry, and He might even feel that you are
very miserable or something like that. But inside He's laughing,
saying, "This little child thinks I'm really serious about these
things." It is His nature to be Joyful. How can a nature which is
Joyful be bitter? It can't be bitter.
Of course, He might get a little upset if He said
something is to be done the way He thinks is the best way to be done
and that person doesn't do it the way it should have been done.
Because if He's God, He's supposed to know everything. So if the
other person doesn't do it He might become a little upset, but later
on still He would say, "My little child didn't want to do it, or
didn't understand it, or he wants his own way, he wants to do what
he thinks is the best thing."
Sometimes you think your way is the best way but
maybe the other person also has something that is worthwhile to
listen to. At least you have to listen to other points of view. If
the other person says, "This way is good," then you think, you
meditate and you say, "Yes, that's good, he or she knew something
about that situation."
Just like this Feast, if it were up to me probably
we wouldn't be here. But one of our missionaries said, "Let's have
it." Of course, I had mentioned it would be nice to start the Feast,
and she, as usual, picked up on my word and said, "Let's do it." So
I listened to her voice and we have the Feast.
Then she came up and said, "This is the building.
It's a nice place." She found it. Actually when we had the World
Unity Forum in Albuquerque, we looked everywhere for a place in
Albuquerque just like this center. We couldn't find one. That's why
we decided to go out of Albuquerque and have the Forum in the
northern part of New Mexico. Then those problems happened and we
decided, to have it in a hotel and just get it over with. And that
was it.
Since then this center has become available. I
didn't know that there was such a place. She came and said, "Let's
have the Feast."
I felt we were pushing it. We didn't have the
people, it was just the three of us. Of course, we were promised
that a few more people were going to come and join us, but I have
received so many promises before and then they didn't manifest.
Well, that was the seven years of confusion, of course. I'm hoping
from now on anyone who promises is going to carry it out.
But I wasn't sure we were going to have the people
here, for sure, to help. And if we wound up with three people to
carry out this Feast, that would be a very big job. So I was
resisting a lot on that, however, I meditated on it. She was
sincere, she really was sincere about it.
Eventually we gave in and said, "It's fine, sure,
let's do it. We will just trust the Spirit and hopefully the three
who promised, are going to be here." Of course, one is not here, but
I wish he was here because he's very talented in music, and he does
Haree Om Shrii Hung very well.
Anyway, we have to consider other people's opinions,
at least meditate on them. Maybe other people have something we can
benefit from. If we find out that it is true then we should accept
it. If we don't and we are right then of course, we have to stay
firm in what we believe. We say either no, or yes, or bring it up
and discuss it, and eventually come to an agreement with one another
without irritating one another, or creating any resentment.
So with a lot of "Jewish" people it's very hard to
know where their origin is. Are they really the Children of Israel?
It's very hard to tell. They might be the Children of Israel but
they might not.
There is a book called The Thirteen Tribes of
The Thirteen Tribes of Israel talks about a nation by
the name of Khazar that used to be just north of Iran on the West
side of the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea is just north of Iran.
These people called themselves Jews and they had a kingdom there.
What happened was, to the south they were connected
to the Islamic dominated nations, like the Arab nations, Iran and
places like that. To the west and north they were connected to the
Christian nations. They were in the middle, pulled by two forces.
The king, in order to bring a balance and at the
same time get tension away from these two powerful forces, claimed
his nation as a "Jewish" nation. So they didn't have to be converted
to become Moslems or Christians.
Also because Jewish people were one of the people of
the book, Moslems accepted them being there and just continued to
coexist with them. These people were eventually, of course,
assimilated into the Russian culture. That's why we see there are so
many Jewish people in Russia. Eventually a lot of them ended up in
Europe and came to the United States.
Were these people really the Children of Israel?
It's hard to tell. They might have been, because as we remember
there were the ten tribes that many don't know what happened to
them. Maybe some of them were the ones who left Israel, went to this
area and resided there.
Really the word Jewish no longer is significant as a
very unique nation, and without any other genes but the Children of
Israel's genes in them. It means they lived a traumatic life. They
were persecuted in many nations and a lot of things happened to
them. It is very hard for them to have stayed as completely pure as
many like to believe.
Also that was God's Plan. They had done their part.
When God chose them as the chosen people, He chose them as a tribe,
as a community. He didn't choose them as the Paravipras. They were
chosen just to emphasize that the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth is so
important, and that the Communities of Light are so important to us.
