Calling Elects
In this Satsang, Maitreya
gives the introductory Message From Maitreya
now found on our
Therefore we found it suitable to use as an introduction
to the Mission. If you have
questions about specific terms or subjects in this
Satsang, we encourage you to search for them on this
website using the search function to the left.

Maitreya: Sal-OM Everyone.
Welcome to the "Conversation Room."
This month we will be doing this Conversation a little
differently. We are creating an introductory CD
for the Mission. The lecture and conversation, at
least for the first twenty minutes to a half an hour,
will be directed to the people who will be listening to
the CD. Therefore we will try to present the
Mission to them and give them the base of the teaching,
why we claim what we claim, and why we are at the moment
that God prophesied would come to humanity. After
I am done I probably will give you a signal and then if
you have a question, we can go ahead.
Welcome to the Mission. This is Maitreya
giving this introductory lecture. Also we
encourage you to study further. Go to our website
and search to see, "Is it really from God or not?"
If it is from God then it is a Call to you to turn
around and accept it as a Revelation from God.
This universe has been created for a purpose, for a
reason. And the reason for this creation is to
bring the darkness that was formed in the very beginning
because a part of the essence separated itself from God,
to turn and go back to Light and Oneness with God.
Twelve thousand years ago God decided to create man the
way he is now, and to create the history so when we
reach to this point, many of those who have been
meditating, progressing, and have been incarnated for
many lifetimes will be called to come together to help
the darkness to turn around and go to God, which is the
goal of life.
Of course, before the history and twelve thousand years
ago, a Path has been founded by the Spirit of God, which
went through that darkness and went through that Path
and eventually reached the Light. And that Path
became the essence of progress for the darkness to turn
around and go back to the Light. That Path is
called, the Eternal Divine Path.
This Path has five steps and two results. God has
been sending the revelations to humanity for the last
twelve thousand years and revealing a part of this
Path in the major religions on earth.
The first step in this Path is the Mystical Paths or the
awakening of the spiritual forces in man, which are
latent in the base of their spines. Many
techniques have been given all through history to
accomplish this.
This Path was revealed after the flood of Noah by Noah
to his children, and spread all over the earth, and
eventually became the Spirit behind all religions.
And the religions that mostly follow this Path
are Hinduism, Buddhism, Kabbala, Christian Saints,
Sufis, and many other cultures that follow the saying,
"Know thyself to know God," or, "Be Still and know that
I am," or my essence is, "God."
Many of these religions or Mystical People
believe that is the only way to go to God. They
believe that God is not an explanation but It is an
experience. Therefore, they give you the tools to
experience that mystical state of unification or unity
with God. However, that is not the end of the
spiritual path.
The second step is the creation of the Communities of
Light. That part of the plan of God was
revealed in the Old Testament where God is trying to
find a people, the twelve tribes of Israel, to become
His people, accept Him as their King, and follow His
Laws so they can create a community based on the Spirit
of God. At the same time God promised Abram or
Abraham that his children (the child of Abram was
Ishmael, and the child of Abraham was Isaac) also would
each bring a revelation to humanity.
The next step in the creation of the Communities of
Light is to sacrifice. In order to create the
community that is based on God and people can live in,
in peace and unity without fear, insecurity, and
violence, that the people will know each other, they
will come to understand one another, and will become
familiar with each other, you have to give of yourself
in this community and become involved in it so you can
know each other and eventually become One.
This part of the Eternal Divine Path is the New
Testament. Christ brought it to humanity by
sacrificing himself and showing, "Love your neighbor as
you love yourself." The community that is based on
selfishness, self-centeredness, disunity, and not
sharing will not bring peace, unity, and security to
such a community.
As we sacrifice and we try to establish the
Communities of Light, we might not succeed and
therefore we become discouraged. We might fall off
from the Path. Or we might succeed, and we
become elated and take the credit. Ego comes in
and again we will fall.
Therefore, the next step is surrendering and submission
to the Will of God. Surrendering means we do our
best to create the
Communities of Light. We do our best to
sacrifice in the Communities of Light. We
meditate, we awaken our spiritual forces, but we
surrender the result to God.
We say, "OK, I did my best that I can do, or I know how
to do, but I surrender the result to God.
Therefore I am not attached to the result.
Whatever the result is, I look at it, I improve on what
I do, I will try to do better or improve whatever is not
correct and Holy, and surrender the result to You.
And eventually I will find the best way to bring the
Kingdom of God on earth."
Even greater than surrendering is submission. It
is to realize that God is the Doer, and you are just a
channel for His Doing. And because God is perfect,
you will do the perfect job.
This is also what Christ taught that, Do your best and
glorify God. And Prophet Muhammad said, "You did
not throw the spear, but God did." That means that
when God comes through, that is perfection. If we
truly let Him come through, we do perfectly.
This revelation of surrendering and submission came
through Prophet Muhammad to humanity. Islam is the
fourth seal in the Eternal Divine Path.
However, still in that state we
might become interested only in our own community, in
our own nation, in our own religion, and narrowness of
the mind might still creep in and not let us see God in
Its whole Glory. The next step is to shatter all
the narrowness of the mind and recognize that God is
indeed everything.
When God saw the darkness He had to create this universe
with His own Body and the darkness so He could help them
to turn around and go back to the Essence. This
creation has been created by the Body of God, therefore,
God indeed is everything.
If He is everything then our home is the universe, and
our parents are God (in the two states of male and
female, father and mother), and we do not belong to any
specific area in the world, or religion, or gender, but
the essence of every man, and woman, and child is God.
Everything else also belongs to God and is God.
Therefore, we become universalists. We shatter all
the narrowness of the mind. We free ourselves of
all the bondages that this external world can put on us,
and we become free of those narrowing ideas that man is
so attached to. This revelation has come through
Bab and Baha'u'llah who brought the Baha'i religion to
humanity, and they are the Fifth Seal in the Eternal
Divine Path.
Anyone who tries to awaken their spiritual forces,
meditates, contemplates, concentrates, and follows all
the rituals and techniques that have been given to them
to awaken the spirit within and eventually experience
God, or, even before experiencing God completely, joins
a Community of Light or at least tries to create
one, and realizes that in order to create the
Communities of Light
they have to sacrifice in the Communities of Light
for the Communities of Light, then surrenders and
submits the results of their actions to God and becomes
a universalist...these five steps make them to become the
Elects are those who follow the Eternal Divine Path
and shatter all narrowness of the mind and also create
other qualities that are explained in our teachings.
The Elects are the Sixth Seal in the Eternal Divine
Path. They are the ones that God has revealed
to humanity through all His Scriptures, "My Elects," "The salt of the world," those who listen to God and His
Prophets and follow the revelations of God.
It is these Elects that are called by God at this time,
to create the initial facilitating body for the creation
of the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. This revelation
or explanation of who is an Elect has been given by a
gentleman by the name of P.R. Sarkar in India, my Guru
when I started my journey. He is the first person
who explained who is an Elect.
Of course, with our teachings and further explanation of
who they are, it clearly shows who can call himself an
Elect. It is not he who follows a specific
religion. It is a quality. It is a
manifestation through a person that makes them an Elect.
So, it is these Elects that will create the base of the
coming of the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth, and the whole
body will be emerging from the Communities of Light
based on the Eternal Divine Path.
Not every community is a Community of Light.
If they are not based on the Eternal Divine Path,
they are just another community.
We can see with this teaching that not only a Path has
been given that leads to the creation of the Elects, but
also it shows that all religions of the world have a
part of a greater truth. When we put all of them
together we can see the whole picture, the whole truth
that God has been trying to reveal for the last twelve
thousand years.
He clearly said to many of His Prophets that He is not
revealing everything to them, or told them to hide and
not reveal it to everyone. He said that to Daniel,
not to reveal his vision of the end time to anyone.
He said to Prophet Muhammad that, "I did not reveal
everything to you." And all other Prophets also
probably felt that they did not reveal everything.
There is much more that they could have revealed or they
did not know about.
Also, this is confirmed, in chapter 10:7 in The
Revelation that, "God is a mystery until the Seventh
Revelation, or Angel, comes and opens the Seventh Seal."
The only person who can open that Seventh Seal is the
Lion of the Tribe of Judah, he who has
connection to
King David and Abraham, and there is
much other evidence
that has been given to you for you to go and prove this
to yourself.
With this explanation and other evidence, we have given
you the Message. And we are done because the duty
of the Messenger is to give the Message. Of
course, the Message is for you to see the truth that God
has been revealing to humanity to this point and it is a
Call for you to come, join, create the
Communities of Light, and eventually spread these
Words and Revelation to every corner on earth, and
gather the Elects together so we can bring the Kingdom
of God on earth. This will happen with us or
without us, but blessed is he who will be a part of this
amazing endeavor.
I leave you to God and hopefully you will listen to
this, search the truth, and prove to yourself that
indeed there is the last Revelation of God on earth and
you will do your obligation as this Revelation calls you
to do.