Now when The Greatest Sign comes, we can
relate to the second seal (
of the
Communities of Light, not that they were Paravipras. They
really weren't the real chosen ones because if you say, only Jewish
people are the chosen people then we are separating humans from
humans again. That means the rest are not chosen?
God doesn't work that way. The whole universe is
God. The whole universe is consciousness. So a chosen person can be
a Jew, can be a Christian, can be a Moslem, can be a Hindu, can be a
Buddhist, etc.
Now, what is the yardstick to find the chosen
person? That is where
The Greatest Sign comes in. Not only do you have to work
toward the creation of the
Communities of Light, which is the second seal (
you also have to learn not to be self-centered, to sacrifice (
to be submissive to the Will of God (
and to become a Universalist (
Then you are a Paravipra (
Then you are the real Children of Israel. You are
the child of Light, and that is why you can see that there is a
similarity between the sixth seal (
and the second seal (
Both of these seals relate to the Kingdom, to the chosen ones. But
one of them relates to the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth, which is the
Communities of Light. That is related to the Jewish people
and the Children of Israel, and they were very earthly too.
Jewish people are very smart, very earthly and
became good business people. Anywhere they went they were
industrious people. After awhile they became the richest people
around because they knew how to become involved with business and
things like that.
They are also very community oriented, very family
oriented. Family is very strong and powerful. Actually that's why
they survived, because the family structure was powerful. That's why
Jewish people are so strong, their family structure is strong and
the community power is strong.
But the real Children of Israel are the people who
reach the sixth seal (
They go through that process, they realize God, and they work for
the whole universe. Such a people are the ones who are going to be
attracted to the
Mission, to our work. They are going to start working in a
higher level, not as a separated nation, but as a nation of God. As
I said, it can be any person. We just reach out and we invite them
again and again to come here, and as they realize
The Greatest Sign more, greater numbers of them will join us.
In The Revelation, if you read about the
sixth seal, you will see that it talks about how those who reach the
sixth seal are the real Jews. It relates to them as the real Jewish
people. The reason for it is that it is the truth, because Jewish
people were supposed to be an example of God-conscious people for
the rest of humanity.
But they were not the Paravipras. They were just
chosen to bring the concept of communities and the Kingdom Of Heaven
On Earth. The only way the Kingdom can come is through communities
which accept God as their only King and their only source of
strength and relationship, etc.
So I don't think they failed. I think they
transmitted the message which they were supposed to give to
humanity, very well. That's why we have it here, in
The Greatest Sign. It very powerfully gives the idea of the
community, the family structure, etc.
: What can I do to prepare for the next
Feast of Tabernacles? Are all invited or only those connected to the
: Start putting money away, [all
laughing] so you have money to pay for it.
But besides that, of course, we have to start
practicing the tools the
Mission has given for our purification. We saw a glimpse of
Mission's tools, the things that we recommend to be done
here, for instance, chanting, dancing, meditating, doing
The Reminder, fasting, and keeping the Sabbath Holy by
keeping it quiet, restful, and fasting on Saturday.
Read THOTH, meditate, look at The
Greatest Sign, read the transcripts of what we talked about,
become more familiar with the
Mission, and become closer to the Spirit of God that brought
you here and put us altogether. Eventually get involved with the
Mission's activities, etc.
Really we are the first people who started the Feast
of Tabernacles together. So we are very special in a kind of way,
and we saw a glimpse of it how it's done and how wonderful it can
be. The energy here was so wonderful. The people who came blended
together so well, and that's beautiful. No un-blending energy really
was felt here. We flowed together and it was very, very pretty. The
Feast will continue like that.
As we become a stronger family -- as a group of
people who realize this teaching and what we are doing here, as
incredible things are happening on earth -- we will create a
nucleus, a powerful nucleus that's going to radiate that Spirit out.
It doesn't matter what kind of energy comes later on, they're just
going to be filled with this energy.
The Mission is like a pond right now. It's a
small body of water, it's a small seed germinating. When you have a
small pond, if you put a big stone in it, what happens? The water
jumps all over and is greatly disturbed. Also it evaporates faster.
But as more water is added to this pond, eventually it becomes a big
lake. Now throw a big stone in the lake, what happens? A couple of
waves occur. The lake stays calm and undisturbed.
So hopefully we accomplished something this week
that is going to carry on with you when you leave here, and you'll
be more sincere about really continuing with these tools, meditating
on what we did this week, and become stronger in your faith. Then
you will become stronger in your commitment to this work by doing it
and being connected with the
Mission and with us.
If we work together we create greater and greater
strength among ourselves. So next year when the Feast comes, we will
already have a strong nucleus built up around the Feast. We have
twelve more people who are really as one together with us. Then
we're going to start the Feast next year with a much stronger
beginning, with a greater degree of the energy together. So it's
important that we follow these things to the next Feast and prepare
ourselves for that, which is to come.
It seems that it's going to be a much larger Feast,
it's closer to more people in Florida and it's easier for the people
from Quebec to come there. Also we have those working in Boston. It
will be easier for the people from Boston to come too. Who knows
from where else they're going to come?
The people from India, six of them, really wanted to
come to this Feast. They didn't make it, they didn't receive visas.
It's sad that we should have these barriers between humans and
humans, blocking the ability of the good people to come together,
because we still have separation between borders, etc. But they
might still be interested to come to Florida.
Maybe someone wants to come from Australia, Asia,
Africa, South America, etc. The only thing is we are going to do our
best, and we are going to continue for the next twelve months to
reach as many people out there as we can. Our secretary will
probably be at the computer typing away at it. Of course, hopefully
we will have more people to help the
Mission. But that's where we are right now.
When next year comes, of course, anyone can come.
The Feast doesn't belong only to the people who are connected to us.
Anyone who is interested can come to the Feast of Tabernacles. It is
the Feast of the Lord. It belongs to everyone and anyone who loves
the Lord and wants to be with Him. It doesn't belong to only the
Mission. It doesn't belong to only those who are connected to
us, it belongs to every being.
Of course, it's going to be expensive for some
people to come there. Hopefully we're going to have the Feast in
many places in the future, so the people don't have to travel. But
Florida is so accessible it seems like it is as easy to have it in
Florida as to have it at the same time in Quebec or Boston.
So that is the way, really wrap yourself up into the
Mission, into the things that we have been given, if you want
to be prepared, because these things have a very subtle and powerful
spiritual effect on us.
Like I said, Haree Om Shrii Hung is a mantra.
It's something that affects your chakras. It brings the energy up,
up, up. Hopefully one day in the Feast we might have 24 hours of
Haree Om Shrii Hung going on.
Just imagine if we have a couple of thousand people
in groups. If we have around 900 people we can have groups of 20 to
chant for half an hour segments. So for 24 hours someone is singing
Haree Om Shrii Hung. If you want to meditate, go to that room
where they're singing
Haree Om Shrii Hung, and just sit and meditate. You're going
to have a very good meditation. We're not there yet, but that's
another thing that can be done in the Feast. As it grows, as I said,
we can have it everywhere.
The Reminder itself is very powerful and very
effective. It has a lot of effect on the body. You stretch muscles
that you never use. Actually it's a kind of yoga in itself. It's a
kind of I-Ching at the same time, because you are concentrating on
higher thoughts, in higher energy. It makes you very healthy, it
pushes the mucus out of your body. When you bend your head, the
mucus comes out of your body. It helps to get rid of some of the
toxins in your body. Mucus is a toxin. Mucus is not something that
comes from nowhere, it's a toxin.
With the bath ideation, every time you take a bath,
you baptize yourself. You promise that you're going to be pure and
you're baptized. That's an act of baptism. And every time you
baptize yourself you have a new start, don't you? You can have a new
start every day, and on and on. There's so much there that it's hard
to go over all of them.
If you don't use these tools, you won't see the
effect. You have to do them and do them constantly, every day, for a
long period of time to see the effect. Just like an athlete who
doesn't exercise for a couple of days or a couple of weeks is out of
shape, this is the same thing. If you don't do these exercises for a
long time, you will be out of shape. You will no longer feel like
doing them anymore.
Also it is a discipline. It disciplines you to do
these in a specific time period. You create a stronger mind and a
stronger will because you have to do it, and you want to do it.
There are a lot of wonderful reasons behind using
these tools. It's not just a silly
Haree Om Shrii Hung. Of course, it's very hard for
intellectuals to do the
Haree Om Shrii Hung because it sounds silly to them, they are
so tight, they are so intellectual. "I should dance like that? Am I
crazy or something? What are these silly things this guy is telling
us to do?" But if they do it they will love it. If they do it for
awhile they will love it especially when more people are doing it.