Now the room is open as a regular Satsang, or "Calling
Elects." As usual, I hope all of you have gone to
the website and studied our teachings. More and
more are realizing that the earth indeed is in an
upheaval, and the last part of God's Plan for humanity
has been reached.
The Mission indeed has been done. The Message has
been given. Many lectures have been provided to
humanity, answers to questions have been given, but the
human still follows their own little world or
understanding. We need people who can awaken other
people to the realization that there is a new way and a
new way of thinking.
There are many, many questions that have already been
answered in the website. Go to the website and
search for them.
We can see last month so many things happened on earth,
and so many upheavals and destructive forces happened,
not only it is global warming that people are now
getting to concentrate on, the rumors of war, the
struggle between the East and the West, even some people
are coming out with the idea that God is not great.
It is not only the struggle between the people who have
religion but also between atheists and intellectuals who
want to put God out. All levels are trying to
change the human mind to what they have recognized and
love. We will see who will be the victorious ones
at the end.
The good thing about our teaching is that even an
atheist can see that God exists. Yes, an atheist
cannot explain God. An atheist cannot experience
God. But an atheist has intellect that concludes
that there is no God. When in our teaching they
will see that God said that He will do these things all
through history and He has accomplished them, their
intellect can no longer say, "It does not exist."
At least they have to acknowledge that, "Yes, indeed,
this thing happened in history. If someone told
that these things are going to happen in the future,
that Being has to exist." Therefore, even atheists
can be guided to recognize that God is and they also
might consider meditating, awakening their spiritual
forces, and eventually experiencing God.
Other religions are also holding
to their beliefs, dogmas, misunderstandings, and are
fighting with each other. Also each culture
believes they have a better way to live.
There is only one culture and that
is the culture of God, or the dharma, or the essence of
everything in the universe. If every culture and
community in the universe looks at every situation and
sees how God created that situation, then they will
follow the dharma (the innate nature) of everything, and
they will create a culture that is based on the Spirit,
is just, is safe, and is beautiful. Therefore they
can create the Kingdom of God not only within themselves
but also around themselves, eventually in the community,
and create the Kingdom within and without. At the
end the culture of God will prevail.
Whatever is man made will create
suffering, separation, and destruction. Whatever
is created by God will create unity, beauty, and the
Kingdom. Therefore, none of the cultures on earth
can claim that they have the truth or are the best,
except for the culture of God, which humanity has to
meditate on and eventually create on earth. Even
this earth is not going to last forever and eventually
will be destroyed. Humanity has to recognize that
their selfishness, self centeredness, and attachments
will destroy them if they do not stop, think, listen to
God, come together as one humanity, reach out to space,
and colonialize other planets so they can spread the
seed all over the universe. Therefore, they can
continue to exist.
Of course, eventually the whole
universe will be destroyed. Hopefully by then most
of the darkness has returned to Light. Hopefully
the whole darkness has reached to Light.
We have to awaken this sense of
responsibility in ourselves and come out of our little
lives, become bigger than life. Therefore you can
accomplish great things in your life.
If we become small in our thinking
and attached to little things that bother us, then we
cannot become bigger than life. You have to be
able to go out on the limb, go beyond the norm. Do
you want to accomplish great things? You have to
go beyond the path of man. You have to overcome
the fears that keep you from jumping with both feet into
God's Plan.
If God created this universe, if
He created the history, if He sent religions and guided
man and history to this point, and you are a part of His
Plan, do you think He will abandon you and you will not
be protected and provided for? You have to put God
first, get rid of all the fears, and recognize that
indeed, no matter what happens around you, you will be
This Revelation has come to New
Mexico. It is probably one of the safest places
you can be at this end time. You can start the
Communities of Light and the Mission wherever you
are but you have to start. You have to start
reaching out, you have to start letting other people
know about it.
There will be a time that things
are going to get so bad that many people will want to
come and join us and be with us. We have to
prepare ourselves for that time because God said the
tribulation will come.
I am not trying to scare anyone.
That is what the Revelation says, "The terrible day of
God is upon us," and we have to recognize that this is
His last Revelation.
If it is not the last Revelation
and indeed it is not the Call to humanity to come
together, then prove it to me. If it is not, then
we have to find what is.
If indeed someone is going to come
from the sky and say, "Here I am. Everything is
going to be OK," why did God not do that from the very
beginning when He first found the darkness?
Apparently the darkness had his own free will. God
could not interfere with that free will because that
darkness was a part of God and probably as powerful.
As many said, "The devil is very powerful."
Of course, we know the devil is
not a being. It is that darkness that fell off
from the Light and said, "I know better than the rest of
the universe."