As I said, just imagine five or six hundred people
Haree Om Shrii Hung together. You would go to samadhi! It is
a very powerful thing.
So that is the way we prepare ourselves for the next
Feast. When the next Feast comes then we are going to sing
Haree Om Shrii Hung very well. Oh, we're already doing it.
That's how it's done, and everyone can come. It
sounds like a poem, doesn't it? That's how it's done, everyone can
: This next question could really be
from all of us. Thank you
Maitreya, thank you, thank you, thank you, how can we ever
thank you?
: By doing the Will of the Father. That
is how it's done. That is music to my ears, when I see someone is
doing the Will of the Father, is doing the
Mission. When I hear someone is typing those letters,
transcribing the Satsangs, or whatever they feel to do at that
moment, that click, click, click is just like music saying, "I am
going to the world."
People are going to be touched by these words. They
are going to be realizing that the unification of humanity is here.
We are here to do it, and they are here to hear these words that
come from the Spirit.
This earth desperately needs this teaching. As
Christ said, "When the sky is red, you know it's going to be a fair
night." That is a sign. And that's what they're asking, Give us a
sign. Of course, it is the vipers who are still asking for the
signs. But eventually you say, this is the Sign. We look around us
and we see the signs are all over the earth.
So why am I here? That is why I am here. Otherwise I
wouldn't be here, I would be in the heart of the Father in Bliss,
and not worry about this earth, just being in the Blissful state of
being in the Spirit.
But I'm here for a reason, for a purpose and that
purpose is my focus. That's all I am here for. Otherwise probably I
would leave my body tomorrow. And that purpose is very, very
important for my presence here.
So that is how you can thank the Lord for what we
are here and do here. We are doing His Will by doing the
Mission and letting it happen. It will happen. No doubt about
God has provided us with this situation so it is
much easier now than ever to do it. We have reached many more Souls,
a wider area, than any other Prophet in history has reached. Moses,
or Abraham, or Christ, or Mohammed, or Bab never had the opportunity
to send letters to the rest of the world, make a video tape and let
humanity know the Message is here.
We have the ability to reach a much greater mass at
this time than ever before. There is, of course, a critical point
that many are aware of, and if we can bring the mass to that
critical point to realize that we need a change on this earth, it's
going to happen. I don't know if you know about the critical point.
If there is something heavy under the water and you
start putting air bubbles underneath it, there is a point when just
one more bubble added causes that thing to start coming up to the
surface. Until that last bubble, it's going to stay down there. It's
very hard to move it. But when you put that last bubble it comes to
the surface.
That's probably when we will have l43,999. After the
last person (144,000) comes and joins us, we will see the
Mission start coming right out of the bottom of the lake.
So we just need that critical mass, that critical
point of changing this world to the New Era, the Golden Age, the age
when we understand the Spirit and we are connected to the Spirit. A
lot of people out there are not connected to the Spirit, are
completely gross and don't even know they have a Spirit. When your
heart is touched by that Spirit, then you are on your way to Pure
Consciousness, to progress and know God works in your life. Some of
us are luckier to know that in this lifetime and to see the hand of
God in our lives.
Like that story I told you this morning about what
happened to me, that can't happen just by itself. There should be a
Spirit doing it. But it is not only in my life, it's in your life
too. If you are sensitive enough, you can see God working through
your life, the way He worked to get you here the way you are.
Sometimes you don't realize it, but it is true.
You do not realize God is in your life when your
mind is not calm but is disturbed. For instance, your boyfriend
leaves you. You let him go and he never comes back. But if you
meditate and see the Spirit behind it, then you say, "Well, if that
hadn't happened I wouldn't be here, would I?" You probably would
still be with your boyfriend.
Or I divorced. OK that hurts. You had such a nice
relationship, family, everything and then it happened. When it
happened, you became upset. But did you meditate on it? If it had
not happened you probably would not be here.
These are all happening with the Spirit behind them.
They happen because you have reached a point in your evolution that
you have to go on to another level. You have to leave your
attachment and go on. Evolution is not by chance. There is a Spirit
even behind evolution. Evolution is a Spirit.
If we can recognize that, realize that and see that
we are here to do this
Mission strongly and powerfully, we are called for it. We see
the Spirit in it so we know we are called for it. If we're called
for it, then we meditate, we become closer to the Spirit, become
stronger in the Spirit and we do it together.
Then I will thank you if that happens because the
sooner you do it, the earlier I can go back [all laughing]!