It is not going to happen.
No one is going to suddenly show up from the sky, not
even from the Himalayas and say, "Everything is going to
be OK," and everything is going to be OK.
That is why God went through
twelve thousand years of choosing the Elects. Now
they are here. They are the ones who want to do
this Mission and reach out and create the Communities
of Light and the Kingdom. Humanity has to
recognize that there is a purpose, there is a reason for
this creation and create the earth that is based and is
established toward accomplishing that goal, accelerating
the human progress to turn around and return to God.
This life is not coming here with
no purpose and reason, eating, sleeping, making
children, and dying. That even animals can do.
The human has been created to awaken the spiritual
forces, to create an environment that all can progress
faster, learn how not to be self-centered and selfish,
realize that they are not the best doer but God Is, and
shatter all the narrowness of the mind. That is
why we are here.
If we are attached to the mundane
life and still struggling with this mundanity, then we
have to awaken ourselves to the realization that, "I
have to become bigger than life. If I listen to
the life itself I will be small, will be pulled down to
Maya, and I will be lost." That we have to teach
ourselves. This we have to teach humanity.
This we have to teach the children from the very
beginning, "You have come to this world for a purpose,
for a reason. You have come here to follow the
Eternal Divine Path, to create the Kingdom Of Heaven
On Earth, to accelerate your progress and others.
Therefore, from the beginning the children know why they
are here. They are not going to be influenced with
the external world and the pulls that the false prophets
and teachers teach them every day.
As our numbers increase and more
people recognize this, our power is going to be greater
to influence the environment than a few people
recognizing this and just keeping it to themselves, and
the children are still influenced with the ungodly
things that are happening out there.
Many are lost and they think that
the goal of the life is this or that. And even
that changes every six months to something new,
something different, to just keep you interested.
But none of them leads you to the goal of the life and
will not lead you back to God.
If you are an Elect, if you indeed
recognize and see this Vision clearly, you have to go
deeper inside and realize that you have the
responsibility to convey this message to the rest of
humanity, you have to go beyond this mundane life, and
you indeed have to become bigger than life. If you
are not bigger than life then life is bigger than you,
and it will smother you. "Where is my food going
to come from? My body aches. My desires.
My wants. My place in society. My fame. My
this and my that." There are so many pulls that
will pull you all in many different directions, and you
have to say no. "My goal is none of this."
Of course, take care of your
physical body. Eat good food, nutritional food.
And especially come to the community and create an
environment that organic food will be served and cooked
so that you have a good nutritional food from God.
Exercise for keeping the body in
good shape. Meditate and do yoga to get the
chakras and innersize, and get that in good shape.
At the same time, there is a time
when we can do nothing about it. You get to the
point that you have to let this body go and get another
body and come back. But you will come back.
Especially from now on, those who
will be back are those that are bigger than life, that
are the Paravipras. They are responsible people
who want to do the Will of God.
Those who will not listen to this
teaching and will not understand God's Plan will not be
reincarnated. Period. This is not the time
as Christ said, "If a sheep goes away, the shepard will
go and find it and bring it back." That was that
time. This is the time of sundering. Indeed
when the sheep goes away, if the sheep does not come
back itself, it will be lost and will be sundered.
We can see that God's
Plan is now to bring the cream of the crop, and we are
churning the milk. Usually the cream is very
little. If you ever see how they churn the milk
and get the butter at the top, there are probably
hundreds of times of what they obtain as butter is what
is left of the milk.
The earth has been churned by God
and the cream has to come up, "Who sees the Vision."
Indeed the earth is in upheaval. Who is right?
Is the West right or is the East right? Are the
Moslems right or are the Jews right? Are the
Christians right or are the Hindus right?
Is that atheist that says, "God is
not great," right? Or, are those who say
everything is evolution, there is no Creator?
There is such confusion!
Are we confused if we know the
teaching? No. They all have a part of the
truth. Yes, there is evolution. But there is
a Logic, Intelligence, behind evolution. Yes, we
understand the atheists that reject the dogmas of the
religions. But the essence of our teaching and how
God created the history will appeal to them.
Now how and why this Revelation is
not spreading as fast and faster than it should be, we
have to trust in God that said this lifetime is the time
of the thief of the night.
The Revelation is incredible.
The Truth in It is amazing. But at the same time
Maya has become more powerful, and human separation has
become more pronounced. And because of the
communication and the ability to destroy themselves in a
greater degree, they are going toward a great
It is not that a Moslem is living
six months to a year from a Christian society. It
is not that if you have crusades you have to travel
months to get there and fight them, or be fought
against. You can be there in fifteen, sixteen
hours. So we can see that the communication, the
transportation, everything has been accelerated for them
to be in a greater degree of conflicts.
But we do not have any conflict.
We are not in conflict with anyone or anything.
This teaching has explained everything, with The Grace
of God, to humanity, unified them, and explained to
them. We do not have any confusion whatsoever.
We do not think that all the
people that have different religions are different.
We know that each of them have a great truth. But
also they have a lot of dogmas, misunderstanding, and
history with each other. Lots of blood has been
spilled between them. Now is the time to say that
we have shed all that blood because of our own
misunderstanding and not knowing the whole Plan.
That is what we have to teach
them. That is what we have to bring to humanity to
make them recognize that there is no separation between
anyone and anyone else.
God gives to some people sometimes
and then He takes it away. If humans understand
that, they recognize it is not their doing but it is
God's Grace and Blessing on them. It happened to
the Persians, to the Romans, to the Greeks, to England.
There is a lesson there for all humanity and nations, to
realize that God is the One behind history.
Therefore, they all humble
themselves in front of God, come together and listen to
this Call that has been sent to them, and
The Letter
that is Calling them to recognize the great upheaval
coming to them. It is up to them now to make the
My Mission is not going faster,
probably because we are in that half an hour of silence
that has been predicted would come before the
tribulation. That Letter is the beginning of that
Isn't it amazing? We are in
a time that all these things are coming to a head and we
are the Blessed ones that know exactly how the things
should be, will work, and will happen. Indeed God
has Blessed us greatly and we should be thankful for He
has revealed this to us. So do not wait. Do
not sit on the fringes and not get involved.
Also when you claim that you have
progressed, you have seen the Vision, you are with the
Mission, you have found It the greatest Revelation ever,
and you are a part of It, as Prophet Muhammad said, "You
think you believe, and you will not be tested?"
The true believer with the faith
is like iron. No matter how much tribulation and
problem comes to them (as you hammer iron and the iron
becomes stronger), the true believer with faith will
become stronger because they truly believe in the Word
of God and they know that what has been said here will
come true. So at the end they are the victorious
ones. They will be a part of God's work.
God promised many things, and He
has accomplished them. Therefore this is going to
I want to be with that bandwagon.
I want to be with the victorious ones. And I
believe this is the Victory. This is the bandwagon
that will succeed. So come aboard. Let us be
one of those that indeed sees this Vision clearly.
I see there is a question from
hosanna_edp: Sal-OM Maitreya, could you
explain the taking of the rib of Adam in Genesis 2, and
then Adam and Eve receiving physical bodies in Genesis
Maitreya: It is clear that it is a symbolic saying
that God took the rib of Adam. It means that God
separated them and put different qualities that He
wanted to be presented into man and woman. Men and
women are not created the same. They are different, and
God took a part of Adam and made woman.
With this, of course, man is no
longer alone, or all one, but now it is in two separate
beings that will be very attracted to each other.
They seek each other and with that they create an
environment that they go more and more toward desiring
to have a partner, to have that part that has been taken
away from them back to them.
As you can see, and as you
mentioned, they did not have a body as we have now.
It was in spirit that they were separated. It is
in the quality or the specific ways that both were
together and completed each other that they were
separated in spirit. Therefore, it is not really a
rib that has been taken because there was no rib.
As we just mentioned, they did not even have a physical
body. How could they have ribs?
It is clear that it is symbolic.
God took part of them and created man and woman.
So, it is symbolic. It was before the human had
any body that God has created man and woman. Man
and woman are different in many ways but at the same
time they are all necessary to create an environment
that we can create the Communities of Light.
Each of them have to recognize
their strengths and their weaknesses. Every one of
them have to see what is the innate nature that God put
in them, why they have been created the way they have
been created, be honest about it, admit to it, surrender
and submit to the Will of God, and therefore become what
God created them for and why God created them the way He
created them. However, they are complementary
beings that indeed complement each other if they both
concentrate on God.
I guess we are at the end of our
time again. I hope the CD that we are making will
be out soon. We will send it free to anyone who
wants it. It is an introduction. It includes
the Letter to Humanity, an introduction to the Mission,
and the Satsang I just gave. Or maybe, if it did
not work, we might give other Satsangs, as an
introduction to the teaching.
Again, go to the website, study
our teaching, and recognize that it is the end time.
Become bigger than life. Come, join, start the
communities, and become an example for humanity.
Sal-OM everyone. Have
a wonderful month and be with God.